Simple Robot Assembled From E-Waste Actually Looks Pretty Cool

If you’re designing a robot for a specific purpose, you’re probably ordering fresh parts and going with a clean sheet design. If you’re just building for fun though, you can just go with whatever parts you have on hand. That’s how [Sorush Moradisani] approached building Esghati—a “robot made from garbage.”

Remote viewing made easy.

The body of the robot is an old Wi-Fi router that was stripped clean, with the antenna left on for a classic “robot” look. The wheels are made out of old diffusers cut off of LED lamps. Two servos are used to drive the wheels independently, allowing the robot to be steered in a rudimentary tank-style fashion. Power is courtesy of a pair of 18650 lithium-ion cells. The brains of the robot is an ESP32-CAM—a microcontroller board which includes a built-in camera. Thanks to its onboard Wi-Fi, it’s able to host its own website that allows control of the robot and transmits back pictures from the camera. The ESP32 cam itself is mounted on the “head” on the robot for a good field of view. Meanwhile, it communicates with a separate Arduino Nano which is charged with generating pulses to run the drive servos. Code is on Github for the curious.

It’s not a complicated robot by any means—it’s pretty much just something you can drive around and look through the camera, at this stage. Still, it’s got plenty of onboard processing power and you could do a lot more with it. Plus, the wireless control opens up a lot of options. With that said, you’d probably get sick of the LED bulb wheels in short order—they offer precious little grip on just about any surface. Really, though, it just goes to show you how a bit of junk e-waste can make a cute robot—it almost has Wall-E vibes. Video after the break.

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Pi Hand Is A Digital Display Of A Different Sort

Hackers enjoy a good theme, and so it comes as no surprise that every time March 14th (Pi Day) rolls around, the tip line sees an uptick in mathematical activity. Whether it’s something they personally did or some other person’s project they want to bring to our attention, a lot of folks out there are very excited about numbers today.

One of our most prolific circumference aficionados is [Cristiano Monteiro], who, for the last several years, has put together a special project to commemorate the date. For 2025, he’s come up with a robotic hand that will use its fingers to show the digits of Pi one at a time. Since there’s only one hand, anything higher than five will be displayed as two gestures in quick succession, necessitating a bit of addition on the viewer’s part.

[Cristiano] makes no claims about the anatomical accuracy of his creation. Indeed, if your mitts look anything like this, you should seek medical attention immediately. But whether you think of them as fingers or nightmarish claws, it’s the motion of the individual digits that matter.

To that end, each one is attached to an MG90 servo, which an Arduino Nano drives with attached Servo Shield. From there, it’s just a matter of code to get the digits wiggling out the correct value, which [Cristiano] has kindly shared for anyone looking to recreate this project.

If you’re hungry for more Pi, the ghostly display that [Cristiano] sent in last year is definitely worth another look. While not directly related to today’s mathematical festivities, the portable GPS time server he put together back in 2021 is another fantastic build you should check out.

Continue reading “Pi Hand Is A Digital Display Of A Different Sort”

self-stabilizing robot on tabletop

Taming The Wobble: An Arduino Self-Balancing Bot

Getting a robot to stand on two wheels without tipping over involves a challenging dance with the laws of physics. Self-balancing robots are a great way to get into control systems, sensor fusion, and embedded programming. This build by [mircemk] shows how to make one with just a few common components, an Arduino, and a bit of patience fine-tuning the PID controller.

At the heart of the bot is the MPU6050 – a combo accelerometer/gyroscope sensor that keeps track of tilt and movement. An Arduino Uno takes this data, runs it through a PID loop, and commands an L298N motor driver to adjust the speed and direction of two DC motors. The power comes from two Li-ion batteries feeding everything with enough juice to keep it upright. The rest of the magic lies in the tuning.

PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control is what makes the robot stay balanced. Kp (proportional gain) determines how aggressively the motors respond to tilting. Kd (derivative gain) dampens oscillations, and Ki (integral gain) helps correct slow drifts. Set them wrong, and your bot either wobbles like a confused penguin or falls flat on its face. A good trick is to start with only Kp, then slowly add Kd and Ki until it stabilizes. Then don’t forget to calibrate your MPU6050; each sensor has unique offsets that need to be compensated in the code.

Once dialed in, the result is a robot that looks like it defies gravity. Whether you’re hacking it for fun, turning it into a segway-like ride, or using it as a learning tool, a balancing bot is a great way to sharpen your control system skills. For more inspiration, check out this earlier attempt from 2022, or these self-balancing robots (one with a little work) from a year before that. You can read up on [mircemk]’s project details here.

A Transparent BB-8 Build Using Christmas Ornaments

The cool thing about the droids of Star Wars is that they’re not that hard to recreate in real life. R2-D2 is a popular choice, but you can even build yourself a neat little BB-8 if you’re so inclined. [Piyush] has built a particularly compelling example that’s transparent, which lets you see the internals and how it all works.

The build makes creative use of a pair of Christmas ornaments. They are perhaps the cheapest and easiest way to source a clear plastic sphere. One serves as the “head”, while the other serves as the larger spherical body. Inside, an Arduino Pro Micro is running the show. It’s hooked up to a L293D motor driver which runs the drive motors and the reaction wheel motor which provides stability, while a separate MOSFET is on hand to run the gear motor which controls the head.

There’s also an HC-05 module for Bluetooth communication, and a BNO055 sensor for motion tracking and ensuring the robot stays the right way up. 3D printed components are used prodigiously to cram everything together tightly enough to fit. There’s even a printed charging base to juice up the little droid. Controlling the robot is as simple as using a smartphone with an app created in the MIT App Inventor.

If you’ve never built a spherical rolling robot before—and few of us have—this design is a great reference for your own work. We’ve seen a few BB-8s over the years, most of which dropped shortly after the movie was released. Continue reading “A Transparent BB-8 Build Using Christmas Ornaments”

Will Embodied AI Make Prosthetics More Humane?

Building a robotic arm and hand that matches human dexterity is tougher than it looks. We can create aesthetically pleasing ones, very functional ones, but the perfect mix of both? Still a work in progress. Just ask [Sarah de Lagarde], who in 2022 literally lost an arm and a leg in a life-changing accident. In this BBC interview, she shares her experiences openly – highlighting both the promise and the limits of today’s prosthetics.

The problem is that our hands aren’t just grabby bits. They’re intricate systems of nerves, tendons, and ridiculously precise motor control. Even the best AI-powered prosthetics rely on crude muscle signals, while dexterous robots struggle with the simplest things — like tying shoelaces or flipping a pancake without launching it into orbit.

That doesn’t mean progress isn’t happening. Researchers are training robotic fingers with real-world data, moving from ‘oops’ to actual precision. Embodied AI, i.e. machines that learn by physically interacting with their environment, is bridging the gap. Soft robotics with AI-driven feedback loops mimic how our fingers instinctively adjust grip pressure. If haptics are your point of interest, we have posted about it before.

The future isn’t just robots copying our movements, it’s about them understanding touch. Instead of machine learning, we might want to shift focus to human learning. If AI cracks that, we’re one step closer.


Robotics Class Is Open

If you are like us, you probably just spin up your own code for a lot of simple projects. But that’s wasteful if you are trying to do anything serious. Take a robot, for example. Are you using ROS (Robot Operating System)? If not — or even if you are — check out [Janne Karttunene] and the University of Eastern Finland’s open-source course Robotics and ROS 2 Essentials.

The material is on GitHub. Rather than paraphrase, here’s the description from the course itself:

This course is designed to give you hands-on experience with the basics of robotics using ROS 2 and Gazebo simulation. The exercises focus on the Andino robot from Ekumen and are structured to gradually introduce you to ROS 2 and Docker.

No prior experience with ROS 2 or Docker is needed, and since everything runs through Docker, you won’t need to install ROS 2 on your system beforehand. Along the way, you’ll learn essential concepts like autonomous navigation and mapping for mobile robots. All the practical coding exercises are done in Python.

Topics include SLAM, autonomous navigation, odometry, and path planning. It looks like it will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in robotics or anything else you might do with ROS.

If you want a quick introduction to ROS, we can help. We’ve seen a number of cool ROS projects over the years.

students overlooking their rope-traversing robots

Crawler Challenge: Building Rope-Traversing Robots

Rope-climbing robots are the stuff of engineering dreams. As kids, didn’t we all clutter our family home with constructions of towers and strings – Meccano, or Lego – to have ziplines spanning entire rooms? Good for the youngsters of today, this has been included in school curricula. At the University of Illinois, the ME 370 students have been given the task of building a robot that can hang from a rope and walk across it—without damaging the rope. The final projects show not only how to approach tricky design problems, but also the creative solutions they stumbled upon.

Imagine a tiny, rope-climbing walker in your workshop—what could you create?

The project is full of opportunities for those thinking out of the box. It’s all about the balance between innovation and practicality: the students have to come up with a solution that can move at least 2 meters per minute, fits in a shoebox, and has some creative flair—no wheels allowed! The constraints provide an extra layer of challenge, but that’s where the fun lies. Some students use inverted walkers, others take on a more creature-like approach. The clever use of motors and batteries shows just how far simple tech can go when combined with a bit of engineering magic.

This project is a fantastic reminder that even small, seemingly simple design challenges can lead to fascinating creations. It invites us adults to play, and by that, we learn: a win-win situation. You can find the original article here, or grab some popcorn and watch the video below.

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