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Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Polska/October December 2009

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Wikimedia Polska report: October-December 2009:

Financial matters

At the end of 2008: 146898.66 PLN (52230 USD, 35520 EUR)
Expenditures in 2009: around 150 000 PLN (53 000 USD, 36 000 EUR)[1]
Income in 2009: 296328.64 PLN (105 000 USD, 72 000 EUR)[2]
Current balance: 293600.30 PLN (103 000 USD, 71 000 EUR)
1% tax deducible donations
1% tax deducible donation season is finished. In 2009 we have collected around 260 000 PLN (92 000 USD, 64 000 EUR) which is 90 % more than in 2008 (136636.05 PLN).


Meeting with Andrij Bondarenko from WMUKr
Multimedia Usability Project Meeting France
Two members of Wikimedia Polska (Polimerek and Yarl) attended the Multimedia Usability Project Meeting France in 5-8.11.2009. We participated in several workshop groups.
Meeting with Andrij Bondarenko, president of Wikimedia Ukraina
The meeting of several wikipedians from Warsaw with president of Wikimedia Ukraina, Andrij Bondarenko took place in Ganders Tea Room in Warsaw, 16 October 2009. It was a good occasion to establish closer links between Wikimedia Polska and Wikimedia Ukraina. It was also the first meeting of local Warsaw Wikipedia team after several year's break.
On October 10, wikipedian Ency represented Wikimedia Polska on Wiki-Conference Petersburg' 09 organized by WMRU. He gave a lecture about Polish Wikipedia and Wikimedia Polska.
Annual Wikimedia Polska Conference 2010
Annual Wikimedia Polska Conference 2010 mixed with Wikimedia Polska General Assembly is about to take place in Warsaw, on March 27-28, 2010. At the moment the conference is in its planning stage. The Conference venue and accommodation sites were already chosen and booked.


Ency and PTJ - PTI award for Polish Wikipedia
3 issues of Wikimedia Polska bulletins were published 8/2009, 9/2009 and 10/2009.
Lecture during the Librarian Conference in Torun
On October 7th, Wikipedian Ency had a lecture "Wikimedia projects and Open Education Resources. Differences and similarities" during The Methodological Conference of teachers and school librarians "About reading books and not only.." in Toruń.
Polish Informatics Association’s (PTI) award for Wikipedia
Polish Informatics Association awarded Polish Wikipedia for being "the most innovative web service in last decade". The award was received by wikipedian Ency and PTJ during XXV Jubilee Autumn Meeting of PTI, which took place in Mrągowo, on October 12-16.
Lecture about Wikipedia in Warmia-Mazury Library
On November 18th, wikipedian Margoz had a lecture about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects during the seminar "Open Education Resources"
Public Domain 2009 Logo
Public Domain 2009 Logo
Public Domain Day
Public Domain Day was co-organized with members of Coalition for Open Education. The event took place in National Library in Warsaw, on December 30 and gathered around 40 participants. It was a mixture of lectures and workshops about recognizing public domain content, using free licenses and related issues. [1]

Outreach activities

National In-Service Teacher Training Center Wikiacademy
Wikiacademy for librarians from Warsaw area was organized in cooperation with National In-Service Teacher Training Center in Sulejówek, near Warsaw. Masti conducted a workshop about Wikipedia editing for around 50 librarians and teachers. The system of Wikipedia categorization of articles and quality evaluation and management was discussed in details and compared with digital librarian catalogues systems.
A "Wikicontest" - a micro-grant system for editors of Wikimedia projects analyzed 13 applications in 2009, of which 12 were accepted, and the 1 was refused. 11 of the mirco-projects are successfully continued and the 1 was suspended. The total sum of accepted grants was 1638 PLN (600 USD, 400 EUR)
Labstryk 2010
Labstryk 2010 is the project initiated by Masur in cooperation with MPI-CBG Max Planck Institute in Dresden. The idea is to take as many as possible good quality pictures of biochemistry lab equipment which is poorly or not represented in Wikimedia Commons. The project is about to happen in the first quarter of 2010.
WikiFoto 2010 is the workshop for Wikimedia photographers from Poland. The workshop is about to take place in Lodz, on May 1-3 2010. Till now, the preliminary meeting agenda was prepared, lecture rooms, and accommodation were booked.
Wikiexpedtion 2010
Wikiexpedtion 2010 is about to take place just before Wikimania 2010 and cover the Kashubian and Warmia areas. Actually, the project is in its planning stage.


New office - just freshly furnished - not so large, but nice
Kul's visit in Warsaw
Kul Takanao Wadhwa, Wikimedia Foundation's Head of Business Development, visited Poland on 11-14 December; Polimerek and Masti participated with him in Wirtualna Polska/Orange talks regarding mainly Polish mirror of Wikipedia on Wirtualna Polska and future uses of Wikipedia content on Orange mobile devices in Poland. Polimerek and Mast talked with Kul about general issues regarding WMPL/Foundation/Orange/Wikimania relationships.
New tools server
New tool server was launch at the end of October. It is dedicated machine hired from OVH company. It has 8 GB RAM and 2 x 1 TB HD space. Except for launching bots and other editing tools it is also host for test wiki, Polish Wikipedia Arbitration Committee Wiki, Internal Wikimedia Polska wiki, Coalition for Open Education Wordpress based web-service, and several related E-mail lists.
wikipedia.pl domain
After long discussion it was decided to redirect wikipedia.pl domain (which is registered by Wikimedia Polska) to search page directly maintained by WMPL. The search page is based on Wikiwix engine and provides searching of polish, cashubian and silesian Wikipedias, as well as Wikimedia Commons.
New employee
On December we have hired a secretary to our new office. The secretary is about to work for 4 hours per day (1/2 of full daily employment). The secretary is a young lawyer just staring her attorney training/scholarship. Among other experiences she was a treasuer of Amnesty International Polska-Lodz's division, and a volunteer secretary of Polish division of European Law Student's Association. See her personal info on Wikimedia Polska wiki: [2]
New office
A new office is in its organizational stage. It is just a tiny - 12 m2 room in newly renovated office building, located in nice, green area of Lodz, second largest city in Poland.
New bank account
Due to the problems with former bank, a new bank account was open, and the funds were gradually transferred. The new bank account has easier on-line access and lower operational costs.

Press and media


Mainstream media

  • 2009-12-20 - Polskie Radio Program I - Rozdrozp i Masti - about Wikipedia during 18th birthday of Internet in Poland [3]
  • 2009-12-05 Rzeczpospolita - 3rd largest Polish daily newspaper - "Knowledge does not depend on voting" - long interview with Paweł Jochymem - a founder of Polish Wikipedia (link)
  • 2009-12-01 Przekrój - weekley news magazine (one of the biggest in Poland) "Wikipedia is not shrinking", numer s. 8
  • 2009-10-16 lookr.tv masti and Sp5uhe about privacy policy in Wikimedia projects Część 1. i część 2.

Internet portals

  • 2009-12-31 heise online Polska - "26C3: gorąca debata na temat jakości Wikipedii"
  • 2009-12-28 Deutsche Welle - "Niemieckojęzyczna Wikipedia przekroczyła milion"
  • 2009-12-28 webhosting.pl - "Niemieckojęzyczna Wikipedia ma już ponad milion artykułów"
  • 2009-12-20 polskieradio.pl - "Wikipedia dostała pół miliona dolarów w ciągu doby"
  • 2009-12-13 gazeta.pl - "Polskojęzyczny Wikisłownik teraz bez wandalizmów"
  • 2009-12-11 di.com.pl - "Wersje przejrzane w polskim Wikisłowniku"
  • 2009-12-10 chip.pl - "Polskojęzyczny Wikisłownik teraz bez wandalizmów"
  • 2009-12-04 rp.pl - "Wiedza nie zależy od głosowania"
  • 2009-11-30 wyborcza.biz Wojtek Orliński, Witold Orłowski "A jednak jest darmowy lunch" - o ekonomii i Wikipedii
  • 2009-11-27 di.com.pl – "Wikipedia szuka redaktorów i nie umiera"
  • 2009-11-27 komputerswiat.pl – "Czy Wikipedia ma problemy z redaktorami?"
  • 2009-11-27 rp.pl – "Wikipedia nie traci redaktorów?"
  • 2009-11-26 Informatyka wiki - Wikipedia traci coraz więcej autorów
  • 2009-11-26 dobreprogramy.pl - "Wikipedia traci coraz więcej autorów"
  • 2009-11-26 chip.pl - "Czy to koniec Wikipedii?"
  • 2009-11-25 gazeta.pl - "Wikipedia masowo traci swych redaktorów"
  • 2009-11-23 heise-online.pl - "Wikipedia: coraz mniej autorów"
  • 2009-11-20 chip.pl - "Wikipedia - encyklopedia, która powstaje za darmo"
  • 2009-11-18 di.com.pl - "Buzdygan po raz drugi przegrał z Wikimedią"
  • 2009-11-17 prw.pl - "Wyrok ws. wpisu do Wikipedii prawomocny"
  • 2009-11-17 gazeta.pl - "Nie dostanie odszkodowania od Wikipedii za "trolla""
  • 2009-11-14 chip.pl - "Zabójca, który nie chce występować w Wikipedii"
  • 2009-11-13 gazeta.pl - "Morderca chce usunięcia jego nazwiska z Wikipedii"
  • 2009-11-05 NaszeMiasto.pl - "PIŁA - Kogo razi pułkownik w Wikipedii?"
  • 2009-10-18 wyborcza.pl "Torysi walczą o Kamińskiego w internecie"
  • 2009-10-16 Wirtualna Polska - "Kieszonkowa elektroniczna Wikipedia"
  • 2009-10-14 Newsweek - Wikipedia w kieszeni
  • 2009-10-13 Bankier.pl - Wikipedia w kieszeni



  1. The exact amounts to be calculated by the accountant
  2. The exact amounts to be calculated by the accountant