This appears to be using a ImGUI interface. This is not bad considering the limited interaction I had while playing this little demo. I hope to make a C++ game myself at some point.
Osama Hussein
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I love the action-packed, upbeat music as my player was on a platforming journey. This game feels like one of those trial and error type games where it feels as if everything will go wrong and when it's done going wrong, then everything starts to feel that nothing can go wrong. Although, that large white thing that is slowly falling down slowed me down a lot and I had to wait for that to finish coming down until I could retry and reach the end, which I ultimately did.
Great game wow, first the Windows screen and how I could control that in-game computer like I own the computer. I like all the different tasks and popups that I got as the countdown timer started. One thing that I didn't like was the fact that I completed some tasks and I was never able to get bonus time so that I can complete more tasks. Also, I couldn't complete the mirror task even though I had the same pattern as the one displayed on the left side of the screen. Another thing about the popups, I felt like it shouldn't be constantly popping up as I was about to complete my task. I felt like that should occur after I complete 1 or 2 tasks to ensure further progress.
Even though I kept failing all of the tasks in which the monster came to kill my player, the gameplay was really fun. I loved the modeling and the room art. This game also had some impressive signifiers and affordances that guide me where to go. A yellow glow indicating where my objective is and the lighting to help me visualize which ones were interactable. A to-do task is well-implemented and felt like I'm being given a new quest every time I interact with an object. Great work overall.
I like the idea of switching between a regular sprite to little balls. Although, I found it very hard to jump on those small cubes and turning my character to little balls on the maze-looking area because of the way the character jumps too fast. The character is also very floaty and does go back up every time I fall off the map.
This is a neat visual novel game. I liked the dialogue system. There was no music or any kind of sound in this game even though the main menu had the settings option for turning the volume up or down. I struggled to keep up with what is being typed on the dialogue box every time it scrolls down once the dialogue box is fully filled with text. I wasn't able to match the 3 jobs between the 3 characters but I loved the idea of interviewing each candidate and matching their skills and experience with the jobs listed!
I genuinely love the idea of a factory game; although, this literally felt nothing like a factory game because all I was doing was placing objects found at the bottom of the screen on the grass and even then, it didn't plant the object I wanted. It's pretty much just place a pumpkin or a scarecrow (with a pumpkin head). Just keep working hard though, I went through this experience working with a team too!
This platformer game was great overall. The background art with the fall leaves and trees were really well designed and implemented. The music and sound effects has that cozy feel to it. Every time I fell off a platform, I got a game over screen. The platform had collisions when I landed on it but had no collisions as I was jumping to it because I can clip through the platform during the jump.
The background and tree art are very magnificent to see while shuffling the trees to catch the leaves. I like the idea of shaking the tree so that the leaves can fall down and I catch them. I also like the upgrade system too where I can buy a better leaf that will give me more leaves than normal ones.
Lovely atmosphere this game has. It's really impressive that this mini-game was made in 3D for 4 days in this jam. I loved the cozy music playing in the background as I walked around the world. I was able to interact with objects and people without any game-breaking bugs or glitches. My only pet-peeve in the game I found was I wasn't able to run around to explore stuff much quicker rather than having to walk the entire way just to reach the wizard. Other than that minor issue, this game is really solid and might even win it all! Well done!
I love the overall gameplay of this game. The upgrade system is an amazing system to include in the game since it works and I gain XP from killing the bugs and destroying the ice crystals. I love the audio with the sound effects and music too. All types of cozy fall vibes were shown throughout my playthrough of the game.
Colorize is a very lovely little minigame, I love the alchemy art and the background art too, it makes the gameplay look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The gameplay is very basic but is also very amazing since I need to catch as many potions as I can before my alchemy power breaks down and from there, it's game over for me. The highscore feature is an amazing add-on to the game. The highest score I got was 133. This is one of those solid minigames in this jam, great work in general!
Very lovely level scene and artwork in this game. Although when I fell into the pit, I can't do anything apart from moving my character offscreen. The health bar is lovely and I don't lose too much health once the enemy attacks me and connects. Very clever implementation of the themes of shadow and alchemy in the game. It's not super difficult to kill the skeletons at all, as long as the player backs away while shooting. This is definitely a nice game overall though.
Nice little top down shooter game here. I love how the ruins look, and the building art. The fact I can shoot a ball with the stick is a nice idea, although the ball is slightly out of place from where I was trying to aim at. The score mechanic is nicely implemented and the health bar is there, it doesn't seem to drop health points from me even though I collided into the enemies at times. This is a nice little demo though, keep up the effort!
Wow Little Shadow has some impressive forestry art, I've never seen anything like it. The platform scenery is also beyond magnificent. The gameplay itself feels pretty basic because I can only move my player around and press 4 different keys to perform the same attack animation and type. I personally though the 4 different controls that are related to attacking, are the different attack types (e.g. light attack, heavy attack, special attack, etc.). But hey, who am I to judge the game so harshly? It's looking impressive so far. I lose a lot of health relatively fast even when I'm not way too close to the enemy and I'm trying to kill him. The dying animation is just downright glorious to see every time I restart the game. Although when I restart the game, it feels like the game autosaves my progress indirectly because even when I restarted from the beginning, the enemies I once killed earlier are not there anymore. Either that was intended or it's a bug, but either way it's a nice little autosave system, unintentionally implemented. What a nice looking game, either update the game after the jam's ratings are set in place or make new games, applying the knowledge and learn more stuff to make really complicated games!
This is a very beautiful point and click game! I'm already stunned with the shadow artwork and how the Robo looked while holding a flashlight. The game felt too dark for me, perhaps it's the lower brightness setting on my end. It's such a shame that there's only one room and one item that is interactable. Every other object in the room can't be interacted with but hey, got to play what's in front of me, right? Although I'm confused with what part of the alchemy theme is supposed to be for which mechanic or object in the game. I loved the UI buttons at the top right of the screen where I can look at the history, change the master volume and the text speed. This little demo game is looking solid already, great job so far!
Very nice demo project. I love the artwork already, it's too bad there's not much gameplay but I love how cleverly the theme of shadows and alchemy were used in the game. The potions have different abilities and I love using them. However one of the potions was related to the jumping mechanic so I couldn't jump until I had one potion of it for use. Once I ran out of the circle potion. I can't progress through the level so perhaps I'll try again later when I can. In the meantime though, I'm liking this little demo so far. Hope I can see more content to fully progress through the level, this is a very solid entry as of right now!
This is very nice game, anyway I can't get past all the black circles because I always seem to lose a lot of health every time I get attacked and I would die in the process. I like the idea of switching between different alchemy powers, and it makes the game feel diverse in its player power approach. It's like do you want to switch to orange potion to attack enemies or the black potion for teleporting from one place to another without having to move there? It's a neat little mechanic that makes the player have to strategically think about how they're going to get past the level. The crazy exploit I found within the game was that I can throw the alchemy at the enemies from far away and I can throw it through the walls to hit the enemies that can't move toward me. That should probably be updated after the jam's ratings have been released. Either way though, this is a great little 2D stealth adventure game!
This is nice game here, although I had performance issues with the game since it lagged a couple of times for me but it's still playable. Anyway about the gameplay, the objective is pretty much to stay in the shadows for the entire time and the moment I'm inside the light or the enemy's light radius, my eyes feel like they got damaged and I have to start over again. I've failed plenty of times and noticed that the items that I picked up are saved in my inventory slot no matter what. The game is a bit unforgiving at times because as soon as I'm inside the light radius, I always get damaged and have to start over. The dash mechanic is a neat concept to add on to the game since I can sprint away from the light when needed. The best thing about this game though, are the floating popup texts when I interact with certain objects and alchemy items. This game fits the theme of shadow and alchemy perfectly. Again, nice game and fun to play overall!
This is a very good visual novel kind of RPG game! I love how the shadow and alchemy in the game fits the jam's theme nicely because I give people potions, kind of like them wanting some alchemy magic to change their spirits for the better. As for the shadows, Ava doesn't know who the human is or what they look like until she gets a good, clean scan of the person whether that's by talking to them, asking them questions or just by hearing their name. I also loved the artwork of the game, including the animated background and simple sprites. I reached the end and I love the message that I see, it's like I got a computer popup saying that I won the game. This entry is solid and should get more recognition!
This is a nice simple game with simple background music. I genuinely love the world scene art, the object art and the sprites art too. They're lovely. Though the possessed robots or whatever they're called that rush toward me, don't seem to do anything to me. I would normally expect a game over screen there but oh well, I got to play what's in front of me. Anyway I got to get back to the object art, the way I could destroy the objects and how a Silent Hill-like logo showing up on the floor is crazy work. I believe that adds more items in my inventory that I could later construct in different places of the world map. I don't know how the tier system works though because I tried exploring different areas of the map and could never progress, maybe I didn't play through the game enough. The inventory and stat menu is very well implemented, and may I say that the theme of shadow and alchemy were amazingly applied to this game. Very well done with this entry here!
This game is super dark, how am I supposed to know where those black things are that come toward me? By the way, I meant to sound humorous here. I could never crack a score of 5 even if I tried my hardest. But at least, I like the fact the game has shadows and alchemy, and those tie to the jam's theme brilliantly. Let me make a suggestion, if this is a darkness survival game, make the flashlight appear for the whole game as opposed to only appearing as soon as I shoot at the enemies. My eyes are burning! This is a very nice simple game though, not gonna lie.
I might have struggled to get the hang of the controls at first because there are so many keys and buttons to press for different actions, but I actually enjoyed the overall feel and gameplay of Lunedo Factor. I had no idea that I need to attack first before I could vacuum them while they're down, that's a cool idea. I have a problem with the fact that my health drops even when the enemy is down, either because they exploded on me or I got too close to them as I was trying to vacuum the bad guys. I did struggle to beat the first level but this game is just magnificent. The artwork is splendid, including the background and sprites! Solid game here, the theme of shadow and alchemy was shown on full display throughout the game.
This game has some neat world art and nicely made animated player sprite. The gameplay overall appears to be very basic because there's no interaction whatsoever apart from the player attack, the color palette controls is a nice addition to the game that changes the player's sword attack color but I don't really see a purpose in it unless if it's using some kind of alchemy magic to get through the game. Also, I kept getting stuck on some objects that I should have never been stuck on but sometimes, I would get out of the glitch by spamming the attack key and it would move me around again. This is definitely not bad, hope this will be a valuable learning experience in future game jams! I mean who knows, perhaps you could make a fully playable mini-game using your own engine one day.
Nice game! This game is clearly difficult from the start because of the fact you have to switch between worlds constantly just to survive and add on to the shoot jumping cooldown while being shot at, it makes this game incredibly difficult for me to get past until I get used it. I actually love it, a falling shooter that takes a lot of playthroughs to get used to the enemy placements and the controls of your own character. The art is mostly white and black which I believe resembles the shadow theme and the obviously, the alchemy elements include using potions for power-ups. The audio and the music is really good too, an action-packed music that fits this game's genre beautifully. My biggest pet-peeve while playing this game includes the fact that the enemy can literally shoot me through the platform blocks, which I felt was just a plain hitbox error or a hitbox that was never implemented. I hope you can patch that after the jam's submissions have been rated. But either way, this is beautifully made despite my struggles getting past the beginning level.
This is a super amazing game already. Although I struggled to know how to craft items, I went outside and explored some lovely game background art, especially with the shadows and alchemy items. The audio and music are incredibly soothing to listen to. I love the floating texts whenever I talked to the NPCs. The sprite art is lovely too. I haven't even touched on this yet but the clock system is perfect, changing the days based on the time. I was shocked at first to see the time change from night to day in a heartbeat, it was beautiful to see. I personally wouldn't be surprised if this game will win this entire jam because I know that this game would be top 5. Simply amazing, all-around work by the entire team here!
I love this game, it's very neat! Even though I struggled to get past the level, mainly when I kept falling into the hole and the monster ate me, I still loved it. I just wish that I knew about how to slow down my lantern earlier, could have saved me so much time to get past the level. I noticed that there were thunder symbols above the lantern, telling me how many lives I have. I love that feature personally, because it makes me strategize my every move while slowing down every time I encounter a hole or the symbols that lie on the level. I love the artwork of this game too, it has some spooky background in which the shadow and alchemy aspects of the game were really well-implemented and it tied in with the jam's theme beautifully. I hope there are more levels than just that one level I couldn't past because me beating it would have felt very rewarding for sure. Just an overall, tremendous job in making this all-around small game here!
I really enjoyed playing this game, even though I struggled to get past level 4 with the moving platform whenever I got on it, it would always spin around until I fell to my death. I don't know what the later levels look like but I can assure everyone here that it will be a lot harder than Level 4, that's for sure. I do have a slight problem with the controls, mainly the ferret's movement. It feels a bit janky and it would not move with the moving platform a lot of times which more likely leads to death unless if I kept moving the ferret with the platform. I love how shadow and alchemy themes are demonstrated throughout this game. Nice work overall!
What lovely atmosphere this game has, it's got shadows and some lovely alchemy magic in the scene. Unfortunately, I didn't know what to do next after I charge the ability to burn the barrel inside the cage so I decided to explore more of the level until I found a wrench. The way that the wrench moved to attack me was so scary because I was losing health to the point the screen turns red and I fall down to my death as soon as I lost all of my health. Although, there were performance issues since the game lagged a bit once the game is booted but after that, the game ran smoothly. I also love the art with the objects and the background stuff, it's all spooky like a Halloween. Very nice submission to this jam indeed!
I like the room design and the zombies. I completed the demo game and it's so far, so good. It's a cool concept to push the blocks to find the keys, but I literally couldn't find a key and somehow I had a key in my hand all because I moved the blocks around. I also found an exploit in this little demo where if I could push the zombie on the edges of the room using a block, the zombie would get stuck from moving towards me xD. I don't know how I knew that, I only wanted to test that "exploit" of the game and see if it actually works. Anyway, I love the walking sounds. It sounded so terrifying trying to move around the room. This is a cool demo though, hope I get to see more levels!
This is a really nice, simple tower defence game right here! The idea that I have to use my slingshot to shoot at the enemies while dragging it back for maximum power is kind of like playing Angry Birds, except with moving enemies as opposed to pigs standing in place. As soon as the tower lost all of its health, my slingshot won't fire which is exactly how it's supposed to be but I can't stop dragging the slingshot for some reason. Perhaps a game over screen or even a key/button prompt to restart would help. Also, I noticed what the power-ups did and I loved using them. They also had a cool-down timer which is beyond crazy that was able to be implemented inside the game perfectly. This game fits this theme of shadow and alchemy beautifully, I can't wait to see more of this tower defence game after the jam's ratings have been released. Just a really solid entry!
So I just played Cauldron's Quest and I personally think that the game looks cool and has good, quality level design. Although I feel like the theme of shadows in this game are missing whereas the theme of alchemy is there since you have to punch enemies and throw them inside the cauldron to get a unique powerup (e.g. double jump). I couldn't get past the second room after my double jump ability had worn out. The music has an upbeat tempo to it and is really cool to listen to since it feels like I'm playing a Gameboy Advance type of game. This entry is nice in general and I would like to see more variety in the objects that spawn in the different rooms.
This is a very cool RPG small game here. I love the background art and especially the sprites. Although, some animals just don't move, they have movement animations to them which I personally thought were really neat and showed that this game had the potential to be great. The enemy attacks are fairly basic. Once your torch lights up around an enemy, the enemy will come to attack the player. Also when I died, I was able to open the inventory system and close it like I would in normal gameplay. I know that there wasn't a lot of interaction but there were instances where I can open doors and interact with different objects to the point that I am hooked into exploring more of the game. I got to admit, this game is solid for this jam since the game fits the theme nicely!
I love the animated cutscenes in this game, they are amazing. I feel like this game is too difficult for my taste because I didn't really know how the alchemy controls really work and I didn't know how to attack the enemies with it. When I got the game over window and tried to restart at level 1, it teleported me to level 5 for some reason. Also inside the level select screen, I selected level 3 and it took me to level 10. The way that you use your alchemy powers to get away from the enemies is a cool idea, and this game fits the jam's theme nicely. The mini-dialogue cutscenes were really funny to watch. Nice entry as a whole though!
Ninja Slime has very incredible artwork with the sprites and the background art as well. There probably should have been more grass with different variations but that's okay because there is enough grass in the level for me to admire the game's scenery. I love how alchemy was implemented into the game by using the health and stamina potion even though I never could get it to trigger, maybe because I never grabbed a potion but that's a nice concept to apply to the jam's theme. I also love how shadow was implemented into the game by using an invisibility mechanic where the player can sneak and the slimes won't see the player. The health and stamina system are exceptionally done, and it made me think of how to plan my next attack on the slimes very carefully. This is an amazing submission to this jam overall, this game needs more recognition!
For the love of god, I love this game! The way the game looks so aesthetically pleasing and calm makes me feel like I'm actually playing a stealth game with lots of shadows. The flashlight was a bit difficult to control with the mouse when I was playing it with a browser, but it's not a huge issue. Anyway, this game has some amazing background story to it, along with a tutorial popup at the very beginning explaining the controls in the game. The sound effects and music were also amazing and really fit the themes of shadow and alchemy really well. The enemy detection could use some work though because I would always seem to get spotted as soon as I enter a different area, even if the enemy is nowhere near me and the flashlight not looking right at me. And somehow the enemy doesn't spot me at times even if he has a clear view of me with his flashlight. And of course how could I forget about the presentation, it's magnificent. This is definitely in contention to be one of the top games in this jam, very amazing work here!