Unsend or edit a message on Mac
You can unsend or edit recent messages, giving you the opportunity to fix a typo or pull back a message that you accidentally sent to the wrong person. Your recipient sees that you unsent a message and your edit history.
Note: To unsend or edit text messages, you must be using iMessage with macOS 13, iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1, visionOS 1, or later. If your recipients have devices with earlier versions, they receive follow-up messages with the preface “Edited to” and your new message in quotation marks. SMS, MMS, or RCS text messages can’t be edited or unsent. An update is sent if there’s at least one other person using iMessage in a group conversation that includes SMS, MMS, or RCS.
Unsend a message
You can undo a recently sent message for up to 2 minutes after sending it.
Go to the Messages app
on your Mac.
Select a conversation.
Control-click the message or attachment, then choose Undo Send.
A note confirming you unsent the message appears in both conversation transcripts: yours and your recipient’s.
If you send a message to someone using a device with macOS 13, iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1, visionOS 1, or later, unsending removes the message from their device.
If you send a message to someone using a device with macOS 12, iOS 15.6, iPadOS 15.6, or earlier, the original message remains in the conversation. When you unsend a message, you’re notified that the recipient may still see the original message in the conversation transcript.
Edit a sent message
You can edit a recently sent message up to five times within 15 minutes of sending it.
Go to the Messages app
on your Mac.
Select a conversation with the message you want to edit.
Control-click the message, then choose Edit (or press Command-E).
Make any changes, then press Return.
The message is marked as Edited in the transcript.
The message bubble updates to reflect your edits on both your Mac and your recipient’s device, and both of you can tap Edited to see previous versions of your message.