I would play it, but my browser says downloading the game is forbidden
Recent community posts
I would have, but these kinds of games aren't really my cup of tea unless they're out of the norm, besides, I've played some that have more options than this, and was really good, however I don't intend to sit around and waste my time with a game I already know isn't going to be that great.
I also know that, while you know that I played the game a bit, that you intended to be negative. I would also like to say that a lot of people don't like A.I. Art, and that's just a thing, not many really like it all to much. I just don't enjoy it much because it's got no style, just trying to make 3d characters in a 2d image, it just kinda messes with my brain too much.
I thank you for your criticism and hope you have a good day
P.S. don't show off your gmail account, that's how you get spam.
I played for a bit when I caught the ice legendary pokemon, to be honest, it's not that fun. The idea is good, but it lacks a bit of creativity as it's mainly "choose the right tool for the right job" or "choose the right question".
There's not many dialogue choices and the Art is made by A.I. which is something I don't have a problem with if it's good. But I'd say the art is pretty much just... alright, they're not bad, but not great either.
I'd say this game has potential, if it adds a bit more flare to it, along with Pokemon fights you could do to get the equipment you need to find the legendary Pokemon
most of the top comments in this post are a bunch of people asking where they type it in... or where in the browser. I'm not one to critique or be a jackass, but someone has to say it. Did these guys just get their mothers to just get on Itch.io and not to mention this game? If they can't navigate the browser in the game, then how the fuck did they managed to find their way here?
the game seems pretty good, the problem is the mix of language with, what I assume is Russian, and English. I do gotta say, loving the idea of the game where you play as the girls and fight enemies. Do kinda wish I could be a male security guard, though I'm fine with playing chicks I guess. Also, what is Mr. Burns doing here? Kinda makes it go higher than other games.
I do hope that the language is fixed and isn't mixed like right now, and that we get even more gameplay. Did notice something while playing, and that's when I got to fixing a breaker. I moved my mouse and had no idea what I did wrong. If you're doing this as well, just don't move your mouse, would like there to be a text telling us not to move our mouse yet though.
I would say check this game out and support this guy as this is a good game. I like the abilities and the dialogue (to a degree). If you guys wanna check it out, you should, just know it's pretty limited, would also like there to be companions as well. I don't like fighting on my own in these kinds of games as it's easy to get overwhelmed by enemies (like in Five Nights at F***boys).
if the game says it doesn't download while it's installing, that means it took too long to download, so Android decided to scrap the idea. Had this happen to me a couple of times when I downloaded some games on my own Android.
if it just won't start the download in general, you'll need to find something to install the app manually. I forget the app I installed to install stuff manually, but you'll need to find it too.