Sehr cutes Spiel!
Simples Konzept und schöne Gestaltung, passend zum Jam Thema :)
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Great game! I hope I'll never forget how to walk left :D
Loved the idea that yor inputs are "kaputt" I actually thought about a simmilar thing first.
The art really suits the game and I love how you implemented lighting.
My only issue (and that's more of a personal thing) is that I wish my character would remember to jump with the space bar :D I have like the hardest time jumping with W.
Very cool submission, wild art style and on theme!
My actions didn't seem to make a difference in the overall process so it felt more like a story, but since the writing was very fitting, I didn't mind. My advice would be to place and size the different game elements more proportional to their importance!
Amazing game! Really! Loved the style and concept. Gameplay and movement felt great! Not to speak of how sick it is that you have voice acting in a 48 hour Jam game!
The only thing I would change would be to have space as alternative jump key. That's kind of a personal thing but i have such a hard time jumping with W.
Great submission! Had so much fun playing it!
Wow, all this in 3 1/2 days? How is this even possible? All those levels, a whole super detailled tutorial and even a map editor. This is impressive, really! I played quiet a lot and had so much fun!
Only thing i would have loved to see is if the turn left/right instructions were clockwise/conterclockwise instructions as I had to think about which way the robot is facing constantly. But thats a minor detail...
Great game! Really!
Man that was so much fun, we played both ends (of course we made everything wrong in the first playthrough :D) and had a really great time with the dialoges!
A nice thing to add would be an ending for the player answering every question exactly the same as the AI, that would have been hilarious.
Great game, we had so much fun!
This is a suprisingly great way to illustrate the process of how ai learns packed in a relaxing little drawing game! When I was drawing a grass plane it was nice to see the point where the AI noticed that I want te green on the bottom of the screen and helped me filling the empty spaces.
Maybe a eraser would have been nice, otherwise really cool idea, I had a lot of fun!
Wow! Your game looks so nice omg! The style is amazing! I love the narrative and gameplay was also quiet some fun! Are the levels AI generated? Because i had quiet some that seem to be unsolvable but that added to the mechanic in some way so no need to change anything in my eyes. Only thing that would have been nice would have been if you don't start on the first iteration of the level after you die, thats all that comes to my mind.
Really a masterpiece! Amazing work!
Woooow SHARKS! Thats totally my game :D
It was quiet some fun swimming around in a school of fish. And hey I even lerned something: Swimming around in a scool of fish is apperantly called schooling. Nice!
Only thing I would have changed would be the shark sound, it sounded a little like a lion, otherwise cute little game!
Wow, that rabbit really is an one cute dork, omg :D Don't get me wrong we had so much fun laughing over what he was doing but man.
I loved the visuals and and small details like the animation when entering or exiting the cave.
Only thing that made me sad was the absence of a carrot on the end of the level, otherwise I had a lot of fun!