It's been a while since I've looked at this puzzle, honestly, and I'm not sure what you've done lol. Pretty sure you're intended to at minimum break into the cage with the red negative keys. I can tell you some doors are useless, but not this many...
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the "something else" was a PUT command, but now I realize the issue was with the order of drawing, which is really finnicky for some reason. Generally you can only draw a sigil from one starting point and going in one direction from choices. Is there a puzzling reason to this input sensitivity I haven't understood yet? I hope there is, because there's a lot of "partial sigils" where I draw a picture that's intended as a hint because it looks right, but I don't get the hint unless I draw even that sigil in the right order.
It's possible to input a put and then narrowly avoid highlighting the put itself, but it's really hard to perform with a mouse. I just end up highlighting the put again 98 percent of the time. Is this a thing I'm supposed to do? Is there an alternate input scheme that makes more sense?
Honestly, I'd like a setting where I can turn on an input scheme where I don't have to click and drag the mouse between circles, instead I could just click each circle once in order, and click anywhere that isn't a circle to submit.
edit: oh my word I reset my save on accident and I'm getting so much extra dialogue that would have just gone "that doesn't work" previously so I dunno
edit 2: it's randomly generated ok
edit 3: positions 1 and 11 are generated identically but position 0 is not
not a bad game on its own. I do think there really should be undo and a keybind to restart but the levels are small enough to not be too much of a problem. There is a bug with lasers in level 1-21: if the orange cube moves out of the way of a laser but not the blue cube, the blue cube will survive.
edit: 100% the current campaign, some shortest path values are off by one unit from what I managed to get, which is ok, with one exception. level 2-13 can be done in six moves instead of twelve.
it's also a little weird being booted to the next level after solving this level when I only care about this level, though it is a nice effect and maybe you should have a menu popup asking if you want to restart or proceed
Ohhh, because each gate gets removed as you travel through it, you can never travel through the same gate twice. Thanks!
I still think that gates automatically going to the player of the same color is weird. Could a player end up with too many neutral gates and not be able to pick up those gates? Is it impossible to pick up a gate of the opposite color?
I don't know if I'll ever be able to find someone to play this with me, but I can still think about this.
1. Is a player able to reclaim gates they have placed down? Seems like a fascinating imbalance if so.
2. The facing disambiguation is interesting, but is there a way to prevent infinite loops? Literally speaking, the rules don't stop a token from moving back and forth between two cells forever, which is silly, so are tokens prevented from revisiting cells?
3. The "no single portalling" system is a bit weird on its own. Maybe it could be justified as going through a door on its own sends you into the next room too fast? Another things that could be tested is making the placement legal but actually traversing that door impossible. Dunno how well that would work, my mind is reeling.