Fun game! Awesome mechanics and fits the GameJam theme well!
Fun game, but a bit buggy at times. Makes sense for a GameJam game tho :D
Its a good game, but the AI on the helper is kinda wonky at times.
Absolutely wonderful game! The fights weren't too hard, but weren't too easy either. The controls were great and responsive. Also, the bosses kinda reminded me of Megaman Fights for some reason... I think the idea of taking the powers of the bosses you fought previously is awesome. My one criticism is that the music felt a LITTLE bit to happy for the fights, but that even isn't a bad thing :D
I would love to play a full version of this game if you ever make it (if it already has been made, then that is awesome!)
Fun game! Only played for a little bit, but it is a great game to play while you have only a bit of time that you need to waste :D
Great movement and controls. Feels very responsive to play and works perfectly :D
Honestly a really good game! It gave me arm cramps while I played it though lmao.