Uncyclopedia:Admin Rank

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Obviously all admins on Uncyclopedia are of the highest rank; this goes without saying. However, in 2007, historical research by the Uncyclomedia Foundation revealed that due to an obscure passage in the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Act of Parliament that created the Royal Air Force, or a combination of the three with the existence of the Order of Uncyclopedia, all admins (and registered users) were actually officers of the British Army, American Air Force, and Marine Corps.

It should be noted that users are advised against trying to exercise their power in this respect, as the army remains oblivious of the legal loophole. Should they discover it, there is a chance we will be dispatched to Guantanamo Bay, or even worse, the Middle East.

Oddly enough, the ranks of the Order of Uncyclopedia bear no relation to the NATO ranks.

NATO Code OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF-D- Student officer
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom UK-Army-OF10.gif UK-Army-OF9.gif UK-Army-OF8.gif UK-Army-OF7.gif UK-Army-OF6.gif UK-Army-OF5.gif UK-Army-OF4.gif UK-Army-OF3.gif UK-Army-OF2.gif UK-Army-OF1a.gif UK-Army-OF1b.gif UK-Army-OF1c.gif UK-Army-OF1d.gif
Field Marshal[1] General Lieutenant-General Major-General Brigadier Colonel Lieutenant-Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Officer Designate Officer Cadet
Gen. of Air Force[1] Gen. General Lt. General Maj. Gen. Brig. Gen. Colonel Lt. Colonel Major Captain 1st Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant Staff Sergeant Airman
General of the Army[1] General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Staff Sergeant Private First Class
Uncyclopedia Insignia UC-Army-OF10.jpg UC-Army-OF9.jpg UC-Army-OF8.jpg UC-Army-OF7.jpg UC-Army-OF6.jpg UC-Army-OF4-5.jpg UC-Army-OF4-5.jpg UC-Army-OF3.jpg UC-Army-OF2.jpg UC-Army-OF1a.jpg UC-Army-OF1b.jpg UC-Army-OF1c.jpg UC-Army-OF1d.jpg
Uncyclopedia Rank Sophia Oscar Wilde Chronarion That Guy Bureaucrat Top Secret Censored Admin (Sysop) Admin Candidate Huffer First Class Huffer Private User Registered Users
Abbreviation FM Gen Lt-Gen Maj-Gen Brig Col Lt-Col Maj Capt Lt 2nd Lt OD OCdt
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Currently honorary/wartime rank only.

Promotion[edit source]

Officers can promote or demote subordinates as they see fit up to the rank immediately below their rank, excepting that some promotions and demotions (for instance, to admin or major) occur through other means; for example, Uncyclopedia:VFS. Example: an admin can promote a user to a lieutenant (although they need not be nominated for admin), a bureaucrat can in addition promote a major to a colonel if they see fit.

In order to notify a user of their promotion, use the template Template:Notice of Promotion and place it on their talk page. This will create a documentation of promotion which may then be pasted anywhere else it is needed.

Seniority within a Rank[edit source]

Within a rank, seniority is based upon the date of commission; that is, the date they registered on Uncyclopedia. Even if someone was only recently promoted, if they registered before you they have seniority over you. This is of course highly unfair.

NATO Rank[edit source]

One of the quirks inevitably produced by this scheme is that all registered Users are now part of the NATO standard rank scale. This could be especially interesting if, for example, a captain in the American army were to outrank many of their superiors through merely writing about Kitten Huffing on the internet. This has yet to be resolved...

Roster[edit source]

(for non-admins, captain and lower)

Captain[edit source]

Lieutenant[edit source]

Second lieutenant[edit source]

Officer designate/Staff sergeant[edit source]