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  • The Organizer for Those Who Do

    Freeter - The Organizer for A smarter way to work on your computer. Read why. I found @FreeterApp last week and love it! Why didn't I know about this sooner?! It feels like my whole workflow is now on one plate. — Chris Jeffrey (@ChrisJeffGames) March 16, 2017 omg just discovered @FreeterApp and I'm bout to have the best sat morning systemizing my life for the last time i love u @alex_kaul — ughne

    The Organizer for Those Who Do
    braitom 2016/12/13
    色々なサービス(SlackとかGoogle Analytics、Trelloなど)を1つの画面でダッシュボードのように表示できるアプリ。$39.95。
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