Awards[edit | edit source]
Random Shizz[edit | edit source]
Writer of the Last 5.5 Years | |
UnBooks Author of the Month November 2010 | |
Potatochopper of the Month January 2008 | |
Uncyclopedian of the Year 2006 | |
UnBooks Author of the Month September 2006 | |
Potatochopper of the Month September 2006 | |
Writer of the Month April 2006 | |
Uncyclopedian of the Month March 2006 | |
Competitions[edit | edit source]
Featured Articles[edit | edit source]
Featured Article: Fuck the Police This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Bi-curious George This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: The Maori Show This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Saw This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Clementine Attlee This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Voynich Manuscript This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Artificial Pseudoscientology This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Featured Article: Biggles This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Quasi-Featured Article (7 January 2010)
Featured Images[edit | edit source]
Featured Image: Arizona sign.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Paul the Obscene.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: UKLanding01.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Gandhi first blood 1.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: NormanWisdom.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Tombstone kops.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Uncyclopediawurst.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: SexualPredator.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: 100AcreSuspects.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Pseudoiconography.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Deadfunnytomb.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Potatochopcs.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Boogieswithbadgers.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Laketiticaca1.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: McJeebus.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Featured Image: Thermopylae.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |
Other Biznez[edit | edit source]
The Burninator! This User is hereby cited for extreme diligence |
For blowing up millions of tons of crap each week. Seems like millions of tons. I think crap is heavier than cream. :) ~ Major Sir Todd Lyons GUN WotM MI UotM NotM MDA VFH AotM Bur. AlBur. CM NS PC 19:21, 21 March 2006 (UTC)
So you'll stop complaining. =] --KATIE!! 17:48, 14 February 2006 (UTC)
Todd Lyons has awarded you a cookie! Now go play in traffic. |
Awarded 12/16/05 ~ For your pioneer contributions to Uncyclopedia:Folding@home.
| Voted by Insertwackynamehere, Elvis, Splaka, Codeine, Flammable, Todd Lyons, Paulgb, & RadicalX. 02:02, 30 Nov 2005 Paulgb Rights for user "User:Mhaille" set "" (+sysop) |
Codeine has awarded you a cookie! Now go play in traffic. |
Certificate of Respiration is hereby granted to: Mhaille for his/her ability to breathe. --Uncyclopedia HowTo |
Pie Award
ENeGMA has awarded you a cookie! Now go play in traffic. |
Job Well Dude… Your rug really tied this room together. Thanks. |
Micoolio101 has awarded you a cookie! Now go play in traffic. |
Gert5 has awarded you floppy cake! Floppies are easy to transparentize, as they are square. |
Article Whisperer Judge | |
This person was a judge for The Article Whisperer Competition (2010). The community would like to thank them for their contribution. (See you at next week's meeting guys!) |
This user created Wigan RFLC, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome! |
This user created, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome! |