Discover new music on Apple TV
The Music app on Apple TV is designed to help you find new music you’ll love throughout the app.
Note: Full access to songs and features in the Music app requires an Apple Music subscription.
Browse expert recommendations
The New screen showcases the best music and music video recommendations from music experts.
Go to the Music app
on Apple TV.
Navigate to New at the top of the screen.
Scroll down to see featured items and playlists, trending songs, new releases, recently updated Apple Music playlists, global and local charts, and more.
Tip: To filter the types of recommendations you see, scroll down to More to Explore at the bottom of the screen, then select a category like Music Videos or Moods and Activities.
Navigate left and right in a row to view available options, then do any of the following:
Start playing a station or radio episode: Select a station or episode to begin playing it immediately.
Listen to a mix, playlist or album: Select a mix, playlist or album to see the song list. Choose Play to play it from the top, choose Shuffle to play the songs in a mixed order or select a specific song to play.
Add an item to your library, a playlist or the queue: Navigate to an item, press and hold the clickpad or touch surface to view more options, then choose an option from the pop-up menu.
Listen to new music mixed in with songs you love
Made for You mixes in Apple Music are the perfect way to find new music while listening to songs you already love.
Go to the Music app
on Apple TV.
Navigate to Home at the top of the screen.
Navigate to the Top Picks or Made for You row, then select an Apple Music mix.
Do any of the following:
Play the mix from the beginning: Select Play.
Play the mix with the song order shuffled: Select Shuffle.
Add the mix to your Library: Select
View more options: Select
, then choose an option from the pop-up menu.
See all songs and artists included in the mix: Scroll down to view the song list and a row of Featured Artists. Select a song to start playing the mix from that song, or select an artist to go to their profile.
Create a custom station based on a song or artist
You can find new music that’s similar to a specific song or artist by creating a custom station.
Go to the Music app
on Apple TV.
Do any of the following:
Create a station based on a song: Navigate to a song anywhere in the Music app, press and hold the clickpad or touch surface, then choose Create Station.
Create a station based on an artist: Go to the artist’s profile, select
, then choose Create Station.
Create a station based on the song that’s currently playing: Navigate to Now Playing at the top of the screen, show playback controls, select
, then choose Create Station.
Siri: Press and hold
on your remote, then ask Siri to create a radio station based on the currently playing song.
Note: Newly created stations appear in the Recently Played category of the Radio screen.
Hear new music on a radio station
The Radio screen in the Music app is a great place to find new music.
Go to the Music app
on Apple TV.
Navigate to Radio at the top of the screen.
Scroll down to see category rows, then navigate left and right to view available options.
You can find stations hosted by popular artists, stations organised by genre or popularity, or stations that showcase music from around the world.
Tip: Scroll down to the More to Explore section and select a genre to view stations in that genre.
Navigate left and right in a row to view available options, then do any of the following:
Start playing a station, radio episode or live broadcast: Select the station or episode to begin playing it immediately.
View more information about a radio show: Select a show to see episodes, show playlists, similar shows and more.