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More or less all the big APIs are RESTful these days. Yeah, you can quibble about what “REST” means (and I will, a bit) but the assertion is broadly true. Is it going to stay that way forever? Seems unlikely. So, what’s next? What we talk about when we talk about “REST” · These days, it’s used colloquially to mean any API that is HTTP-based. In fact, the vast majority of them offer CRUD operations
Skip to the content. Introspected REST: An alternative to REST and GraphQL In this manifesto, we will give a specific definition of what REST is, according to Roy, and see the majority of APIs and API specs (JSONAPI, HAL etc) fail to follow this model. We will see what problems a RESTful API brings and why API designers have been constantly avoiding using it but instead come up with half-way solut
With all of the love and proclamations about REST, we can sometimes forget that it’s simply one of many options. REST is a very good standard for a wide variety of APIs, but there are other API design styles for more nuanced scenarios. To help API developers make sense of which API design style to use and for what situation, let’s look at REST within the context of three other options – gRPC, Grap
Runs test suites in parallel/serial mode Supports all widely used HTTP methods Supports x-www-form-urlencoded requests, Multipart requests, File uploads Built-in Response Validation Constructs(Headers, Cookies, Status code, JSON body, JSON schema) Custom Response validator functions Supports running custom inline or module javascript sync/async functions Supports Hooks (Before All, After All, Befo
Are you building an API? Here is the idea: If you have never heard about the REST architectural style constraints and their implication on the properties of the resulting distributed system and you do not want to (or can’t) educate yourself, use GraphQL. UPDATEI had a keynote on this topic at Nordic APIs Platform Summit 2018. In this talk, I introduce the Framework for evaluation API Paradigms b
Insomnia is an open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, Server-sent events (SSE), gRPC and any other HTTP compatible protocol. With Insomnia you can: Debug APIs using the most popular protocols and formats. Design APIs using the native OpenAPI editor and visual preview. Test APIs using native test suites and collection runner. Mock APIs using a cloud or self-hosted moc