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Cool! I'll get my groups to play it RAW first, of course, but here's what I'm prepared to test if needed;

{Added to SOLO section}
When you are ready to determine the success of your character's contribution to the investigation, describe how you handle that and roll 2D6+TRAIT:
If you use _force or threats_, roll +HARD
If you use _perception or intelligence_, roll +SHARP
If you use _charm or dexterity_, roll +SMOOTH
EDGE BONUS: If your EDGE applies, you get +1 to your roll.
STYLE BONUS: If your description is particularly clever, stylish, or detailed
you get another +1.

On a 12+, you succeed with a bonus. Take +2 PREP for the group.
On a 10-11, you succeed flat out. Take +1 PREP for the group.
On a 7-9, you succeed with a significant limitation or cost (usually an injury or condition). Take +0 PREP group.
On a 6-, things go from bad to worse; describe what happens. Take -1 PREP for the group.

{Modification to the HEAD OUT section}
Decide as a group where the showdown should occur, the determine how much HOLD your crew has over their bounty. HOLD represents your whole crew's ability, as a group, to corner, capture or control your bounty:
- If your group's accumulated PREP is > 0, take +1 HOLD for the group.
- If your group's accumulated PREP is = 0, take +0 HOLD for the group.
- If your group's accumulated PREP is < 0, take -1 HOLD for the group.

If, during the HEAD OUT, your crew introduces a _cool twist_ or _ties the mission back into the background of any number of characters_, your group gets +1 HOLD.

Thanks again for a really well put together game!