Find and share your Wi-Fi password on Mac
You can find the password of the Wi-Fi network you’re currently using, and see all the Wi-Fi networks and passwords you’ve previously saved. You can share the password of the Wi-Fi network you’re currently using with a nearby friend or family member.
Find a Wi-Fi password
Go to the Passwords app
on your Mac.
Click Wi-Fi in the sidebar.
If you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network, its name appears at the top of the screen. You can also see all the Wi-Fi networks you’ve previously saved.
If you don’t see Wi-Fi, click
Select a Wi-Fi network.
Place the pointer over the series of dots next to Password.
To copy the password to use elsewhere, click the series of dots.
Share your Wi-Fi network password with a nearby friend or family member
Make sure your Mac (the one sharing the password) is unlocked and connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Have your friend of family member go to Wi-Fi settings on their iPhone, iPad, or Mac, then choose the network.
When a message asks if you want to share your Wi-Fi password, click Share Password.
Note: To share your Wi-Fi network password, devices must be within Bluetooth and Wi-Fi range, not using Personal Hotspot, and added to each other’s contacts.
You can also go to the Wi-Fi network in Passwords and click Show Network QR Code, which friends and family can scan to join the network.