Staff Directory

filtered staff directory list

Jackson Adams

headshot of  Jackson Adams
Promotion and Publicity Coordinator

Sarah Allis

headshot of  Sarah Allis
Digital Library Program Content Coordinator

Martin N. Ambroz

headshot of  Martin N. Ambroz
Electronic Services Librarian

George Athanas

headshot of  George Athanas
Associate Director, CLASS

Kelly Balenske

headshot of  Kelly Balenske
Project Editor

Darle Balfoort

headshot of  Darle Balfoort
Library Technician

Brett Barrie

headshot of  Brett Barrie
Catalog Librarian

Miranda Baur

headshot of  Miranda Baur
Editorial and Production Manager

Susan Beitz

headshot of  Susan Beitz
Operations Specialist

Julie Belle

headshot of  Julie Belle
Administrative Secretary

Nick Bennett

headshot of  Nick Bennett
Program Support Coordinator, CTLE

Paul Bern

headshot of  Paul Bern
Research Data Services Librarian

Mathew Biviano

headshot of  Mathew Biviano
Library Technician

Saedra Blow

headshot of  Saedra Blow
Academic Learning Specialist, CLASS

Matt Bonaccio

headshot of  Matt Bonaccio
Library Technician

Caitlin Brandle

nothing available for  Caitlin Brandle
Library Technician

Elizabeth Breslin

nothing available for  Elizabeth Breslin
Library Technician

Brian Byrns

headshot of  Brian Byrns
Library Facility Warehouse Technician

Ana Caliz Casanova

headshot of  Ana Caliz Casanova
Monograph Cataloging Librarian

Anthony W. Carbone

headshot of  Anthony W. Carbone
SCRC Collections Manager

Karen Carnessali

nothing available for  Karen Carnessali
Library Technician

Andrée Marie Clesse

nothing available for  Andrée Marie Clesse
Library Technician

Catherine C. Cocks

headshot of  Catherine C. Cocks
Director, Syracuse University Press

Giovanna R. Colosi

headshot of  Giovanna R. Colosi
Librarian for the School of Education, Subject Instruction Lead

Michele Combs

nothing available for  Michele Combs
Lead Archivist

Janet Coombs

headshot of  Janet Coombs
Library Technician

Elizabeth Cronkwright

headshot of  Elizabeth Cronkwright
Administrative Specialist

George Dale

nothing available for  George Dale
Digital Scholarship Space Manager

Enid L. Darby

nothing available for  Enid L. Darby
Collection Management Supervisor, Law Library

Dave de Anguera

nothing available for  Dave de Anguera
Library Facility Warehouse Technician

Kelly Delevan

headshot of  Kelly Delevan
Information Literacy Librarian

Christine Demetros

headshot of  Christine Demetros
Associate Director for Research and Collections, Law Library

Juan Denzer

headshot of  Juan Denzer
Engineering and Computer Science Librarian

Melinda Dermody

headshot of  Melinda Dermody
Associate Dean, Academic Success

Michael Dermody

nothing available for  Michael Dermody
Digital Preservation Librarian

Vanessa Dismuke

nothing available for  Vanessa Dismuke
Library Technician

Nicolette A. Dobrowolski

headshot of  Nicolette A. Dobrowolski
Director Special Collections Research Center

Sophie Dong

headshot of  Sophie Dong
Lead Librarian for Cataloging

Marianne Donley

headshot of  Marianne Donley
Physical Sciences Librarian

Jack Dubay

nothing available for  Jack Dubay
Library Technician

Amanda DuBose

headshot of  Amanda DuBose
Visual and Performing Arts Librarian

Julia Dudley

headshot of  Julia Dudley
Access Services Supervisor

Sarah Duncan

headshot of  Sarah Duncan
Preservation Supervisor

Mary Dyer

nothing available for  Mary Dyer
Library Technician

Elizabeth Easson

nothing available for  Elizabeth Easson
Library Technician-Serials, Law Library

Susan Ehlers

nothing available for  Susan Ehlers
Library Technician

Erin Fabrizio

nothing available for  Erin Fabrizio
Editorial and Production Assistant

Ronald Figueroa

headshot of  Ronald Figueroa
Resource Sharing and Facility Manager

Laura K. Fish

headshot of  Laura K. Fish
Acquisitions Editor

Dane Flansburgh

headshot of  Dane Flansburgh
Assistant Archivist

Jan Fleckenstein

nothing available for  Jan Fleckenstein
Teaching Professor, Director of the Law Library

Joseph Foote

headshot of  Joseph Foote
Lead IT Analyst

Rachel Fox Von Swearingen

headshot of  Rachel Fox Von Swearingen
Collection Lead Librarian

Traci Geisler

headshot of  Traci Geisler
Director, Blackstone LaunchPad

Patricia Giles

headshot of  Patricia Giles
Reference and Instruction Librarian

Edward Gokey

nothing available for  Edward Gokey
Library Technician

Melissa Gwilt

headshot of  Melissa Gwilt
Executive Director of Budget, Administration, and Operational Excellence

Carol Hamilton

nothing available for  Carol Hamilton
Library Technician

Daniel Hanks Jr.

nothing available for  Daniel Hanks Jr.
Information Technology Analyst

Marianne Swanberry Hanley

headshot of  Marianne Swanberry Hanley
Preservation Librarian

Elizabeth Hansen

headshot of  Elizabeth Hansen
Director, University Records Management

Emily Hart

headshot of  Emily Hart
Life Sciences Librarian, Research Impact Lead

Linda Dickerson Hartsock

headshot of  Linda Dickerson Hartsock
Strategic Initiatives Advisor

Cristina Hatem

headshot of  Cristina Hatem
Director of Strategic Planning, Marketing and Communications

Brenna Helmstutler

headshot of  Brenna Helmstutler
Librarian for the School of Information Studies

Courtney Hicks

headshot of  Courtney Hicks
Lead Curator, Curator of Plastics and Historical Artifacts

Shannon Hitchcock Schantz PhD

headshot of  Shannon Hitchcock Schantz PhD
Director, First Year Seminar

Chelsea Hoover

headshot of  Chelsea Hoover
Catalog Librarian for Music

Carol Hornstein

headshot of  Carol Hornstein
Accounting Coordinator, SU Press

Seán Horsford

headshot of  Seán Horsford
Digital Media Librarian

Yage Huang

headshot of  Yage Huang
Law Reference Librarian

Lila Hudson

nothing available for  Lila Hudson
Library Technician

Stephen Huffaker

nothing available for  Stephen Huffaker
Library Technician

Jeanine A. Irons

headshot of  Jeanine A. Irons
Director of Institutional Culture

David Louis Jensen

headshot of  David Louis Jensen
Library Technician

Kristin Jeter

headshot of  Kristin Jeter
Access Services Librarian

Ashley Jimenez

headshot of  Ashley Jimenez
Program Support Coordinator, CLASS

Betty Johnson-Adair

headshot of  Betty Johnson-Adair
Budget Office Manager

Emily Johnson

headshot of  Emily Johnson
Library Technician

Kaly Johnston

nothing available for  Kaly Johnston
Access Services Supervisor

Rebecca G. Johnston

headshot of  Rebecca G. Johnston
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarian

Kiley Jolicoeur

headshot of  Kiley Jolicoeur
Metadata Strategies Librarian

Déirdre Joyce

headshot of  Déirdre Joyce
Head of Digital Stewardship and the Digital Library Program

Abby Kasowitz-Scheer

headshot of  Abby Kasowitz-Scheer
Head, Learning and Academic Engagement Department

Summer Kelly

headshot of  Summer Kelly
Library Technician

Beth Kirton-Crane

nothing available for  Beth Kirton-Crane
Temporary Acquisitions & Cataloging Librarian

Christine Kshyna

headshot of  Christine Kshyna
Library Operations Manager

Lisa Kuerbis

headshot of  Lisa Kuerbis
Marketing and Sales Manager

Anita Kuiken

headshot of  Anita Kuiken
Librarian for Falk College

Amy Kwasigroch

nothing available for  Amy Kwasigroch
Library Technician

Kelley Lasher

headshot of  Kelley Lasher
Lead Librarian for Electronic Resources

Keenan LeBlanc

headshot of  Keenan LeBlanc
Library Technician

Bill Lee

headshot of  Bill Lee
Library Technician

Merritt Lennox

headshot of  Merritt Lennox
Data Systems Administrator

Elias Liquori

headshot of  Elias Liquori
Library Facility Warehouse Technician

Kate Marzen

headshot of  Kate Marzen
Assistant Director of Academic Expectations, CLASS

Aly Nicole Marzouq

nothing available for  Aly Nicole Marzouq
Office Supervisor

Meg Mason

headshot of  Meg Mason
University Archivist

Christopher McCallops

nothing available for  Christopher McCallops
Specialist, Records and Information Management

Amy McDonald

headshot of  Amy McDonald
SCRC Reference and Access Service Librarian

Diane McKenney

headshot of  Diane McKenney
Library Technician

Stephanie JH McReynolds

headshot of  Stephanie JH McReynolds
Librarian for Business, Management and Entrepreneurship

Jim Meade

headshot of  Jim Meade
Audio Preservation Engineer

Carol Mehl

headshot of  Carol Mehl
Library Technician

Jordan Michaud

nothing available for  Jordan Michaud
Library Technician

Michelle Mitchell

headshot of  Michelle Mitchell
Reference and Instruction Librarian

Dylan Mohr

headshot of  Dylan Mohr
Open Scholarship Librarian

Randy Bruce Money

nothing available for  Randy Bruce Money
Access Services Supervisor

Stephanie Morse

headshot of  Stephanie Morse
Library Technician

Meara Mosny

headshot of  Meara Mosny
Digital & Communications Specialist

Donna Movsovich

nothing available for  Donna Movsovich
Catalog Librarian, Part-Time, Law Library

Valerie Movsovich

nothing available for  Valerie Movsovich
Library Facility Warehouse Technician

Cathy Mulford

headshot of  Cathy Mulford
Library Technician

Jessamyn A Neuhaus

nothing available for  Jessamyn A Neuhaus
Director, CTLE

Nicholas Nosko

headshot of  Nicholas Nosko
Lead IT Analyst

Jim O'Connor

headshot of  Jim O'Connor
Producer Sound Beat and Access Audio

Nick Olivieri

headshot of  Nick Olivieri
Access Services Manager

John Olson

headshot of  John Olson
Government and Geo-Information Librarian

Barbara Opar

headshot of  Barbara Opar
Librarian for Architecture

Kelley Parker

headshot of  Kelley Parker
Executive Assistant to the Dean and Dean's Office Manager

Michael Pasqualoni

headshot of  Michael Pasqualoni
Librarian for the Newhouse School of Public Communications

David Peterson

headshot of  David Peterson
Senior Academic Learning Specialist, CLASS

Jessica L. Petitto

headshot of  Jessica L. Petitto
Technical Services Librarian, Law Library

Kathleen Pieri

nothing available for  Kathleen Pieri
Information Technology Analyst

Sarah Pohley

nothing available for  Sarah Pohley
Library Technician for Digitization

Jem Pope

nothing available for  Jem Pope
Daytime Supervisor

Suzanne Preate

headshot of  Suzanne Preate
Digital Initiatives Librarian

George Puthussery

headshot of  George Puthussery
Functional Business Analyst, CLASS

Anne Rauh

headshot of  Anne Rauh
Head of Collections and Research Services

Tiffany Raymond

headshot of  Tiffany Raymond
Access and Resource Sharing Department Head

Thomas Reed

headshot of  Thomas Reed
Information Technology Analyst

Ivayla Roleva-Peneva

nothing available for  Ivayla Roleva-Peneva
Media Preservation Archivist

Jana Rosinski

headshot of  Jana Rosinski
Instruction and Education Librarian

Jacques Safari Mwayaona

headshot of  Jacques Safari Mwayaona
Faculty Development Fellow

David Sanford Peterson

nothing available for  David Sanford Peterson
Library Technician

Corinne Sartori

headshot of  Corinne Sartori
Accessibility Specialist

Irina Savinetskaya

headshot of  Irina Savinetskaya
SCRC Curator, Early to pre-20th Century

Josephine Scanlon

nothing available for  Josephine Scanlon
Library Technician-Circulation, Law Library

Jennifer Schultz

nothing available for  Jennifer Schultz
Operations and Business Manager

Liz Scott

nothing available for  Liz Scott
Library Technician

Seyvion Scott

headshot of  Seyvion Scott
Student Engagement Librarian

David Seaman

headshot of  David Seaman
Dean of Libraries and University Librarian

Aimee Shukuru

nothing available for  Aimee Shukuru
FYS 101 Program Coordinator

Russell Silverstein

headshot of  Russell Silverstein
Director, Library Information Technology

Sidney A. Sinclair

headshot of  Sidney A. Sinclair
Catalog and Archives Librarian, Law Library

Stephen Singer

headshot of  Stephen Singer
Technology Services Supervisor and Exhibits Specialist

Lindy Smith

headshot of  Lindy Smith
Assistant Director, Special Collections Research Center

Vanessa St.Oegger-Menn

headshot of  Vanessa St.Oegger-Menn
Assistant University Archivist and Pan Am 103 Archivist

Heather Stauffer

headshot of  Heather Stauffer
Editor in Chief

John Stawarz

headshot of  John Stawarz
Online Learning Librarian

Timothy (TJ) Stewart

headshot of  Timothy (TJ) Stewart
Facilities and Security Manager

David Stokoe

headshot of  David Stokoe
Conservation Librarian

Mark Svereika

nothing available for  Mark Svereika
Library Technician

Anders Swendsrud

headshot of  Anders Swendsrud
Access Services Supervisor

Grace Swinnerton

headshot of  Grace Swinnerton
IVMF Research and Digital Projects Librarian

Ronald Thiele

headshot of  Ronald Thiele
Assistant Dean for Advancement

Lenny C. Trang

headshot of  Lenny C. Trang
Information Technology Analyst

William Vogel

headshot of  William Vogel
Library Technician

Max Wagh

headshot of  Max Wagh
SCRC Administrative Coordinator

Scott Warren

headshot of  Scott Warren
Senior Associate Dean for Research Excellence

Winn Wasson

headshot of  Winn Wasson
Social Science Librarian

George Wazen

nothing available for  George Wazen
DPS Library Operations Coordinator

Stephen Weiter

nothing available for  Stephen Weiter
Library Technician

Fred Wellner

headshot of  Fred Wellner
Senior Designer

Jonathan Wess

headshot of  Jonathan Wess
LaunchPad Program Manager

Emil Westfall

nothing available for  Emil Westfall
Supervisor, Evening/Weekend

Lynn Wilcox

headshot of  Lynn Wilcox
Design and Digital Assets Specialist

Zachary Wilkie

nothing available for  Zachary Wilkie
Purchasing and Shipping Coordinator

Patrick Williams

headshot of  Patrick Williams
Humanities Librarian, Digital and Open Scholarship Lead

Jennifer Zuccaro

nothing available for  Jennifer Zuccaro
Interim Head, Acquisitions and Cataloging; Lead Librarian for Acquisitions