SWEO Community Project: Linking Open Data on the Semantic Web Linked Data Browsers, Mashups and other Client Applications This page collects software components that can be used implement applications on top of the Semantic Web. The page is not intended to list RDF toolkits that focus on local RDF processing, but toolkits that perceive the Semantic Web as a single integrated information space and
Broad Spectrum Commonsense Knowledge We convert Freebase to industry-standard RDF, to produce a Rosetta Stone for schema.org, natural language processing and social-semantic systems. Free Download Run in AWS Wide Spectrum Knowledge IT systems misunderstand humans and their world because they lack the experience we have living in our world. Common Sense Knowledge from :BaseKB enables systems to und
A comprehensive analysis of the world's constitutions, to support constitutional design and to inform citizens. Read and Compare the World's Constitutions All of the world's currently in force constitutions, indexed by topic, are available for analysis here! Exploring what is (and isn’t) in the new Chilean Draft Constitution Chileans will vote on a new constitution on December 17 — learn how to co
Site Navigation Nearby Activity news Specifications FAQ Use Cases and Case Studies List of Tools On-line validators List of Books Semantic Web Logos and Buttons SW Wiki Latest layercake diagram (SVG) Latest layercake diagram (PNG) Latest layercake small sized (300×315) PNG Activity RSS feeds Activity news (RSS 1.0) (RSS 2.0) Activity news (Atom) W3C QA blog (RSS 1.0) FAQ (RSS 1.0) SW Use Cases and
The D2RQ Platform is a system for accessing relational databases as virtual, read-only RDF graphs. It offers RDF-based access to the content of relational databases without having to replicate it into an RDF store. Using D2RQ you can: query a non-RDF database using SPARQL access the content of the database as Linked Data over the Web create custom dumps of the database in RDF formats for loading i
Triplification Challenge Winners We are very pleased to announce that the winners of this years Triplification Challenge were awarded on September 5th at I-Semantics 2008. The winners are: 1st prize (Macbook Air): Linked Movie Data Base by Oktie Hassanzadeh, Mariano Consens http://www.linkedmdb.org 2nd prize (eeePC): DBTune by Yves Raimond http://dbtune.org 3rd prize (iPod): Semantic Web Pipes by
Pracna on Main is the oldest restaurant on the oldest street in Minneapolis! Built-in 1890, this quaint and cozy restaurant features an American menu of steaks, pasta, fish, and specialty sandwiches with twenty distinctive beers on draft. Pracna features summer sidewalk cafe seating and is located next door to the 5-screen St. Anthony Main Movie Theater. Baby Corn Dogs on a stick Our Exclusive hom
This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page. Welcome to Apache Stanbol! Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content management. Apache Stanbol's intended use is to extend traditional content management systems with semantic services. Other feasible use cases include: direct usage from web applications (e.g. for tag extraction/suggestion; or te