「初音ミク、あのSF作家ウィリアム・ギブスンに捕捉された!…のがクリプトン伊藤社長に捕捉されるまで」 http://togetter.com/li/70066 の続きのようなもの。世界各国のボカロ信徒(こう書くとアバル信徒のようだ)が寄ってたかってギブスンを折伏せんとす。こんだけmentionが殺到すりゃあ、そりゃあ認識改めるよね……。あとで適当にデコるので気合いで読めれ。
William Gibson @GreatDismal

Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-11 06:30:08
Joan K. Smith @wassilyk

Shades of Wm. Gibson's Idoru: 'J-Pop Star (3-D Hologram) Hatsune Miku Sells Out Stadiums' http://t.co/Lmm9tuI via @Switched @greatdismal

2010-11-15 23:52:31
Gregory P. Silberman @gpsilberman

@GreatDismal William Gibson was right (See Idoru) http://bit.ly/aTxd9J Technically Awesome, Completely Inane #Ihaveseenthefuture

2010-11-16 03:16:32
Disappearing Act @brianreed

I don't know if I like living in a @greatdismal novel as much as I thought I would. http://bit.ly/9NP0UP

2010-11-16 04:42:56
Geek Tragedy Podcast @gtpodcast

@GreatDismal In case you haven't seen: Video - Holographic 3D Rock Singer in Japan - National Technology | Examiner.com http://exm.nr/afMq9B

2010-11-16 05:14:09
uncomfortabl.to_json @jmhughes

@greatdismal We think you're sitting on a time machine to the future: http://bit.ly/boEdDJ

2010-11-16 05:27:32
blorpyRobot @blorpyRobot

@greatdismal http://tinyurl.com/27mkohh hologram singer; voice actress recorded sounds that make up Japanese, robots turn it into songs.

2010-11-16 09:00:24
Jonathan Korman 🟣 @miniver

As @GreatDismal says, the future is here, it's just not equally distributed. http://youtu.be/DTXO7KGHtjI :: via @MrAlanCooper

2010-11-16 11:13:25
やまだ(仮名) @wms

これか…RT @GreatDismal: Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-16 23:15:19
清 冬蜂25 @FxYxBxC

ギブスン先生、萌えにはあまり興味がないご様子 RT @GreatDismal : Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-17 00:58:43
暗黒のおせっかい @SwingyTwingui

ギブスン先生はガチロックですしね。 RT @lanishics: RT @GreatDismal: Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-17 01:57:09
Tim Dedopulos @Ghostwoods

Oh, Gods. Everything @GreatDismal wrote is coming true. Meet Miku, the holographic pop starlet. :: http://youtu.be/XHcYMSm9AqE v/ @CoraxSays

2010-11-17 02:39:21
青木敬士/アミッドP @AOKI_KC

フォローしてるのに見逃してた(汗「もっとハイレゾじゃねぇと!」とかさすがギブスンcutting edgeやわ RT @GreatDismal: Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-17 12:26:11
ばーたろ @bartaro

Twitter - @GreatDismal : ウィリアム・ギブスンが初音ミクに関してツイート。なんという21世紀。 @GreatDismal Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want h… http://nav.cx/y43IDo

2010-11-17 12:47:45
hiroshi maqui @envol_VJ

The truth of miku is a process of born. RT @GreatDismal : Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-17 13:40:17
近田火日輝(fireworks.vc) @hi6ikic

@GreatDismal Hatsune Miku is repeatedly copied on the net and thus reproducing herself. Infos attached by fans get her higher resolution

2010-11-17 15:18:30
近田火日輝(fireworks.vc) @hi6ikic

@GreatDismal And, FYI, Miku released a cover album of Yellow Magic Orchestra last year; the band you joined by a voice performance in 1993

2010-11-17 15:22:56
近田火日輝(fireworks.vc) @hi6ikic

@GreatDismal Wish you further spiritual achievement in letters and may 8,000,000 Japanese deities be with you. http://amzn.to/9c9MgE

2010-11-17 15:34:01
とんちゃい @Tongchai_ppp

ウィリアム・ギブソンがここでいう「ハイレゾ」は歌声についてか、ミクの造形か。どっちにしても凄い言及… QT @GreatDismal: Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-17 19:55:43
DAyji802 @DAyji802

Lo Rez skyline RT @GreatDismal: Hatsune Miku doesn't really rock me. I want higher rez, less anime.

2010-11-17 21:22:04
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