Privileged user accounts


Auto-editors are trusted users who have been given auto-editor privileges. These privileges allow them to make select edits that are automatically approved without going through the normal voting process, as well as the ability to instantly approve other users' edits.

The following 259 users have auto-editor privileges:

0moikane, 5moufl, a23bed, acid2, adan_aileron, aerozol, afrocat, agatzk, Akeldama, alphaseven, AnAlach, andrewski, andybak, ApeKattQuest, MonkeyPython, ArchieB, area_bot, argon18, Ataki, Atedos, atj, azertus, bastiaanve, bbc_music_bot, BeenInsane, bflaminio, Bitmap, bklynd, BlueDream, bnw, bogdanb, bonchiver_, bplatt, BrianG, cadalach, CallerNo6, capitalisation_gun, chaban, chabreyflint, chancey, Cheezmo, chiark, chirlu, chirlu/bot, chopinhauer, ChurruKa, clutcher2, colargol, cord, crazee_canuck, Creap, Cthulhu-fi, CurtisLoew, D4RK-PH0ENiX, Dainis, danBLOO, darkshyne, darwinx0r, david.hilton, davitf, dbuckley72, dcflyer, debris77, DenizC, derat, derr84, Dibou, dimpole, dinog, dj_empirical, dmppanda, Dolgan, Dr. Default, drsaunde, dseomn, duphus, dupuy, ebisu, ehrgeiz, Fabe56, fatih, Faugn, fedyakov, finalsummer, fmera, foolip, Forage, fred576, Freso, Fuchs, gioele, gnu_andrew, grendel, greycat, grizle, gswanjord, HibiscusKazeneko, highstrung, hrglgrmpf, hrglgrmpf_bot, HumHumXX, ianmcorvidae, istartedajoke, IvanDobsky, j1m0ne, jacobbrett, jamesh, jarvo, Jazzy Jarilith, jellyfish, jemenake, jesus2099, Jim DeLaHunt, jmurphy, Joan Whittaker, joiletjake, Jormangeud, jrx, Jugdish, juhae, Kamikatze, kellnerd, kepstin, keschte, kifty, Killinstinct, Kilu, kinseymilkbone, krazykiwi, KRSCuan, kuno, kurros, Leftmost Cat, leivhe, liDEL, Liff, lindestinel,, Lotheric, loujin, lukz, lukz_bot, lytron, MajorLurker, Mapache Del Raton, mat813, Matachin, MBBE_Bot, MClemo, mcymd, mdhowe, MeinDummy, MetaTunes, mfmeulenbelt, Midness, mihhkel, mikemorr, Mineo, Mitch2323, MithrandirBooga, mll, montesquieu, monxton, MrAndrewPalace, MrH, mr_maxis, ms0010, mudcrow, murdos, murdos_bot, musicmoz, natenobility, navap, nechto13, neil, nikki, nikki_bot, ojnkpjg, olibariki, otters61, outsidecontext, pabouk, pbryan, Per Starbäck, PhantomOTO, Pianissimo84, pLynx, portik, PRAEst76, ProfChris, prupert, q_fdb, rafwuk, rdswift, refresh_daemon, reosarevok, RhYnoECfnW, richardsur, rjmunro, rkcrawford, rob, rochusw, RocknRollArchivist, rockos, rODbegbie, ROpdebee, rossetyler, route66, rowaasr13, rswarbrick, rswarbrick_bot, salo.rock, salvadors, sbontrager, Schika, scottt, SheamusPatt, Shepard, silentbird, slaypnir, somniloquy,, ssundell, steinbdj, StoneyBoh, stupidname, SultS, sydan, symphonick, t0n3t, teethfairy, teleguise, Tengoiden, TheBookkeeper, ThePeelSession, thewilkybarkid, thinc, tigerman325, Time Dilation, tityron, tomaszg, tykling, UltimateRiff, uraani, viper666, VxJasonxV, vzell, waxie, Wheeljack, whicken, wienna_lee, Wizzcat, wolfsong, wonder_al, yindesu, Yllona Richardson, Yurim, Zas, Zastai, Z_e_t_a

Relationship editors

Relationship editors are users who can add or modify relationship types in the database. If you would like to propose a new relationship, you must follow our proposal system. Relationship editors will only make changes that have been accepted through the proposal system.

The following 9 users are relationship editors:

ApeKattQuest, MonkeyPython, Bitmap, dupuy, lukz, murdos, navap, reosarevok, rob, Zas

Transclusion editors

Transclusion editors are users who add and maintain entries in the WikiDocs transclusion table.

The following 16 users are transclusion editors:

adhawkins, aerozol, Bitmap, CallerNo6, dmppanda, lucifer, lukz, Mineo, mll, murdos, navap, reosarevok, rob, wolfsong, yvanzo, Zas

Location editors

Location editors are users who can add or modify areas.

The following 8 users are location editors:

aerozol, area_bot, Bitmap, CallerNo6, drsaunde, nikki_bot, reosarevok, Zas

Banner message editors

Banner message editors are users who can set a message that is shown in a banner on all pages, for example to warn users about upcoming site maintenance.

The following 8 users are banner message editors:

akshaaatt, Bitmap, legoktm, reosarevok, rob, samj1912, yvanzo, Zas

Account administrators

Account administrators can edit and delete user accounts, and immediately accept and reject edits.

The following 5 users are account administrators:

aerozol, Bitmap, reosarevok, rob, Zas


The following 46 user accounts are bots:

area_bot, arturito, bbc_music_bot, Borewit_bot, capitalisation_gun, chirlu/bot, citripio, compmusic_bot, dahr_bot, derat_bot, ffimon_bot, FreeDB, FresoBot, Harry Botter, hrglgrmpf_bot, ijabz_bot, intgr_bot, JeroenBot, Jokipii_bot, kepstin/bot, Likedis Auto, ListenBrainz, ListMyCDs.com_bot, loujin_bot, lukz_bot, lyricsbot, MBBE_Bot, MetaBrainz OAuth, ModBot,, murdos_bot, musicbrainz-enricher_bot, musicmoz, MuzikumBot, nikki_bot, PATATE12_robot, rswarbrick_bot, surge, tags-discogs, tags-lastfm, tags-tagtraum, tommycrock_bot, tri_developers, troi-bot, UserDeleter, yyoung_bot