Első fázis
A Vasember
Tony Stark hazaérve találkozik Nick Fury-val, Aki közli vele hogy nem Tony az egyetlen szuperhős a világon, és szeretne beszélni a Bosszúállókról.
A hihetetlen Hulk
Tony Stark találkozik az éppen egy bárban iszogató Thaddeus Ross tábornokkal, és elmondja neki hogy éppen egy csapat összeállításán dolgoznak.
Vasember 2.
Phil Coulson egy kráter felé hajt egy Új-Mexikói sivatagban, ahol valakinek a rejtéjes kalapácsa hirtelen lezuhant az égből, a felfedezésről pedig beszámol Nick Fury-nak.
Nick Fury üdvözli Erik Selviget a S.H.I.E.L.D. létesítményében és, miután megmutatja neki a Tesseract-ot, megkéri hogy Dr. Selvig vizsgálja meg a kockát. Selvig bele egyezik, ugyanis Loki irányítja a gondolatait.
Amerika Kapitány: Az első bosszúálló
Nick Fury világméretű következményekkel járó feladattal látja el Steve Rogerst.
A Másik tájékoztatja a mesterét Loki bukásáról miután megjegyzi hogy megtámadni a Bosszúállókat akár a halálukat is jelentheti, melynek hallatán Thanos elmosolyodik.
A Bosszúállók egy Shawarma Palace nevű étteremben gyülnek össze a New York-i csata után, és a kimerültségeik miatt csendben esznek.
Második fázis
Vasember 3.
Miután Tony Stark elmesélte Aldrich Killianel vívott csatájának és a poszttraumás stressz zavarával folytatott küzdelmének történetét, Stark rájön, hogy Bruce Banner átaludta a történet nagy részét. Semmit sem gondolva, Stark egy másik történetet kezd el mesélni, Banner legnagyobb bánatára.
Thor: Sötét világ
Sif és Volstagg Taneleer Tivanra bízzák a valóság követ, mitsem tudva arról hogy a Gyüjtő céljja összegyüjteni az összes Végtelen Követ.
Miközben egy Londoni van, Jane Foster meglátja, hogy a portál kinyilt az erkélyén, és kiszalad, hogy megtalálja Thort, akit a találkozás után boldogan átölel. Eközben egy madárraj megpróbál elmenekülni a Frost Beast elől.
Amerika Kapitány: A tél katonája
Wolfgang von Strucker és List egy titkos HYDRA bázisban sétálnak ahol Loki jogara és a Maximoff testvérpár, Skarlát Boszorkány és Higanyszál is megtalálhatóak egy cellába zárva.
A Tél Katonája álcázva magát beszivárog a Smithsonian Intézetbe Amerika kapitány kiállítására, majd meglátja Bucky Barnes emlékművét.
A galaxis őrzői
Groot az "I Want You Back" című The Jackson 5 zenére táncol, amíg Drax the Destroyer A késeit élesíti. Amikor Drax észreveszi, Groot lefagy és csak akkor folytattja a táncot amikor Drax már nem figyel.
Taneleer Tivan a múzeuma romjai között ül amikor Cosmo odamegy hozzá és megnyalja az arcát, amit Howard a Kacsa csak annyival nygtáz hogy "undi".
Bosszúállók: Ultron kora
In a mid-credits scene, Thanos, growing tired with the lack of progress in his crusade to obtain the Infinity Stones, dons the Infinity Gauntlet and vows to personally seek out the Stones.
A Hangya
In a mid-credits scene foreshadowing Ant-Man and the Wasp, Hank Pym shows Hope van Dyne an advanced yet unfinished prototype of the Wasp Suit, prompting her to state "It's about damn time".
In a cut-down scene from Captain America: Civil War, Captain America and Falcon discuss what to do with a trapped Winter Soldier. With "the accords" preventing them from contacting Tony Stark, Falcon recommends "a guy" who can help them.
Harmadik fázis
Amerika Kapitány: Polgárháború
In a mid-credits scene foreshadowing Black Panther, Steve Rogers watches Bucky Barnes go back into cryostasis and thanks T'Challa, who has granted them asylum in Wakanda until a cure for Barnes' mental programming can be found.
Foreshadowing Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker rests on his bed as Aunt May inquires about his black eye. As soon as she leaves the room, Peter inspects his Web-Shooters and watches as they emit a spider-shaped symbol.
Doctor Strange
In a cut-down scene from Thor: Ragnarok, Doctor Strange asks Thor why he brought Loki to Earth. Discovering that they are searching for Odin, Strange offers to help on the condition that the two brothers return to Asgard once their mission is completed.
Karl Mordo confronts Jonathan Pangborn and takes away his magic, explaining he is doing so because he could "see at long last what's wrong with the world, there are too many sorcerers."
A galaxis őrzői vol. 2.
In a pre-credits scene, Kraglin Obfonteri tries to use the Yaka Arrow only to run away after accidentally stabbing Drax in the shoulder.
Stakar Ogord, inspired by Yondu Udonta's sacrifice, brings his wife Aleta Ogord and comrades Martinex, Charlie-27, Krugarr, and Mainframe together and proposes they reassemble their old team.
Ayesha tells her chambermaid she is creating a being capable of destroying the Guardians of the Galaxy, deciding to call her creation "Adam".
Peter Quill walks in on an adolescent-sized Groot playing a video game and shows his disgust over the vines Groot has shed all over the room. Groot responds in a mocking tone, further annoying Quill.
The Watchers walk away from their informant as he implores them to stay and listen to his adventures.
Pókember: Hazatérés
Adrian Toomes encounters Mac Gargan in prison and learns that he has "friends" looking to kill Spider-Man before being confronted with a rumor about him knowing who the young crimefighter is. Toomes denies knowing Spider-Man's true identity and leaves to see his family.
Captain America films a public service announcement on the importance of patience and breaks the fourth wall, informing the audience that they waited around for nothing.
Thor: Ragnarök
In a mid-credits scene foreshadowing Avengers: Infinity War, Loki visits Thor in his quarters and asks if going to Earth is a good idea as a large spaceship appears in front of theirs.
The Grandmaster attempts to placate the citizens of Sakaar by declaring the revolution a draw.
Fekete Párduc
In a mid-credits scene, T'Challa travels to the Vienna International Centre with Nakia, Okoye and Ayo to speak before Everett Ross and the United Nations, stating that Wakanda will open its borders and utilize its resources to help the wider world.
Shuri visits a convalescing Bucky Barnes, who has awoken from cryostasis, and tells him he has much to learn.
Bosszúállók: Végtelen háború
Foreshadowing Captain Marvel, Nick Fury sends a distress signal to an unidentified individual via pager as he, Maria Hill, and several Atlanta pedestrians corrode to dust.
A Hangya és a Darázs
Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne and Janet van Dyne are watching Scott Lang harvest quantum particles when they start to disintegrate due to Thanos' victory, leaving Lang trapped inside the Quantum Realm.
The Giant Ant continues to play Scott Lang's electronic drum set as the Emergency Alert System echoes throughout Lang's house.
Marvel Kapitány
In a mid-credits scene foreshadowing Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and James Rhodes are speaking with Bruce Banner about the Transmitter Pager when Captain Marvel appears and demands they tell her where Nick Fury is.
Inside Nick Fury's office, Goose jumps onto his desk and, following several attempts, regurgitates the Tesseract.
Pókember: Idegenben
Peter Parker and Michelle Jones finish their date as Pat Kiernan presents a breaking news bulletin. To Parker's horror, The Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson releases footage leaked by the late Quentin Beck in which Beck suggests that Spider-Man murdered him and ordered the deaths of many others, after which he reveals to the world that Parker is Spider-Man.
"Nick Fury" and "Maria Hill" are revealed to be Talos and Soren in disguise. At Soren's urging, Talos contacts the real Fury, who is commanding a ship crewed by Skrulls, and informs him of the unexpected complications they faced in their mission to stop the Elementals.
Negyedik fázis
Fekete Özvegy
Foreshadowing Hawkeye, Yelena Belova visits Natasha Romanoff's grave and receives a mission from Valentina Allegra de Fontaine to take down Hawkeye, whom she states is the man responsible for Romanoff's death.
Shang-Chi és a tíz gyűrű legendája
In a mid-credits scene, Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers meet with Wong, Shang-Chi, and Katy Chen via holograms to observe the Ten Rings and discuss their origin, discovering that the rings are sending a message. After Danvers and Banner leave, Wong joins Shang-Chi and Chen in spending the night singing karaoke.
Foreshadowing the return of the Ten Rings, Xu Xialing takes her father's spot as leader of the organization, accompanied by Razor Fist and Jon Jon.
After the rest of the Eternals were abducted by Arishem the Judge, Makkari, Druig, and Thena are adrift in space on the Domo. They encounter Eros, the brother of Thanos, and his troll companion Pip, who know where the rest of their allies are.
Foreshadowing Blade, Dane Whitman reluctantly opens a case containing an ancient enchanted sword. He is suddenly pulled away by an unknown voice.
Pókember: Nincs hazaút
The universe-displaced Eddie Brock drinks at a bar, discussing the Avengers, Thanos, and the Snap with a bartender. Brock and Venom consider finding Spider-Man; however, both of them are suddenly transported back to their universe by Doctor Strange's spell. Unbeknownst to them, a small remnant of the Venom symbiote is left behind on the counter table.
Doctor Strange az őrület multiverzumában
As he takes a stroll in New York City, Doctor Strange is confronted by Clea about a multiversal incursion that he had caused. She opens a portal to the Dark Dimension and the two walk in to avert it.
Pizza Poppa in New York City-838 stops punching himself in the face as Doctor Strange's spell expires. Overjoyed, he begins laughing, suddenly turning towards the camera to exclaim "It's over!"
Thor: Szerelem és mennydörgés
While he is being treated for his injuries, Zeus sends out his son Hercules to kill Thor.
Jane Foster enters Valhalla, where she is welcomed by Heimdall.