I played the demo on my Steam Deck and the visuals look great on that screen! The artstyle really looks amazing and I enjoyed the gameplay you show so far. I'm looking forward to the full game!
The only bit of constructive criticism I want to give you is that the music didn't feel as polished as the other parts of the game. The short, repeating notes that are playing behind the melody made my ears feel exhausted after playing a while and hearing the same thing repeated constantly.
The song could absolutely have a part like that, but I think it would be nice if the song could have a few more sections, where the short, repeating notes go away and some other instrument takes it's place.
Keep up the good work and good luck with the rest of the development!
Robe Garden
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Thank you! I'm doing my very best to reach out to the people I know in the industry, but sadly the situation seems to be similar at a lot of companies at the moment. Many places need to downsize in order to stay afloat.
But I'm not giving up! I'm still investigating any possibility I have. Educations, jobs, solo projects... anything is worth considering if it is a realistic option to go forward.
I don't know what your struggle is, but I wish you the best of luck! I think you are a nice and friendly person and I would assume that other people you contact would feel the same, so I think you should just go for it! Keep contacting people and practicing your skills and it has to work out for you sooner or later! Good luck!
Yeah, consistence is key when it comes to bigger projects. I can highly recommend writing down all your thoughts about what you are working on (in a notebook, your phone or where-ever). That way, it feels like progress, even though you might not be at your desk and working on code, or whatever you do in your projects. Planning work is also work and it really keeps the ball rolling!
Thank you for commenting again. It's very much appreciated!