Great, love to hear that it's soon finished, stay focused! :)
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Yeah right, differnt misfortunes on lower level and the positive card the player has to buy. I don't know why but it feels strange only having added more negative cards when going lower, while the positive cards stay the same from the beginning. I need to play it more :)
Hhmm... it makes sense, the you bring your skill with you so then the upper level are easier, but maybe this was the thing with that the become a bit unmeaningful. Once you have some more good cards, 1 level is "useless". Can't really put my finger on it.
Do always all card bought cards get into the deck? Together with all of the negative one from a level, always all of them?
Imagining a character going through a level, there is a certain amount of thing it has to do to get through, but not necessarily has to use all its skills available.
- Nice transitions
- Nice music & sfx
- Good simple instructions
- Nice usage of the dithering simulate depths
- Nice gameplay witht the different ways to actually catch a fish
- I could never get the small one with the creppy eyes, is it a bug?
- How to scale it up?
- Score chaser with leaderboards?
- items to buy and upgrade?
- More fish to catch?
- Hope we see this will become a finished game :)
- Nice music & sfx
- Nice with Settings & Instructions (instructions are a bit "hard" to read, maybe split up over multiple screens?)
- The Now and After placement I would expected the another way around :)
- I got the idea of frige tetris, but I didn't get how to tiles are placed. Some are centered where the cursor is, others aren't. I think it needs a preview where the tile would be.
- I didn't really get the idea over multiple days?
- cute character and funny animations!
- wow, the screenshake is too much :) For something which can continously be triggered it needs to be more suttle. Also when screenshaking for a bit longer, the game laggs heavliy (played on the playdate simulator)
- Ah where are the sfx when picking up coins? :)
- Also I miss funny music which fits the world, I think because it has funny level object which are bouncing, I'm missing the music all the more!
- Nice and long level, with revisiting of different areas!
- I got stuck at the left part before the FIN, I could only look at it :( When I wanted to go back I couldn't figure out how to get back again.
- Maybe you could try to make moving during attraction possible could make more smooth. Now often it's hit attract, move a bit, hit attract, move a bit, feels a bit clunky.
- Love it, this would be so charming and funny. Please keep working on it and release it :D
- Funny robot, jump animation would be cool
- I'm missing sfx and a bit of music :)
- Nice game mechnic with the melting, I think there is lot more that can be done with it
- What's level 7, a mean joke? ;)
- Level 9 & 10 are essentially the same
- level 12 is super close to make it
- There is a nice progression of the level, they are getting more difficult
- I feel like something is missing, maybe some game mechanic so that the player needs do more timing. So first preparing the blocks and then time them together some how?
- Nice visuals
- Nice background music, maybe it could change the lower the player goes?
- Good introduction text. Not sure I fully understood everything, but I guess that's always the case with upfront infos and not having played the game.
- Usually the first dig session feels some what unmeaningful. By that I mean, you can just click trough all the cards. I'm sure it's not, because performing better on that level also helps with the next ones. But having to decide which things to +10% when everything is at a 100% feels useless. I'm sure how to solve it, maybe just a different set of cards?
- A major question mark for me is: When the progress bar is down, why do the remaining cards stick around? Because the main aspect is to balance when to a negative card and when a positive. So using everything at my disposla to avoid using to many negative cards, when I get to the end so that no new cards are coming, I still have to use up the one on my hand.
- At later stages when the stats are close to 0%, ex. my health is 30% and I'm doing everything to avoid taking dmg. Just to realise I could never have made it in the first place, because I only got one "discard card" and 3 -10% health cards in the deck.
- I think it would be better when the player can just barley make it, using all possibilities to avoid having to use some of the cards (not just with discarding them)
- It might not make so much sense in terms of a card game and once you have cards in your hand you have to use them or discard them. But it might make sense "storywise", you use all your card to dig further down and once broken through to the next level, you don't need the remains cards anymore.
- Also I feel there needs to be additional dynamic based on the levels, the stakes should be higher the lower you go. They do, because you have to get all the way back again. I think the deck should be different based on the level.
- I'll definently play this some more and I'm looking forward what's more to come
- Nice visuals
- Cool idea
- The mechanics need some polish, attacks with cooldown per row, not just spamming
- To scale the game, I think there need to be some additional mechanics
- I'm thinking of differnt musical attacks or bombs or skills or something.
- Which in the end would be a flamming rock'n'roll ultimate kinda thing :)
- Levels progression and different enemies?
- Maybe all the visuals a bit small to fit more into the screen, to have more of the "track" being played visible?
- Nice intro with story and visuals
- Generally really nice detailed graphics
- Good control explainations
- Nice result screen
- Talking sfx doesn't fit IMO, a bit to much of a typing vide, these are gods so sfx should reflect that in contrast to the human
- I like the three crafting stages, but they don't feel that smooth yet. I'm personally not really a fan of accelorermeters in games, it distracts from looking normall at the screen. There was some time when it was done on the mobile, but I don't think it really stayed as an input for games.
- I think the crank could be used the interactions equally as good. Moving the metal around with the crank, change the temperature with the d-pad
- Hammering with the tilting the playdate? Not for me xD It's awkward. Also I wanted the hammer to be animated :)
- Pretty neat game, congratz! I'd love to see a bit more polished version on catalog!
- Nice music, I wanted a bit more sfx :)
- Also character animation could be nice
- Learning curve a bit steep?
- I think this is pretty typical for puzzle games at their early stage
- There should probably be a Fail state, ex. only two balls remain
- Level 1, how about a big level, so there is almost no failing possible? So it's a smoother beginning
- Level 2 maybe start with how to do it, not how not to do it?
- The fire is nice, but why have it melting even when it's out of range? It feels unintuitive and not immediately clear, players need to make an additional cognitive step to calculate this "invisible" step of still melting.
- Having a range from the fire makes it easy to calculate, the mechanic is represented visually. But then what +1 after that or +2 isn't unclear. Makes it harder to plan out the moves.
- Nice visuals, nice step by step showing of things on the screen
- Nice sfx
- I'm missing music :)
- I love the visuals if the town and how it's put together
- It's pretty hard when not seeing much of the screen, I feel like the additional sight raduis, when picking up lights is going down way to quickly
- Most times in a mace level, I pick it up, backtrack the way I came from and the raduis is almost back to normal, so they don't feel that useful
- The with the vertical rays which deal damage is pretty hard, to the point were it became frustrating. I tried hiding behind a tree, but with susch a small raduis of sight is to hard to even get from one to the next tree. And then the vertical ray seemly come out of nowhere, hit you twice instantly, dead. The player needs anticipation of danger.
- I did use the reveal of the screen, but it's still hard. With the cooldown time I wonder do you want the reveal to only be used once per level? Then it should stay longer on or reduce the cooldown so it can be used more often.
- However I had to hold the level in my memory, but when moving there is no way of orientation. Little more indications in the level could help. This can lead to a feeling of unfairness, because the player doesn't information to react up on.
- Refine some of the rought edges, this has great potential!
- Well rounded game, menu, start screen, result screens, fail screen, transitions
- Funny story setting
- Nice music tracks with good variation
- Levels
- In the first few levels, the level with a general timer, should come before the one with a tile to drop in a number. As it would generally introduce timers and then more specific ones
- In general there are a lot of nice mechanics introduced, but sometimes only for a single level. Some are combined others aren't. There is a lot of potential with these, but then don't get lost in making a lot of level mechnics which is hard to be something conherient.
- The harder levels are getting some times a bit annoying. Personally I didn't like any with the spikes in it. The wait-walk-wait-walk I don't really enjoy. Thinking about it, the laisers are worse because it's memorization of a pattern. With the spikes you at least see moving to it's easier to handle.
- The level with the many laisers as grid was getting annoying after a while because of the sfx
- A lot of levels, pretty impressing! Some of the laters, where it was very much about timing were hard, but some didn't didn't have much more dept. And sometimes not really connected with the theme, is it really about math when in every level the the math is 1 - 2? ;)
- I'd advise think about the core mechnics of the game. Is it a dexterity puzzler or a logic puzzler? Does it need time limitation just to make it harder?
- Is it about the math? In a later level where it only about the calculation, I've already forgot again how the maths "works" because the multiplication is not done before plus or minus. It hasn't been revelant for like 20 levels and then suddenly it's only about that again. The point is the progression of the difficulty and the transition for one mechanic into another, I'd love to see these smoother. IMO this is the hardest part of a game design (at least for a puzzle game): difficulty curve and introduction of new mechanics over the levels.
- One more thought, maybe some levels could be grouped together thematically, with a little story beat between vs a long list of levels.
- Loads of feedback, for great work! Contraz!
I like the different pub styles, it be great to tweak it to have various of the same style.
Imagine a game which as funny clunky animations of characters like from a stop motion. So a characters could be in front of the pub and the player could walk to them or to the door to enter. The pubs could be combined with various map generators by you city or village, which can be used to move a player around the scene in a abstracted way. For something like this it would be great to produce a certain type of pubs based on the different city :)
Deflect makes sense for such a "closed space", meaning if a room is just what's visible on the screen.
I'm looking into having a deflect for another character I think, because the one which is currently in for the player doesn't an animation which could fit.
Got to checkout the game mechanics of Sekiro!
Thanks for taking the extra step to install the playdate sdk!
There is a cross-plattform project, but it's in the early stages and would have been to much for me to take on for a game jam. I'll probably have a look into it, because it would be great to also get playdate games on desktop platforms.
( )
Thanks for your kind words, I'd love to integrate various characters and bosses from penusbmic in this game :)
Your praise gives me fuel to continue :)
Thank you for your feedback!
Controls switch is definetly something to add, in general I couldn't add any settings in time.
By locked up, do you specifically mean when charing, with the spinning blades? Or was it that both player and boss got stuck?
With the dash in the wrong direction, I have to look into that, I guess it can happen when quickly changing directions?
Looks great! Great that you keep adding!
I've seen you also have a new background. It would be cool if the waves move :) also it could be a bit lower I think.
Is there more depth to the poop minigame? Or is a one time hit job? :) Maybe the way you (s)hit a target is directly from above, so the player has to time it and the bird could have different speed so it's not always the same?
About the fish enemy, have you checked the mechanics of a classic fire ball from lava from super mario? I don't know how they work together, but I think that's the important thing how are the fishs timed together. So it can be a challenge and not to quickly be frustration, has you wrote.
A new thought, tetris as a refernce would actaully make more sense. Different boats with various shapes, where only at certain places the boxes can be fit in. And then different shapes of boxes as well, I guess it would need also more boats which are slower. Might be a bit thought to balance so every box could fit at any time, but maybe you don't lose a live for a box, just loae some points.
- Nice cover and fancy intro transition to the startscreen!
- Great manga art and funny story
- Good stroytelling and I liked the humour
- Nice floating mechanic, it takes a while to understand how the gage works. Meaning how much you have to crank until it takes effect and how long it has to turn down again. Also the direction felt a bit different in that aspect.
- A lot of levels, sometimes the feel very tight and controls didn't feel like that straigth forward. So some level were frustrating
- Great and cute art, card and cover art and nice smooth animations!
- Good intro
- Congratz on the technical achievemnts
- 3D rotation
- Skewing and distortion of characters
- Opacity of objects
- Great mechanics
- The rotation could probably be improved a bit with a snapping to minimum angle 5° or 10°. Like this it sometimes needed to be pixelperfect
- Great level design, smooth difficulty curve adding new things step by step
- Nice card art
- Nice controls instructions
- I couldn't get over the second level, it's pretty hard to
- Funny characters, how come cowboys are passing ballons around? Mabye they are important messages attached to the ballon? What would they talk about? Could be a nice way to add a funny story with different levels where they have to overcome obstacles.