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Send feedback Translating text (Basic) Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This document describes how to use the Cloud Translation - Basic (v2) to translate text. The input text can be plain text or HTML. Cloud Translation - Basic does not translate any HTML tags in the input, only text that appears between the tags. The output retains the (untra
The Closure Library makes use of the pseudoclassical inheritance pattern, which is particularly compelling when used with the Closure Compiler. Those of you who have read JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford may use the functional pattern for inheritance that he espouses. Crockford appears to object to the pseudoclassical pattern because: "There is no privacy; all properties are public.
Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale. You can choose from several popular languages, libraries, and frameworks to develop your apps, and then let App Engine take care of provisioning servers and scaling your app instances based on demand. Learn m
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Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The Google APIs Explorer is a tool available on most REST API reference documentation pages that lets you try Google API methods without writing code. The APIs Explorer acts on real data, so use caution when trying methods that create, modify, or delete data. For more details, read the APIs Explorer documentatio
Thank you for stopping by. Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision, but we hope you'll come to love these alternatives as much as you loved Reader. Sincerely, The Google Reader team Frequently-asked questions What will happen to my Google Reader data? All Google Reader subscription data (eg. lists of people that y
このページの更新は終了しました。フィルタの最新状況については、Googleの検索結果から任意のノイズを取り除くProxomitronフィルタ : SARUMINOをご覧下さい。お手数をお掛け致します。 更新情報 2009/01/26 致命的なバグ修正 2008/12/11 バグ修正 2008/10/19 初版 注意 2010/05/06付けのGoogle側アップデートにより、現在使用できません。たぶん私自身このフィルタはないと困るので、そのうち対応すると思います…そのうち……たぶん。→詳細 Sleipnir Startなど、一部の特殊なスタートページからは利用できません。通常のGoogle検索をご利用ください。 (thanks:CORMさん) Googleアカウントにログインした状態では利用できません。ログイン時にはGoogle純正機能「サーチウィキ」をお試しください。 概要 先日深江直人
この前、CPUクーラーのグリスを塗りなおしたところ、CPU温度は十度以上下がり、もってファンをコントロールする目安となるCPU温度も下げることを得、しかもファンはとても静かになった。ところが、Google Chromeを導入してからというもの、ファンの回転数がわずかに上がったような気がする。2ch.netでは、Google Chromeを起動するとファンが爆音を発するという人もいる始末。これは一人私の環境だけのせいではあるまい。しかし、Google Chromeは、別にCPU時間を大量に消費しているわけではない。Chromeはマルチプロセスであるが、ご存知の如く、プロセスと言う実行単位はない。実行されるのはあくまでスレッドなので、マルチプロセスは関係ない。これは一体どういうことか。 どうも、Google ChromeはtimeBeginPeriod(1)を使用しているらしい。 NyaRuR
Google Home About Google Help Center Basics of Search Advanced Search Search Results Page Setting Preferences Search Features Spell checker, stock quotes & more Services & Tools Local Search, Froogle, News & more Find on this site: Advanced Operators Google supports several advanced operators, which are query words that have special meaning to Google. Typically these operators modify th
Goosh 0.6.0-beta #1 Sun, 10 Dec 17 12:47:18 UTC Google/Ajax Welcome to - the unofficial google shell. This google-interface behaves similar to a unix-shell. You type commands and the results are shown on this page. goosh is powered by google custom search. goosh is written by Stefan Grothkopp (privacy policy) it is NOT an official google product! goosh is open source under the