I'm definitely playing the full game! I hope that the dynamics engaged in the end are going to be throughout the rest of this project!
Recent community posts
That was a great story! A well-presented one! I really enjoyed walking through it. The plot kept the tension right until the end. The graphics are just a really great decision! However there were a few things that are likely to be seeking some improvements.
First of all, guys. A compass in the upper part of the screen or a simple marker! Please :) I might not be that shrewd and good at orienting myself even at small maps like this one in the game. But still, that would do good.
Secondly. I own an RTX 4070 but the shadows kill it just a bit. I think this part is just to be your next action in optimization so I'm being chill about this one.
Everything else is great! Keep it up! Gonna be waiting for part 2 or another game!
I liked the atmosphere but I got lost pretty soon ;D. Some monsters also seemed to be a bit broken so I just passed them by easily. As soon as I got far enough I lost any kind of track to return back and then I got slayed by a monster who was accidantally crossing the coridor lol. Thanks for the game demo anyway! That was pure interest and curiosity!
It was a pleasure to play such a game! Everything is totally cool and beautiful. Maybe the gameplay itself should be a bit developed to be more functional: We may have more things to do, like, yes, you got the tension that is going throughout the night, but It would be also interesting to see some rapid change in the gameplay from aiming to monsters' heads to almost getting fallen out of the window which would require fast pressing a button to get back in, idk. I just like to imagine about some things that might sound good but don't look good! Great work, anyway!
It took me almost 90 minutes to get to the helicopter part and... I couldn't beat that, I was about to break my monitor after finding out that I have to destroy all 4 parts of the helicopter while TRYING TO AIM AT THE LAST TWO WITH THE HOOK... Man, you say that you were able to compete the game under 14 minutes... You are a beast, I have no words. This is harder than "Getting over it" and "Only up" if they were united into one game...
I don't really know wthat to say. The game was a bit rapid, like I didn't even have enough time to get jumpscared or something like that. Though the fisrt jumpscare was brilliant, everything else a bit ruined the whole picture... How the hell is the Pennywise connected to the game? How is the Pripyat' connected to the game? The year 1997? A lot of details that made no sense in the game itself (Probably just for the setting - but I did need some kind of confirmation besides soviet flats) - I didn't need none of that information throughout the game. Ghost girl model was good - no doubts, but everything else? There are thousands game like that one and you could've just added some little details to make this one a masterpiece: notes on the floors to get the player deeper in the plot of the game which go scarier with each of them. More stranger sfx sounds with different volume, like a loud breathing behind the player. A total darkness with a small light somewhere on the last floor would be a nice comrassion of just a light and a life saving light just like for a moth. The last room was cool but the atmosphere there was lost as well. You illuminated that chair - however the rest of the room was not in the dark! Just imagine entering a totally dark room with the only chair around red-glowing/blinking signs "Kill/Death/Blood etc" and with a pressure ambient of low bass!! That's pure fear, man!!
I want to tell you one thing, dear developer. Everything I have written above is not to insult you. I am being that critical not because the game was not good, but because the game was this good, that those little details that hadn't been added (If they had been aded) could've made the game brilliant! I wish you all the best and I'm certainly gonna be looking forward to new additions and features!
The game turned out to be a very good thriller with some nice puzzles (I expected the street lights thing to be tougher though). Screamer's moments could be scarier with some audio/visual corrections for the moment of his appearance, so I'll be waiting for some new features! Good luck and all the best to the developer!
I kinda liked the game, but the ghosts were more annoying rather scary. If after entering the zone with a generator there was a fake "silence" before storm then music would suddenly change to more intense + some pulsing effects on the screen like heartbeat increase etc, that would've been outstanding. Keep it up - it was interesting!