Utente:BohemianRhapsody/Opere nel Louvre

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curatorial department of the Louvre
Hermaphrodite Borghèse

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Dinos del Pittore della Gorgone Pittore della Gorgone 580s BCE
Dinos à figures noires No/unknown value -540

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Louvre CA 1685 Naples Painter 5th century BCE
loutrophore protoattique Pittore di Analato -690
Loutrophore de Taras 330s BCE

Museum AI project

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Building Whisperer
Art Traffic at the Louvre
The Louvre Chatbot Guide

immagine titolo artista data
Louvre F 30 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Olpe No/unknown value 630s BCE
olpé (MNB 2036) 6th century BCE

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Pithos No/unknown value 15th century BCE
Pithos No/unknown value 670s BCE

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Salon of 1843
Salon of 1800

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Louvre G 192 Pittore di Berlino 480s BCE
Theseus and the Minotaur No/unknown value 650s BCE
Oedipus and the Sphinx No/unknown value -440
Philoctetes wounded Hermonax -460
Stamnos avec décors de scènes dionysiaque et de conversation 440s BCE
stamnos avec dispute du tripode de Delphes entre Hérakls et Apollon -480
stamnos (G 43) 510s BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Giovane introdotto tra le Arti Liberali Sandro Botticelli 1480s
Cupids riding dolphins No/unknown value 1st century
Amour à la chasse No/unknown value 1st century
Apollo No/unknown value 1st century
Melpomene No/unknown value 1st century
Uranie No/unknown value 1st century
effets de perspective architecturale No/unknown value 1st century
Pinakes with Dionysian scenes No/unknown value 1st century
Pinakes with Dionysian scenes No/unknown value 1st century
Pinakes with Dionysian scenes No/unknown value 1st century

immagine titolo artista data
Alabastron No/unknown value 1400s BCE
alabastron No/unknown value 1350s BCE
Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 No/unknown value 7th century BCE
roman alabastron with sgraffito decoration No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE

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The Moon-goddess Selene No/unknown value 2nd century
Gabii altar No/unknown value 1st century
Autel de Théra 160s BCE

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Anello di Tolomeo VI (Bj 1092)
Athena No/unknown value 4th century BCE

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Attic red-figure neck amphora Suessula Painter 400s BCE
Louvre F 32 Gruppo E 540s BCE
Amphore à figures blanches No/unknown value 520s BCE
Louvre G 1 No/unknown value 520s BCE
Amphore à figures noires (F 12) No/unknown value 540s BCE
Amphore à col à figures rouges Pittore di Berlino 470s BCE
Louvre G 3 No/unknown value 520s BCE
Attic red-figure neck-amphora No/unknown value -470
Attic red-figure neck-amphora No/unknown value -470
Herakles fighting against the Amazons No/unknown value 520s BCE
amphora No/unknown value 8th century BCE
Herakles capturing the Ceryneian Hind No/unknown value 520s BCE
Theseus and the Minotaur Castellani Painter 550s BCE
amphore à col à figures noires No/unknown value 530s BCE
Hades and Persephone No/unknown value -470
Dionysos and Ariadne No/unknown value -540
amphora (Br 373) No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Amphore représentant des athlètes Pittore di Kleophrades 470s BCE
Amphore à décor estampé 1st millennium BCE
amphore-situle (D 117) 7th century BCE
amphore (G 210) 470s BCE
amphore (F 222) 510s BCE
amphore (F 201) 510s BCE
amphore (F 111) 520s BCE
amphore (F 99) -530
Amphore avec décor de femme à la balançoire Swing Painter 520s BCE

anfora a collo

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Louvre G 30 Eufronio -510
Louvre E 801 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Amphora Louvre E 812 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Louvre K 300 Ixion painter -330

anfora panatenaica

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amphore panathénaïque MN 706 No/unknown value 340s BCE
Louvre MN705 No/unknown value 320s BCE
Louvre MN704 No/unknown value 320s BCE
amphore panathénaïque F 277 Pittore di Kleophrades -500
Amphora No/unknown value 320s BCE

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amphoriskos No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Amphorisque 3rd century BCE

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Aryballos with janiform women's heads No/unknown value 510s BCE
Aryballos No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Owl-shaped protocorinthian aryballos No/unknown value -640
Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 No/unknown value 610s BCE
aryballos-CA 2517 No/unknown value -570
Protocorinthian ring-shaped aryballos No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Aryballe janiforme (tête féminine et tête de Noir) Skythes 510s BCE

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Perseus killing Medusa No/unknown value 670s BCE
Sphinx-Ma 2837 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Dionysos No/unknown value 2nd century
Hector's corpse brought back to Troy No/unknown value 190s
Suovetaurilia to the god Mars No/unknown value 10s
Bearded Dionysos leading the Horai No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Achilles at the court of King Lycomedes No/unknown value -240
Isis, Sarapis, Harpocrates and Dionysos No/unknown value 160
Daedalus presenting the wooden cow to Pasiphaé No/unknown value 1st century BCE
scene on the banks of Nile river No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Poète dramatique recevant Dionysos ivre No/unknown value 2nd century
Nike warrior No/unknown value -25
plaque Campana (Cp 3833) No/unknown value 1st century
Dionysos chez Icarios 2nd century BCE
Bas relief d'Apollonie du Pont 5th century BCE
Bas-relief de Cyzique -46
Lit funéraire de la tombe de Pydna 3rd century BCE
Sacrifice to Demeter and Core 4th century BCE

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Bracelet terminé par une tête de félin No/unknown value 100s BCE
Braccialetto Bj 2240 1 - 2 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
bracelets from Amrit No/unknown value -750

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Reversed-neck jug No/unknown value 1800s BCE
Attic red-figure oinochoe No/unknown value 5th century BCE

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Busto di Papa Paolo V Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1618
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1170 No/unknown value 180s
Bust of Antonia Minor No/unknown value 1st century
Bust of Severus Alexander No/unknown value 220s
Ariane No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Bust of Gaius Caligula No/unknown value 1st century
bust of a young woman No/unknown value 1st century
bust of Gaius Caesar No/unknown value 17
bust of Drusus Minor No/unknown value 20s
head of Heracles No/unknown value
male portrait No/unknown value 1st century
Buste de Ganymède No/unknown value 2nd century
Antinous as Osiris No/unknown value 2nd century
Protomé féminine No/unknown value 5th century BCE
portrait of Augustus as a young man No/unknown value -20
bust of Ptolemy of Mauretania No/unknown value 1st century
Serapis No/unknown value 2nd century
portrait of Pittacos No/unknown value 1st century
portrait of Drusus the Elder No/unknown value 1st century
Portrait of Germanicus No/unknown value 10
Portrait d'Agrippine l'Ainée - Louvre Ma 1271 No/unknown value 1st century
Anacreon No/unknown value 1st millennium
Constans No/unknown value 330s
Bust of Livia Drusilla 1st century
Buste de Ptolémée de Maurétanie No/unknown value 5

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Chalice with lion-A 330 bis No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Etruscan bucchero high-legged chalice No/unknown value 570s BCE

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helmet (CC 92) No/unknown value 7th century BCE
casque de gladiateur (Br 1108) No/unknown value 1st century
casque (Br 1119) No/unknown value 3rd century BCE

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Basin with black figures painter of the cavalcade 6th century BCE
vasque with caryatids-A 396 bis No/unknown value 6th century BCE

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Collier avec nœud d'Héraklès No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Louvre Bj 516 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
élément de collier (Bj 2404) No/unknown value 7th century BCE

collezione d'arte

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tesoro di Boscoreale No/unknown value
Galerie espagnole 1838
sculptures from the gardens of the Louvre Museum

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Pentheus torn apart by Agave and Ino No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Attic lid of a footed cup No/unknown value 8th century BCE
couvercle d'urne (Cp 3704 bis) No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
urne (Cp 3703 bis) No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
couvercle d'urne (CC 104) 2nd century BCE

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Cup decorated with an octopus No/unknown value 1380s BCE
Louvre G 112 Epidromos Painter 6th century BCE
Louvre G 133 Cage Painter 5th century BCE
Coupe avec décor de muse accordant deux cithares Hesiod Painter 460s BCE
Coupe à figures rouges Macrone -480
Eye-cup kantharos No/unknown value -530
Louvre G 13 Pittore di Pedieus -510
coupe à bandes à figures noires No/unknown value -530
Louvre E 669 No/unknown value 540s BCE
tondo of an Attic red-figured cup Macrone 470s BCE
discobolus No/unknown value -490
athletes Pittore di Meleagro 390s BCE
tondo from an Attic red figure cup Pittore di Eretria 430s BCE
pederastic erotic scene No/unknown value 6th century BCE
coupe avec décor d'homme et jeune garçon No/unknown value -480
attic cup-strainer No/unknown value 8th century BCE
maenad Macrone -480
boeotian cup with birds No/unknown value 6th century BCE
pederastic courtship No/unknown value 520s BCE
young man playing with a hare, a pederastic gif No/unknown value -480
mosaic cup No/unknown value 1st century BCE
1st century
coupe (CA 5920) 1st millennium
Coupe avec en médaillon Cassandre et Ajax -440
Coupe attique type B bilingue avec décor de comaste, d'Héraklès et Cycnos 500s BCE
coupe (G 98) 510s BCE
coupe (F 75) -540

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Vaso Borghese No/unknown value 30s BCE
Euphronios Krater Eufronio
Krater mit Steinböcken No/unknown value 14th century BCE
Amphoroid krater No/unknown value 13rd century BCE
Louvre G 496 Pittore di Pothos 5th century BCE
Cratère en calice à figures rouges G 33 No/unknown value 500s BCE
Cratère à volutes à figures rouges Pittore dei Niobidi 450s BCE
Sosibios Vase Sosibio di Atene -50
krater fragment with fight scenes No/unknown value 8th century BCE
cratère à oreillettes à figures rouges No/unknown value -470
funerary procession and mourners No/unknown value 8th century BCE
Orestes and Pylades in Tauris No/unknown value 320s BCE
actor of a phlyax play holding a basket No/unknown value 350s BCE
Apulian red-figure calyx crater Pittore degli Inferi 330s BCE
cratère à volutes à figures rouges No/unknown value 350s BCE
Hermes and a young warrior. No/unknown value 370s BCE
cratère en calice à figures rouges No/unknown value 340s BCE
cratère en cloche à figures rouges No/unknown value -390
komastes at a banquet No/unknown value 540s BCE
cratère à colonnettes à figures rouges No/unknown value 440s BCE
cratère de Dipylon Maestro del Dipylon -750
warriors Maestro del Dipylon 8th century BCE
krater (CC 189) No/unknown value 340s BCE
cratère (MNE 938) 6th century BCE
cratère (N 2633) 320s BCE
cratère (G 502) 4th century BCE
cratère (LL 40) -420
cratère (G 424) 440s BCE
cratère (G 423) -440

cratere a calice

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fragment de cratère avec décor d'Héraclès et le lion de Némée No/unknown value 510s BCE
Niobid krater Pittore dei Niobidi 5th century BCE

cratere a colonnette

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Eurytios Krater Eurytios Painter -600
Louvre E 634 Memnon Painter 6th century BCE
corinthian black-figure column-krater Hippolytos Painter 6th century BCE

curatorial department of the Louvre

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Department of Sculptures of the Louvre
Service de l'Histoire du Louvre
departement of the Byzantine Arts and the Eastern Christians in the Louvre Museum

immagine titolo artista data
Diadem-Bj 2236 No/unknown value 1st millennium
funerary diadem No/unknown value 3rd century BCE

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Astronomo Jan Vermeer 1664
Napoleone I sul trono imperiale Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1806
Danae Correggio 1530s
Madonna di Manchester Michelangelo Buonarroti 1494
Dama col liocorno Raffaello Sanzio 1500s
San Girolamo Caravaggio 2023
La Blonde aux seins nus Édouard Manet 1878
Le Canal Saint-Martin Alfred Sisley 1872
Polittico di Sant'Agostino Perugino 1502
Arresto dei fratelli di Giuseppe Il Bacchiacca 1515
Autoritratto Edgar Degas 1854
Cantore appassionato Giorgione 1508
Crocifissione dei santi Cosma e Damiano Beato Angelico 1430s
Crocifisso tra i santi Girolamo e Cristoforo Pinturicchio 1470s
Deposizione nel sepolcro Peter Paul Rubens 1602
Donna che fa il bagno Edgar Degas 1883
Fritillaria imperiale in un vaso di rame Vincent van Gogh 1887
Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli Il Bacchiacca 1515
I tacchini Claude Monet 1877
La toilette Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1907
Leda col cigno Cesare da Sesto 1510
Maddalena Ventura con il marito e il figlio Jusepe de Ribera 1631
Madonna col Bambino tra i santi Flaviano e Onofrio Lorenzo Lotto 1506
Melissa Dosso Dossi 1522
Natura morta con carne Claude Monet 1864
Ricerca della coppa rubata Il Bacchiacca 1515
Ritratto del Pianerlotto Parmigianino 1531
Ritratto di Hilaire De Gas Edgar Degas 1857
Ritratto di gentiluomo Lorenzo Lotto 1535
Ritrovamento della coppa rubata nel sacco di Beniamino Il Bacchiacca 1515
Suonatore di flauto Giorgione 1508
Tobia e l'angelo Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo 1542
Apoteosi di san Tommaso d'Aquino Francisco de Zurbarán 1631
Deposizione di Cristo nel sepolcro Sisto Badalocchio 1610
Betrothal portrait of Anne of Cleves Hans Holbein il Giovane 1539
San Giovanni Battista Caravaggio 1610
Corner of a Studio Claude Monet 1861
A letto Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1890s
Portrait of Georges Clemenceau Édouard Manet 1879
Ploughing in the Nivernais Rosa Bonheur 1849
La viennese Édouard Manet 1880s
Soleil couchant à Ivry Jean-Baptiste Guillaumin 1873
Manda Lamétrie, fermière Alfred Roll 1887
A Grocer's Shop Willem van Mieris 1717
Portrait of Rembrandt with a gorget Rembrandt
Jan Georg van Vliet
No/unknown value
Portrait of a man in a plumed hat Rembrandt 1635
The Doctor's Visit Jan Steen 1660s
The Hay Wagon Philips Wouwerman 17th century
Still Life with Books in a Niche Barthélemy d'Eyck 1440s
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen
Luca da Leida
The Chaste Susannah Jean-Jacques Henner 1865
Dahlias in a Delft vase Paul Cézanne 1873
Grotesque Félix-Joseph Barrias 1855
A Cart on the Snowy Road at Honfleur Claude Monet 1867
La Danse Félix-Joseph Barrias 1876
La Terre Félix-Joseph Barrias 1855
La Terre Félix-Joseph Barrias 1855
L'Air Félix-Joseph Barrias 1855
L'Air Félix-Joseph Barrias 1855
The Body of Saint Cecilia brought to the catacombs of Rome William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1854
Paysanne William Morris Hunt 1852
La Danse des nymphes Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1850
La nebbia, Voisins Alfred Sisley 1874
Predella della Pala del Noviziato, Uffizi Pesellino 1440s
Santi che preservano il mondo dall'ira di Cristo (Rubens Lione) Peter Paul Rubens 1620
17th century
Hilly Landscape Jacob van Ruisdael 1652
Punizione di un cacciatore Paulus Potter
Cornelis van Poelenburch
La Bataille de Somosierra Piotr Michałowski 19th century
Diptych of Jan du Cellier Hans Memling 1490
Portrait of a woman, known as "L'Européenne" No/unknown value 2nd century
Sebastiaan Leerse with his wife and son Antoon van Dyck 1630s
Martyrdom of Saint Stephen (central panel) Peter Paul Rubens 1610s
Portrait of Anton Fugger Hans Maler zu Schwaz 16th century
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian Jacopo Bassano 1574
La Décollation de saint Paul Louis Boullogne 1657
Saint Paul et Silas Nicolas de Plattemontagne 1666
La Décollation de saint Jean-Baptiste Claude Audran detto il Giovane 1674
La Vision de saint Étienne René-Antoine Houasse 1675
Le Christ guérissant les malades Alessandro Alessandri 1691
Le Départ de saint Paul pour Milet Louis Galloche 1705
Christ triumphant over Sin, Death, and the Grave Peter Paul Rubens 1618
Cristo deriso Cimabue
St Augustine in Ecstasy Antoon van Dyck 1628
Samson and Delilah Adriaen van der Werff
No/unknown value
Charles-Quint et François Ier visitant les tombeaux de Saint-Denis Antoine-Jean Gros
Beweinung des toten Christus durch Maria und Engel Antoon van Dyck
Madonna col bambino tra i santi Girolamo e Zanobi Mariotto Albertinelli 1506
Penitent Magdalene Tiziano Vecellio 1540
The Mystic marriage of St. Catherine Correggio
Salle égyptienne au Louvre Paul Jean Hugues 1946

dipinto murale

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Venere e le tre Grazie offrono doni a una giovane Sandro Botticelli 1480s
Tête féminine de profil No/unknown value -1400
Louvre CC 69 No/unknown value 1st century
mural No/unknown value 1st century
peinture murale (MND 613) 40s BCE

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Jug from Athens No/unknown value 8th century BCE
jug with birds No/unknown value 8th century BCE

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Louvre Br 4997 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Hydrie avec décor d'Achille et Ajax jouant aux dés Pittore di Euphiletos 510s BCE
Héraclès, Déjanire et Nessos No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Départ du guerrier Lydos 560s BCE
hydrie miniature attique No/unknown value
Boeotian hydria with birds No/unknown value 7th century BCE
armement d'Achille No/unknown value 6th century BCE
hydrie à figures rouges Gruppo dei pionieri 500s BCE
Louvre E 643 Damon-Maler 6th century BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Epigrafe di Iulia Florentina 330
Inscrizione 871. Inscrizione votiva Greca ritrovata al Templio di Adonis, Doura Europos, Museo del Louvre No/unknown value 153
Inheritance law, part of the Law Code of Gortyn No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Hadrumetum Punic inscriptions
Plaque inscrite du nom de Narcisse No/unknown value 50s
Cherchell Neopunic inscriptions
Ain Nechma inscriptions
Umm al-Amad inscriptions
Henchir Guergour Neopunic inscriptions

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Kylix of Durides and Calliades Duride 490s BCE
Coupe à l'oiseleur No/unknown value 550s BCE
Attic red-figure cup Onesimo 500s BCE
Attic Red-Figure Cup known as the "Iliupersis Cup" Pittore di Brygos -490
red-figure cup Ierone
480s BCE
Attic black-figure kylix No/unknown value 440s BCE
Attic red-figure kylix No/unknown value 500s BCE
Louvre G 467 Euaion Painter 5th century BCE
Pederastic gifts Macron Louvre G142 Macrone 480s BCE
The embassy to Achilles Pittore di Tarquinia RC 6847 470s BCE
coupe attique à figures rouges Eufronio
490s BCE
la chasse au sanglier de Calydon No/unknown value -555

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Hercules and the lion of Nemea Pittore di Diosphos 5th century BCE
Lécythe à figures noires Sappho Painter -500
Achilles dragging the body of Hector Pittore di Diosphos 5th century BCE
Achilles and Ajax the Great playing dice Pittore di Diosphos -500
Lécythe à peinture superposée Pittore di Diosphos 490s BCE
Lécythe D.69.2.55 No/unknown value 490s BCE
lécythe avec décor d'Héraclès maîtrisant le taureau de Crète No/unknown value 470s BCE
lekythos with Aphrodite and Adonis No/unknown value -410
lekythos No/unknown value -410
lécythe (MNB 614) -420
lécythe (F 358) -500

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Libro d'Ore di Étienne Chevalier Jean Fouquet 1450s
Livre d’heures de François Ier 1532

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Islamic ceramics of Susa
Stone of Terpon No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Bronze of Lascuta No/unknown value -189-01-21
buffalo on wheels
harpago (Br 3721) No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
pied de meuble (MNE 342) No/unknown value
Affresco rappresentate una scena di caccia, AO 17130, ritrovato a Dura-Europos dal team Americo-Francese, 1933, Syria 194
relief sculpture of a Victoria, AO 20121, Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre 1st millennium
Pithos 25996 6th century BCE

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theater mask representing a youth. No/unknown value 1st century BCE
courtesan mask or pseudokorē No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
tête et masque de grotesques No/unknown value

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Louvre Br 4913 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
mestolo di bronzo Br 3060 No/unknown value 6th century BCE

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Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metopa Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Heracles and the Bull of Crete Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metope Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Héraclès et le Lion de Némée Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Parthenon, south, metope 10 No/unknown value 440s BCE
Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metopa Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metopa Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metopa Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metopa Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE
Temple of Zeus in Olympia - Metopa Maestro di Olimpia 460s BCE

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Il giudizio di Paride No/unknown value 2nd century
Mosaico del gladiatore 320s
Plaque de terre cuite à décor figuré en tesselles de marbre et de calcaire No/unknown value 3rd century
Amours jouant avec des dauphins No/unknown value 250
Louvre MNC 1577 No/unknown value 180s
mosaic (MND 1955) No/unknown value 3rd century
mosaic (MND 1951) No/unknown value 3rd century

immagine titolo artista data
la scoperta della grazia nella scultura del Rinascimento
Un rêve d'Italie

mostra d'arte

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immagine titolo artista data
la scultura e le arti a Firenze 1400-1460
1813 exhibition at Musée Napoleon
The Birth of Modern Greece
Le Corps Et L'ame: De Donatello À Michel-Ange: Sculptures Italiennes de La Renaissance
Jan Fabre au Louvre. L'ange de la métamorphose
Naples in Paris

mostra d'arte temporanea

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Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting. Inspiration and Rivalry.
Exhibition of French Primitives
Francis I and the art of the Netherlands
Leonardo da Vinci
Officier & gentleman au XIXe siècle : la collection Horace His de La Salle
Revoir Van Eyck - La Vierge du chancelier Rolin
Guillon-Lethière, né à la Guadeloupe

mostra temporanea

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immagine titolo artista data
Hubert Robert, 1733-1808. un peintre visionnaire
Sainte Russie. L'art russe des origines à Pierre le Grand
Primatice, maître de Fontainebleau
Delacroix (1798-1863)
L'europe gothique XII-XIV siècles
From the Hittite Empire to the Arameans
Corps en mouvement - La danse au musée
The Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance
L’Europe Gothique (Louvre, 1968)

oggetto in ceramica

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Eos pursuing Tithonus Pittore di Achille 450s BCE
Eros flying and holding a lyre No/unknown value -470

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oinochoe from Kameiros No/unknown value -600
plastic oinoche in the shape of a Black man's head No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Oinochoe of the wild-goat style. Kameiros No/unknown value
two horses at trough No/unknown value -735
Oinochoe with decoration of the abduction of Oreithyia by Boreas Pittore di Salting -360
Oinochoe No/unknown value -800
Œnochoé anthropomorphe à décor gravé No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Oinochoe (MNB 1705) No/unknown value 420s BCE
pichet à décor géométrique -730
Louvre E 658 -630
Œnochoé à embouchure en forme de tête d'animal 7th century BCE
Louvre N 3357 4th century BCE
œnochoé ( MNE 964) -420
œnochoé (K 320) -320
œnochoé (G 442) 440s BCE
œnochoé (G 243) -450
œnochoé (F 341) -520
œnochoé (F 340) -520
œnochoé (F 116) 520s BCE

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Earring-Bj 138 No/unknown value -630
earring No/unknown value 16th century BCE

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Heracles and Geras No/unknown value 470s BCE
Thetis raped by Peleus Gruppo dei pionieri 500s BCE
Thetis raped by Peleus No/unknown value -460
pélikè à figures rouges No/unknown value 450s BCE
pélikè à figures rouges No/unknown value -440
Attic red-figure pelike Pittore di Kleophrades 490s BCE
pélikè à figures rouges No/unknown value 460s BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Pinax with Prothesis by the Sappho Painter Sappho Painter -500
votive plaque with black figures Burgon Group 6th century BCE
pinax (MNC 208) 6th century BCE
pinax (MNB 2858) 6th century BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Plat avec en scène de médaillon Athéna combattant le géant Encelade No/unknown value -525
Peleus and Thetis No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Siren No/unknown value -570

immagine titolo artista data
Spherical pyxis No/unknown value 27th century BCE
boeotian pyxis with birds No/unknown value -720
pyxis with birds. Orientalizing pottery No/unknown value -425
Pointed pyxis No/unknown value 9th century BCE
pyxis (N 3348) 460s BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Rhyton No/unknown value 15th century BCE
rython with bulls head No/unknown value 14th century BCE
plastic rhyton in the shape of a donkey's head representing Dionysos and a maenad No/unknown value 430s BCE
plastic rhyton in the shape of a donkey's head, representing a musician and a dancer No/unknown value -450

immagine titolo artista data
Bassorilievo votivo MR 837 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Stele funeraria di un uomo con un cane No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Psyche sur un dromadaire No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
relief (Ma 2549) No/unknown value
relief (Ma 2550) No/unknown value
Trees Sarcophagus No/unknown value 4th century
plaque Campana No/unknown value -50
relief (Ma 3311) 2nd century
relief (Ma 4289) 220s

immagine titolo artista data
sarcophagus No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
sarcophagus lid No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
sarcophagus lid No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
sarcophagus lid No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
sarcophagus lid No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Amazonomachy sarcophagus No/unknown value 180s
concours musicale entre le dieu Apollon et le satyre Marsyas No/unknown value 290s
Sarcophagus Diane & Endymion No/unknown value 210
couvercle du sarcophage de Q. Petronius Melior No/unknown value 250
Hippolytus and Phaedra No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Prometheus creates Man No/unknown value 240
endymion sleeping No/unknown value 235
Ariadne and Dionysos No/unknown value 230s
Muses sarcophagus 150s

immagine titolo artista data
Venere di Milo No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Dama di Elche 5th century BCE
Cavaliere Rampin No/unknown value 550s BCE
Antinoo Mondragone No/unknown value 130s
Napoleone Bonaparte come Marte pacificatore Antonio Canova 1806
Diana di Versailles 1st century
Ara di Domizio Enobarbo 1st century BCE
giove e un faunetto allattati dalla capra amaltea Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1615
Ragazza di Megara Louis-Ernest Barrias 1870
Sphinx of Thebes No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Venus and Mars No/unknown value 120
L'esaltazione del fiore No/unknown value 460s BCE
Homer Caetani No/unknown value 2nd century
Mithridate VI Eupator No/unknown value 1st century
décor d'accoudoir d'un trône pour une statue de culte ? No/unknown value 560s BCE
Apollon nymphagète et les Nymphes No/unknown value 480s BCE
Hermes Agoraios, Louvre No/unknown value 480s BCE
Azara herm No/unknown value 1st century
Arula - Louvre CA 5956 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Ploughman No/unknown value -600
Busto di Scipione Borghese Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1632
The Three Graces No/unknown value
Nicolas Cordier
2nd century
Praying Woman between Two Ionic Columns No/unknown value 2nd century
Dancing Maenads No/unknown value 1st century
Libation scene No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Diadumène No/unknown value 100s
Head of woman-Ma 2709 No/unknown value 27th century BCE
Banquet scene No/unknown value -550
Female head No/unknown value 580s BCE
Funerary lion No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Griffin No/unknown value 630s BCE
Phi figurines-MNE 1007 No/unknown value 13rd century BCE
Woman's head No/unknown value -530
Psi-figurine No/unknown value 1280s BCE
Panther No/unknown value 640s BCE
Head of a horse No/unknown value 500s BCE
Plaque of the Ergastines No/unknown value -445
Tête de jeune femme No/unknown value 400s BCE
Horse No/unknown value 740s BCE
Female head wearing the polos No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Female mourner No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Seated woman holding a bird and a flower bud No/unknown value 510s BCE
Goddess wearing the polos No/unknown value 640s BCE
Kouros No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Figurine of a woman-Ma 2708 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Mistress of Lions No/unknown value 620s BCE
Attic pyxis No/unknown value 740s BCE
Potnia theron No/unknown value 670s BCE
Sphinx head No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Two characters driving a biga No/unknown value 13rd century BCE
Kouros d'Actium No/unknown value -550
Torse de kouros No/unknown value 570s BCE
Funerary stele of Phainippos and Mnesarete No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Hunt scene, known as "Alexander's hunt" No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
figurine de Smyrne No/unknown value
banchetto funerario No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Arsinoe II No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Reine lagide en Isis No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Ptolemaic ruler in heroic representation No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Ptolemy II Philadelphus No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Ptolémée X No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Arsinoe III (?) No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Bust of Alexander the Great, known as the "Inopos" No/unknown value 100s BCE
Head of the Cnidus Aphrodite type No/unknown value 2nd century
Aristoteles No/unknown value 1st century
Plato No/unknown value 2nd century
Socrates No/unknown value 1st century
bronze leg Louvre Br69 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Apollo Chatsworth No/unknown value 460s BCE
Caracalla No/unknown value 210s
Cockerel No/unknown value 2nd century
Mitra di Fiano Romano No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1187 No/unknown value 120s
Hadrianus, bronze head No/unknown value 140
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1180 No/unknown value 160
Silenus holding the child Dionysos No/unknown value 1st century
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1178 No/unknown value 138
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1149 No/unknown value 136
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1175 No/unknown value 161
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1161 No/unknown value 161
Aphrodite Untying Her Sandal No/unknown value 1st century
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1123 No/unknown value 178
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1138 No/unknown value 178
Caesar Augustus No/unknown value 20s
2nd century
Augustus Prima Porta No/unknown value 1st century
Femme debout les bras levés (25905) No/unknown value 4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
Bust of Hadrian No/unknown value 130
Bust of Herodes Atticus in the Louvre Museum No/unknown value 162
Éros ailé No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Helmeted Minerva holding a tiny owl No/unknown value 2nd century
Musée du Louvre, Ma 1101 No/unknown value 160s
Aphrodite standing on a goose No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Hermes with the sandal No/unknown value 200
Chasse au lion No/unknown value 3rd century
Bacchus et Ariane Luigi Valadier 1780s
Le Maure Borghèse - MR 303 Nicolas Cordier 1610s
Woman in blue No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Centaur teased by Eros No/unknown value 2nd century
Relief votif, scène de culte au héros Thésée No/unknown value 4th century BCE
male protome-MNB 546 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Standing figurine-CA 2138 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Birdbeak figurine-CA 2137 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Kore-MND 2066 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
head of a woman-CA 1462 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Kore-MNC 493 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Female bust vase-A 386 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Female bust vase-A 387 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Seated woman with polos-NIII 1591-S 638 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Composite pyxis-CA 1013-S 2163 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Lion fighting a bull-Ma 2836 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Male protome-CA 2133 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
pilier hermaïque en l'honneur de Julius Cnosos 1st millennium
Child playing with a goose Boeto 2nd century
Banqueteurs et musicienne assis sur une kliné No/unknown value -25
Pygmy riding a frog No/unknown value
billygoat No/unknown value 5th century
young boy's head No/unknown value 1st century BCE
youth wearing a cucullus and leading his donkey No/unknown value -100
boxers No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Artemis Bendis No/unknown value -350
Europa and Zeus transformed into a bull No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Nemean lion No/unknown value -460
Portrait of a flamen No/unknown value 3rd century
groupe de danseuses accompagnant une canéphore No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
fragmentary feminie head No/unknown value -530
Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 27 No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 25 2nd century
Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 45 2nd century BCE
Demosthenes Polieucto 2nd century
Portrait du poète Hésiode No/unknown value 2nd century
Tanagréenne No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
pithos No/unknown value 670s BCE
Venus and Cupid
cippe 1st millennium
Musée du Louvre, Ma 4881 No/unknown value 310s

serie di dipinti

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immagine titolo artista data
Galleria di vedute di Roma antica V
Uomini illustri
Saint Stephen Triptych Peter Paul Rubens 1610s

immagine titolo artista data
Skyphos à figures noires Pholoe Painter 6th century BCE
Skyphos No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Skyphos No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Skyphos No/unknown value 2nd millennium BCE
Louvre G 156 Pittore di Brygos -480
Skyphos No/unknown value 610s BCE
Corinthian skyphos No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Corinthian skyphos with birds No/unknown value 730s BCE
black-slip skyphos of the glaux type No/unknown value -450
skyphos (S 1836) 540s BCE
Skyphos à figures rouges avec décor d'homme et femme -350

immagine titolo artista data
Room 170
Room 172
Room 345
Room 407
Greek antiquities, room 17
Room 343
Room 171
Room 408
Room 347
Room 346
Room 342
Room 662
Salle 344 - Classic and hellenistic greek art
Room 341
Room 340
Room 339

immagine titolo artista data
Gladiatore Borghese Agasias
Nicolas Cordier
100s BCE
Nike di Samotracia Pitocrito
No/unknown value
2nd century BCE
Hera di Samo No/unknown value 560s BCE
Statua virile cosiddetta di Marco Claudio Marcello (42-23 a.C.; nipote di Augusto) Cleomene -20
Dama di Auxerre No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Ares Borghese No/unknown value 2nd century
Chanteur florentin du XVe siècle Paul Dubois
Ferdinand Barbedienne
Maison Barbedienne
Venere di Arles No/unknown value
Francois Girardon
1st century BCE
Diana di Gabi Prassitele 20s
La giovane Tarantina Alexandre Schoenewerk 1871
Winged Lion of Vulci No/unknown value 540s BCE
Atena di Velletri No/unknown value
Vincenzo Pacetti
1st century
Apollo di Mantova No/unknown value 1st century
Ermafrodito dormiente Gian Lorenzo Bernini
No/unknown value
2nd century
La Verità Gian Lorenzo Bernini 17th century
Ptolemy I Soter No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Bust of Ptolemy XII Auletes No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Kouros of the Asclepeion of Paros No/unknown value 540s BCE
Borghese Venus No/unknown value 2nd century
Albani lion No/unknown value 1st century BCE
L'Orante No/unknown value -300
Kaufmann head No/unknown value 150s BCE
Artemis No/unknown value 2nd century
Eros bending his bow No/unknown value 1st century
Eros bending his bow No/unknown value 2nd century
Sauroctono borghese No/unknown value 1st century
Il vecchio pescatore No/unknown value 2nd century
Venus No/unknown value 1st millennium
Genie of eternal rest No/unknown value 3rd century
Jupiter of Smyrna No/unknown value
Pierre Granier
Satyres en atlante No/unknown value 2nd century
Nymph with a shell No/unknown value 1st century
Melpomene No/unknown value -50
Dionysos No/unknown value 2nd century
Euripides No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Femme drapée No/unknown value 2nd century
Bell idol No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Male torso No/unknown value 480s BCE
Male torso No/unknown value 480s BCE
Athéna Hope-Farnèse No/unknown value 1st century
Testa di Iris No/unknown value -448
Phi-figurine of a woman holding a child No/unknown value -1360
Woman No/unknown value 32nd century BCE
Funeral statue of a woman No/unknown value 320s BCE
Ptolemy (III ?, IV ?, VI ?) No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Athena Parthenos No/unknown value 1st century
Ephebe No/unknown value 2nd century
Afrodite appoggiata ad una colonna No/unknown value 1st century
Afrodite appoggiata ad una colonna No/unknown value 1st century
Athena of the Odescalchi type No/unknown value 2nd century
Apollo No/unknown value 2nd century
Athéna à la ciste No/unknown value 1st century
Athéna du groupe d’Athéna et Marsyas No/unknown value 1st century
Head, Diadumenos type No/unknown value 2nd century
Hermes Richelieu No/unknown value 2nd century
Venus Genitrix No/unknown value 1st century
Torso of the Cnidus Aphrodite type No/unknown value 2nd century
Heracles of the Farnese type No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Aphrodite, type of the “Esquiline Venus” No/unknown value 2nd century
Fauno che suona il flauto No/unknown value 2nd century
Crouching Aphrodite No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Diomedes No/unknown value 2nd century
Head of woman-Ma 3095 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Athlete-Br 4236 No/unknown value -470
Head of woman-Ma 3094 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Head of woman-Ma 5002 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Aphrodite du type « Doria-Pamphili » 1st century
Antinoo Braschi No/unknown value 2nd century
Venus vulgaire (Louvre, Ma 11) 2nd century
Claudius emperor No/unknown value 40
Caligula sitting Louvre Ma 1267 No/unknown value 40
Messalina carrying Britannicus No/unknown value 50
Hanging Marsyas No/unknown value 150
Faune d'Arles-Ma 677 No/unknown value 1st century
1st century BC bust of unknown citizen No/unknown value 1st century BCE
Bearded gorgon kneeling-Br 2570 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Anchyrrhoé nymph No/unknown value
Diane No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Satyre or 'Faun of Vienne' No/unknown value 1st century
Heracles and his child Telephos No/unknown value 2nd century
Lycian Apollo type No/unknown value 150
statue of Artemis of the Seville-Palatine type No/unknown value 2nd century
Niobid No/unknown value 5th century
Grotesque, femme tenant un vase No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Papposilenus playing the crotales No/unknown value -350
fat woman No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Woman bearing flower offerings No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Jeune porteur de bélier No/unknown value -450
Péplophore assise No/unknown value 450s BCE
Old nurses holding a newborn No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Antinous No/unknown value 130s
Artemis Rospigliosi No/unknown value
Nemesis No/unknown value 2nd century
Tiberius emperor No/unknown value 1st century
Marsyas hanging No/unknown value 2nd century
Lycian Apollo No/unknown value 2nd century
Capitoline Aphrodite No/unknown value 2nd century
Chrysippus of Soli No/unknown value
Chrysippus No/unknown value 1st century
Dancing satyr No/unknown value 2nd century
Drunken Silenus No/unknown value 2nd century
Kneeling youthful Gaul No/unknown value 2nd century
Ménade, Bacchante No/unknown value 2nd century
Old man flaying a kid No/unknown value 2nd century
Eros No/unknown value 2nd century
Portrait de Pompée No/unknown value 1st century BCE
female head of the Sosandra type No/unknown value 2nd century
Statue de Pézenas No/unknown value 2nd century
statuette (MND 969) No/unknown value -50
statue (MNB 2083) No/unknown value 2nd century
statue (Ma 393) No/unknown value
statue (CC 211) No/unknown value 1st millennium
statue (Br 4157) No/unknown value -50
statue (Br 373) No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
statue (Ma 379) No/unknown value
Orestes and Pylades No/unknown value 1st century
statue (MNE 823) No/unknown value 1st century BCE
statue (Ma 1206) No/unknown value 1st century BCE
statue (Ma 676) No/unknown value 2nd century
Pupienus No/unknown value 238
Othon No/unknown value 130
Marcus Aurelius No/unknown value 2nd century
Discophore 1st century
L'Enfance de Bacchus Jean Joseph Perraud
Statue double d'Épicure adossé à Métrodore de Lampsaque 2nd century
statue de philosophe 2nd century
Trépied aux trois Nymphes
Petit relief des Trois Graces 2nd century
Statue 1st century
Pâris appuyé sur un tronc d'arbre 2nd century
Pan removing a thorn from a satyr's foot 2nd century
Helmeted portrait of Seleucus I Nicator 1st millennium
Satyr playing the flute 2nd century
Venus Cesi
Aphrodite in Venus genitrix style 1st century
Suppliante Barberini -25
Zeus, god of the skys and master of the Olympus 2nd century
Narcisse 100
Alexandre Ctistes 1st millennium
Léon Ier 5th century
Théodose II 5th century
Wounded Amazon Sosikles type 130s
Statue en buste 1st century BCE
Buste de Tibère 0s BCE
Aphrodite du Capitole
guerrier perse 19th century
Aphrodite de Beyrouth
Alexandre Guimet 1st millennium BCE
Cléopâtre VII 1st century BCE
Buste de Cyrène -350
Niké phainoméride 2nd century BCE
Funerary lion -350
Agrippa 1st century
Aztec antropomorphic figure 2nd millennium
statue (Ma 79)
statue colossale (A 22) No/unknown value
statue (Br 18) -50
statue (Ma 3512) 108
statue (Ma 4540) 123
Flavius Claudius Iulianus

immagine titolo artista data
Gillet Kouros-Br 4510 No/unknown value 570s BCE
Musée Saint-Raymond, 25903 No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Minotaure No/unknown value 700s BCE
Statuetta No/unknown value -200
Louvre CA 1263 No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Louvre CA 459 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Louvre MNB 2601 No/unknown value -450
Mourner-CA 295 No/unknown value 7th century BCE
Couple embrassed in a wedding bed No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
naine courotrophe No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Warrior riding an hippalectryon No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Feminine figure-Ma 5010 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Feminine figure-Ma 4999 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Feminine figure-Ma 4997 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Feminine figure-Ma 4998 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Figurine of a woman-Br 4238 No/unknown value 13rd century BCE
Figurine of a woman-Br 80 No/unknown value 14th century BCE
Figurine-Ma 5008 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Naked warrior-Br 268 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Seated woman-Ma 4992 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Schematic figurine-Ma 4988 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Discophore-Br 160 No/unknown value -460
Discobole No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Statuette of an athlete-Br 3 No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Siren MNE 1186 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Head of a sphinx-CA 1793 No/unknown value -500
Mirror support-Br 4287 No/unknown value -480
Aphrodite se coiffant No/unknown value
Statuette of a seated woman-MNB 1726 No/unknown value -520
female protome-CA 366 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
sitting figurine-CA 3840 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
core-CA 6987 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
seated figurine-MNE 1015 No/unknown value -550
Artemis-MNE 985 No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Statuette of a woman-MNE 1167 No/unknown value 5th century BCE
victory running-MN 1672 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
head of a kore-Ma 4546 No/unknown value -520
Woman wearing a diadem-Ma 3501 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Female protome-NIII 1587-S 618 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Female protome-NIII 1588-S 649 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Kore head-Ma 5191 No/unknown value -520
Phi-shaped figurine-CA 591 No/unknown value 13rd century BCE
Draped standing man-NIII 1592-S 677 Afrodite, Pan ed Eros -520
Kouros musician-Ma 4677 No/unknown value 6th century BCE
alabastron-D 161 No/unknown value -550
Banqueter No/unknown value 6th century
standing man-NIII 2426 No/unknown value 6th century
Apollo Kitharoidos No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Funerary statue-Ma 2789 No/unknown value 6th century
Small three-legged seat-CA 3317 No/unknown value 2nd millennium BCE
Figurine of a woman-Ma 2707 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Feminine figure-Ma 5011 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Horus as emperor-Ma 2736 No/unknown value 1st millennium
Worshipper-Br 4294 No/unknown value -1500
theatrical mask representing a peasant No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Draped Eros No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Éros harpocratique No/unknown value 1st century BCE
woman holding a theatrical mask No/unknown value 4th century BCE
black youth with hands bound behing his back No/unknown value -200
boy playing with a swan No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
victorious Harpocrates riding a horse No/unknown value
Dionysos mask No/unknown value 1st century BCE
swimmer No/unknown value 2nd century
Nike running left No/unknown value 5th century BCE
gigant No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
veiled dancer No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Asclepius leaning on his Rod No/unknown value 1st century BCE
statuette (MND 194) No/unknown value
Pothos, god of longing, yearning and desire No/unknown value
statuette (MNE 15) No/unknown value 150
statues (Br 4453) No/unknown value 1st millennium
Heracles No/unknown value -100
Tête de figurine 25980 4th century BCE
statuette (Br 4225) 5th century BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Stèle funéraire d'Hermès, Dexiphanès et Thrasôn No/unknown value 120s BCE
Stèle funéraire de Mènios et Nikopolis No/unknown value 150s BCE
funerary stele of Katagraphos No/unknown value 2nd century
Honorific inscription praising Aristoxenos, son of Demophon No/unknown value 220s BCE
Apparition of the Dioscuri at a banquet No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Family scene No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
Funerary stele of Adea and Thrãson No/unknown value 90s BCE
Funerary stele of Thalea No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Stèle à banquet funéraire de Noumènios No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
honorific decrees of the city of Olonte No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
funerary Stele in honor of Philis, daughter of Cleomenes No/unknown value 440s BCE
stele (MND 919) No/unknown value 350s BCE
stele (MNB 434) No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
stele (Ma 836) No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Marbre Choiseul 400s BCE
Stèle de Sosinos 400s BCE
Pricot de Sainte-Marie steles

stele funeraria

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Dead man leaving his son No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Stèle funéraire de Bacô, Socratès et Aristonikè -340
Stèle funéraire d'un jeune homme avec un chien et un lièvre -360
stèle funéraire d'Apollas Perigeneios 1st century BCE
Bathyclea 2nd century BCE
stèle funéraire (Ma 3320) 220
stèle funéraire (Ma 3728) 2nd century

immagine titolo artista data
Winged female figure No/unknown value 6th century BCE
plaque with an incised female bust-Ma 2722 No/unknown value -520

immagine titolo artista data
banqueter and musician Colmar Painter -490
Plate with palaestra scene No/unknown value 510s BCE
triptolemus and Korē No/unknown value 460s BCE
coupe à figures rouges No/unknown value 500s BCE
Apollo and Artemis Pittore di Briseide -470
Tondo con il Bambino e il san Giovannino Desiderio da Settignano

urna funeraria

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immagine titolo artista data
Sarcofago degli sposi (Louvre) No/unknown value 520s BCE
cinerary urn lid No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
cinerary urn lid No/unknown value 3rd century BCE
cinerary urn lid No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
cinerary urn No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
cinerary group No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Urne funéraire étrusque avec le combat d'Eteocle et de Polynice No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
urne cinéraire (CA 7119) 8th century BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Vasque à tête de Méduse (Louvre Ma 90) No/unknown value 2nd century
Vasque à tête de dieu fleuve No/unknown value 2nd century

immagine titolo artista data
Stirrup vase with octopus No/unknown value 12nd century BCE
Stirrup vase No/unknown value 1350s BCE
Stirrup vase No/unknown value 14th century BCE
Stirrup vase No/unknown value -1325
Corinthian plastic vase in form of a drinker (Louvre, CA 454) Comast Group 6th century BCE
buste d'adolescent No/unknown value 2nd century
Apollo piercing with his arrows Tityos Polignoto 450s BCE
Attic red figure pyxis No/unknown value -430
Corinthian column-crater No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Etruscan perfume vase No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
Orpheus' death Hermonax -470
cratère en cloche à figures rouges No/unknown value 350s BCE
Vase de Pergame 2nd century BCE

immagine titolo artista data
Accordo del Louvre
L'età del bronzo Auguste Rodin 1877
Tiara of Saitaferne Yiśraʼel Ruḥmovsḳi 1895
Hunters Palette -3250
Lasimos Krater Lasimos 4th century BCE
Alessandro di Antiochia
Innalzamento della Croce Peter Paul Rubens 1610s
Apollo di Piombino No/unknown value 1st century BCE
The Second Mrs. Giaconda
Auditorium du Louvre
Praetorians Relief No/unknown value 51
Louvre Conservation Center 2021
Mattei Athena No/unknown value 1st century
Pear-shaped jar No/unknown value -1325
Kernos No/unknown value 2000s BCE
Cup with spiralling decoration No/unknown value 1600s BCE
Sauceboat No/unknown value -2200
Coupe du type dit « d’Aréthuse » No/unknown value 4th century BCE
Head of the Cnidus Aphrodite type No/unknown value 2nd century
Le Cacce di Massimiliano Bernard van Orley
2017 Paris machete attack
Musée de la Marine du Louvre 1752
décadrachme FG 1365 4th century BCE
L'Ode à Vénus. Junon à Nauplie. Union des poésies grecque et latine Louis Hector Leroux 1889
Amalthea and Jupiter's goat Pierre Julien 1785
Louvre MNB 2108 Amphitrite Painter 5th century BCE
colino Br 3081 No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Louvre Br 4787 No/unknown value 4th century BCE
frammento di tessuto MNB 636 MNB 637 No/unknown value 5th century BCE
Komastes and urinating woman No/unknown value -500
Lance head-Br 1459 No/unknown value 3rd millennium BCE
Oil lamp with Germanicus funerary urn No/unknown value 20
Funerary altar of Iulia Victorina No/unknown value 1st century
Anse de plat No/unknown value 2nd century
Attic red-figure olpe No/unknown value -470
Attic black-figure lekane Polos Painter 6th century BCE
memorial for the dead of the Erechteid Tribe No/unknown value 460s BCE
salt cellar No/unknown value 5th century BCE
couple hiding under the same cloak Group of Louvre G 99 6th century BCE
Eros Painter of London D 12 5th century BCE
Italic bronze belt No/unknown value 4th century BCE
gladiators Murmillo with untypical helmet fighting a Thraex No/unknown value 2nd century
bronze head from a situla No/unknown value 6th century BCE
Lions' paw tripod tables No/unknown value 1st millennium BCE
Attis No/unknown value -200
Lagynos with music instruments No/unknown value 2nd century BCE
coupe à décor de scène de komos KY Painter 570s BCE
coupe de Siana attique avec décor de boxeurs No/unknown value 6th century BCE
sceau (Cp 6844) No/unknown value
coupe 540s BCE
Corbulo so-called portrait No/unknown value 0s
Poêle à frire de Syros 3rd millennium BCE
Bol à guirlandes mosaiquées -100
kyathos 7th century BCE
People with paintings in the Musée du Louvre
Flacon à onguents 1st century
antéfixe (Cp 5164) 6th century BCE
phiale (MNB 2037) -600
askos (G 447) 5th century BCE
gobelet (F 475) 5th century BCE
psykter (F 319) 6th century BCE
Centre Vivant-Denon