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A member registered Dec 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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He needed some milk, he got some milk. 🐸🥛

Good luck to you all, fellow travelers, on your journeys through the desert.

I got that no good son-of-a-gun!

All the forest animals fear Forg. Their fur is burned and their nerves shot from the wrath of his wand.

Hope all these people in the comments making videos about your game, at least those that are monetized, sent a little money your way. 😅


Seems that the game crashes if you die in the second level. :(

Got an A score somehow despite lots of mistakes. 💪

the adblock drones' textures didn't load for me, their stop signs were just white.

Just finished this. It's cute. Hopefully the princess can learn to like her frog admirer after all that dragging around and licking. I appreciate any fellow frog game makers. 🐸

That was a decent little game. It did all it needed to and that's great. Well done.

The first part felt like that moment before falling asleep when, if you try to see with your eyes closed, shapes and images begin to appear out of the black but just as you see them, they vanish. Overall it was a soothing experience. It also brought to mind the version of "Song to the Siren" by John Frusciante. Thank you for creating and sharing this.


Thank you for the laugh.

That does sound pretty good. Is there another layer you could add on top to detect the visemes? I know that conventional techniques for doing that have been around since at least 2015 since there is a plugin for adobe animator cs6 that can detect the various sounds out of audio. You might want to look in the Vtuber space for something realtime and lightweight.

Good progress. I look forward to what's next.

Thank you.

Sorry, I don't quite understand. If you put the cursor in the text box the control goes to the UI. If you click on the screen the control goes to the game viewport and you can use the mouse to rotate the camera.

I mean that in the original game, I think I remember having to hold down either the right or left mouse button in order to rotate the camera. It took some getting used to compared to most FPS games that, if they need to also use the cursor, have a button to enable the cursor and take control from the rotation rather than how you had it so the cursor was the default and the rotation was secondary. I hope that makes more sense.

That section right above the starting area is a really touch one. I don't know if I can get past there without spending way too much time practicing that jump.

Currently, to generate static voice I am using this one (Cortana's voice in the new update):

Sweet. I look forward to it!

Nice progress. Does Whisper run locally or is it an API call to Open AI's servers? If I find a speech to text program for C++, I'll let you know. I am going to be starting a project with some features in common with yours soon(tm).

I know it's not exactly related to speech to text, but in this new version, will there be mouse controls for the camera without having to hold down a button? I remember with the current version it took me a while to get used to holding down a button to look around. Maybe holding down a keyboard key like left alt could enable the cursor and disable looking so you can navigate the UI.

Looks good. Any chance you could add face (camera) tracking too so that she looks at the player? Bonus points if you could do so with a model that incorporates glances away instead of just staring the whole time.

On the TTS specificially, I'm sure it's for computational load and ease of programming that you're using the Microsoft built in system, but have you looked into local TTS models? This game uses one that is pretty convincingly human sounding for what it is: If you can get in contact with the dev, maybe he'll tell you what system he used.



As a fellow frog game maker, I approve. 

(1 edit)

That was something.... Very relaxing.

I think I beat it, or rather, learned of my fate. He really should help me get off the island. He can swim... :(

That was a trip. I enjoyed the surrealness of that, but have no idea what happened. Thanks for making such an experience.

The paimt.exe is actually kind of interesting. It's like drawing on a baloon and being able to stretch or deflate your image.

I dried in a crack tied up in a knot.

Man is that hard. I wish I could turn all the way around since there were often times I wanted to go sideways but couldn't quite point in that direction. I'm sure that translating 2D mouse movements to 3D worm movements is not trivial, though. Well done, it's just a pain.

That's entirely up to you. I do like weird and surreal stuff like this, though.

Understood. Thanks.

I'll keep tabs on this project in case you ever decide to allow for offline play.

I tried out the demo but it seems that the game requires an internet connection for all the AI stuff. I have a powerful GPU so would like to run the game completely locally if possible.

Does the paid version also require an internet connection? Thanks. I'd very much like to try out all the features of the game but online AI kind of creeps me out. Plus it costs someone to run.

Just finished playing and I think that might be the most immersive VR game I've played to-date. The machines all are responsive and all the buttons clicky and actually do something.

Since much of the game is controlling things via in-game screens, the immersion is deeper since you kind of can only hold so many levels of disbelief at once. So, it feels like the things on the screens are a game, but then you look up and around and you're still in the submarine.

Awesome. I can't wait for the full game!

Oh, I meant that the girl that the dev had a similar interaction with in the past is the whack-job. I mean, the MC is messed up too, but I thought that was more of a plot point only... Hopefully the devs have no experience of kidnapping!

I'm sorry for the dev(s?)... This kind of relationship comes from experience. I'm praying for you.... and that whack-job. 😅

R.I.P. Steve

I enjoyed this little demo. I wish the full game much success.

Nippets did not disappoint. Adorable little game.

I love that you don't explain the rules at all, it makes figuring them out that much more rewarding.

🎈x10/🎈x10, would inflate again.