Use Switch Control item scanning on Apple TV
Item scanning alternately highlights each item or group of items on the entire screen until you trigger your Select Item switch. If there are many items, Switch Control highlights them in groups. When you select a group, highlighting continues with the items in the group. When you select a unique item, scanning stops and the control menu appears. Item scanning is the default when you first turn on Switch Control.
You can choose from three scanning styles:
Auto scanning automatically highlights items, one after the other.
Manual scanning uses one switch to highlight an item and another to activate it.
Single-switch step scanning uses a switch to move the highlight from item to item. If you take no action after a period of time, the highlighted item activates.
You can pick a scanning style in Settings , at Accessibility > Switch Control > Scanning Style.
Select an item or enter a group.
Watch (or listen) as items are highlighted.
When the item you want to control (or the group containing the item) is highlighted, trigger your Select Item switch.
Work your way down the hierarchy of items until you select the individual item you want to control.
Back out of a group
Trigger your Select Item switch when the dashed highlight around the group or item appears.
Dismiss the control menu without performing an action
Do one of the following:
Trigger your Select Item switch when the item itself is highlighted.
Choose Escape from the control menu.
Hear the names of items as they’re highlighted
Do one of the following:
In Settings
on Apple TV, go to Accessibility > Switch Control, then turn on Speech.
Choose Settings from the control menu, then choose Speech On.
Slow down or speed up the scanning
Go to Settings
on Apple TV.
Go to Accessibility > Switch Control > Auto Scanning Time, then slide to adjust scanning speed.