Standalone, framework-agnostic JavaScript library that enables recording, replaying, and stubbing HTTP interactions.
Standalone, framework-agnostic JavaScript library that enables recording, replaying, and stubbing HTTP interactions.
Unit tests are the category of tests that have wider acceptance regarding the naming and what they mean. They are the tests that accompany the source code and have direct access to it. Usually they are executed with an xUnit framework or similar library. These tests work directly on the source code and have full view of everything. A single class/method/function is tested (or whatever is the small
技術部モバイル基盤グループの三木(@giginet)です。 去る9月13日、「Cookpad Tech Kitchen iOSアプリの継続的デリバリーへの取り組み」と題して、iOSエンジニア向けの技術交流イベントを行いました。 このイベントでは、iOS開発の中でも特に大規模アプリの開発フローや、品質改善を支えるための技術をテーマに、弊社のエンジニアから3つの発表をしました。 この記事では、その様子についてお伝えします。 クックパッドiOSアプリの品質管理のための取り組み まず、技術部品質向上グループの松尾(@Kazu_cocoa)から、クックパッドiOSアプリ開発体制について紹介しました。 20160913 cookpad ios_jp from Kazuaki MATSUO この発表では どのような組織構造を元にアプリ開発が行われているか 月1のリリースサイクルを実現するためのリリースフ
It's widely accepted to run tests during CI build flow, but there are also some problems with this default approach. Here is a non complete list of such problems: It's not easy to create realistic test environment (close to production) with underlying infrastructure and different configurations. Integration tests might require access to "non-exposed" services and also highly depend on infrastructu
>>> $ py.test ../tests/ =============================================================================== test session starts =============================================================================== platform darwin -- Python 2.7.5 -- py-1.4.31 -- pytest-2.7.0 rootdir: /Users/*****, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: cache, django, pep8, pythonpath collected 2 items ../tests/test_webap
OCMock 3 is almost completely backwards compatible with previous versions of OCMock while introducing the following changes: Modern syntax Verify after running Apache 2 license This page describes the changes. For a description of all the features please consult the reference page. Modern syntax In addition to the existing syntax OCMock 3 introduces a new “modern” syntax that uses macros and round