Does The 12VHPWR Connector Really Wear Out After 30 Mating Cycles?

When PCI-SIG introduced the 12VHPWR power connector as a replacement for the 6- and 8-pin PCIe power connectors, it created a wave of controversy. There were enough cases of melting GPUs, PSUs, and cables to set people on edge. Amidst this controversy, [JayzTwoCents] decided to do some scientific experimentation, Mythbusters-style, specifically: do these 12VHPWR (or the 12V-2×6 successor) wear out upon hitting the often cited 30 mating cycles? If this is the case, it could explain why people see wildly different current loads between the wires in their GPU power cables. Perhaps reviewers and hardware enthusiasts should replace their  GPU power cables more often.

Like many Mythbuster experiments, the outcome is less than clear, as can be observed in the below graph from one data set. Even after 100 mating cycles, there was no observable change to the contact resistance. One caveat: this was only performed on the GPU side of the connector. The first cable tested was a newer connector type that uses a single-split leaf spring design. Initially, most of the 12VHPWR connectors had a double- or triple-dimple design to contact the pin, so [Jayz] tested one of these, too.

The amazing thing with the 2022-era cable that got pulled new out of packaging and tested was that it looked terrible under the microscope in terms of tolerances and provided a very uneven load, but it got better over time and also lasted 100 cycles. However, it must be said that ‘lasted’ is a big word here, as the retention tab wore off by this point, and the connector was ready to fall out with a light breeze.

Perhaps the ‘mating cycles’ specification is more about the connector as a whole, as well as how the connector is (ab)used, at which point good (long-term) contact is no longer assured. Along with the different types of Molex Mini- and Micro-Fit style connectors, it’s worth keeping an eye on with more applications than just GPUs.

We have certainly seen some burned connectors. Particularly in 3D printers.

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Learn Assembly The FFmpeg Way

You want to learn assembly language. After all, understanding assembly unlocks the ability to understand what compilers are doing and it is especially important for time-critical code. But most tutorials are — well — boring. So you can print “Hello World” super fast. Who cares?

But decoding video data is something where assembly can really pay off, so why not study a real project like FFmpeg to see how they do things? Sounds like a pain, but thanks to the FFmpeg asm-lessons repository, it’s actually quite accessible.

According to the repo, you should already understand C — especially C pointers. They also expect you to understand some basic mathematics. Most of the FFmpeg code that uses assembly uses the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) opcodes. This allows you to do something like “add 5 to these 200 data items” very quickly compared to looping 200 times.

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Hackaday Links: February 23, 2025

Ho-hum — another week, another high-profile bricking. In a move anyone could see coming, Humane has announced that their pricey AI Pin widgets will cease to work in any meaningful way as of noon on February 28. The company made a splash when it launched its wearable assistant in April of 2024, and from an engineering point of view, it was pretty cool. Meant to be worn on one’s shirt, it had a little bit of a Star Trek: The Next Generation comm badge vibe as the primary UI was accessed through tapping the front of the thing. It also had a display that projected information onto your hand, plus the usual array of sensors and cameras which no doubt provided a rich stream of user data. Somehow, though, Humane wasn’t able to make the numbers work out, and as a result they’ll be shutting down their servers at the end of the month, with refunds offered only to users who bought their AI Pins in the last 90 days.

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Over The Counter Glucose Monitor Dissected

If you deal with diabetes, you probably know how to prick your finger and use a little meter to read your glucose levels. The meters get better and better which mostly means they take less blood, so you don’t have to lacerate your finger so severely. Even so, taking your blood several times a day is hard on your fingertips. Continuous monitoring is available, but — until recently — required a prescription and was fairly expensive. [Andy] noticed the recent introduction of a relatively inexpensive over-the-counter sensor, the Stelo CGM. Of course, he had to find out what was inside, and thanks to him, you can see it, too.

If you haven’t used a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), there is still a prick involved, but it is once every two weeks or so and occurs in the back of your arm. A spring drives a needle into your flesh and retracts. However, it leaves behind a little catheter. The other end of the catheter is in an adhesive-backed module that stays put. It sounds a little uncomfortable, but normally, it is hardly noticeable, and even if it is, it is much better than sticking your finger repeatedly to draw out a bunch of blood.

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Close up of Zenit 19 camera

Behind The Lens: Tearing Down A Rare Soviet Zenit 19

If you’re into Soviet-era gear with a techy twist, you’ll love this teardown of a rare Zenit 19 camera courtesy of [msylvain59]. Found broken on eBay (for a steal!), this 1982 made-in-USSR single-lens reflex camera isn’t the average Zenit. It features, for example, electronically controlled shutter timing – quite the upgrade from its manual siblings.

The not-so-minor issue that made this Zenit 19 come for cheap was a missing shutter blade. You’d say – one blade gone rogue! Is it lost in the camera’s guts, or snapped clean off? Add to that some oxidized battery contacts and a cracked viewfinder, and you’ve got proper fixer-upper material. But that’s where it gets intriguing: the camera houses a rare hybrid electronic module (PAPO 074), complete with epoxy-covered resistors. The shutter speed dial directly adjusts a set of resistors, sending precise signals to the shutter assembly: a neat blend of old-school mechanics and early electronics.

Now will it shutter, or stutter? With its vertical metal shutter – uncommon in Zenits – and separate light metering circuitry, this teardown offers a rare glimpse into Soviet engineering flair. Hungry for more? We’ve covered a Soviet-era computer and a radio in the past. If you’re more into analog camera teardowns, you might like this analog Pi upgrade attempt, or this bare minimum analog camera project.

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How Rutherford Proved That Atoms Are Mostly Empty Space

By the beginning of the 20th century scientists were only just beginning to probe the mysteries of the atomic world, with the exact nature of these atoms subject to a lot of speculation and theory. Recently [The Action Lab] on YouTube replicated one of the most famous experiments performed at the time, commonly known as Rutherford’s gold-foil experiment.

A part of Rutherford’s scattering experiments, this particular experiment involved shooting alpha particles at a piece of gold foil with the source, foil, and detector placed in a vacuum vessel. Rutherford’s theoretical model of the atom that he developed over the course of these experiments differed from the contemporary Thomson model in that Rutherford’s model postulated that atoms consisted of a single large charged nucleus at the core of the atom, with the electrons spread around it.

As can be seen in the video, the relatively large alpha particles from the Americium-241 source, available from many smoke detectors, will most of the time zip right through the foil, while suffering a pretty major deflection in other times when a nucleus is hit. This is consistent with Rutherford’s model of a small nucleus surrounded by what is effectively mostly just empty space.

While Rutherford used a screen that would light up when hit with alpha particles, this experiment with a Geiger counter is an easy way to replicate the experiment, assuming that you have access to a large enough vacuum chamber.

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LCD Stackup Repair: Not For The Faint Of Heart

Coming straight to the point: [Ron Hinton] is significantly braver than we are. Or maybe he was just in a worse situation. His historic Acer K385s laptop suffered what we learned is called vinegar syndrome, which is a breakdown in the polarizers that make the LCD work. So he bit the bullet and decided to open up the LCD stack and replace what he could.

Nothing says “no user serviceable parts inside” quite like those foil-and-glue sealed packages, but that didn’t stop [Ron]. Razor blades, patience, and an eye ever watchful for the connectors that are seemingly everywhere, and absolutely critical, got the screen disassembled. Installation of the new polarizers was similarly fiddly.

In the end, it looks like the showstopper to getting a perfect result is that technology has moved on, and these older screens apparently used a phase correction layer between the polarizers, which might be difficult to source these days. (Anyone have more detail on that? We looked around and came up empty.)

This laptop may not be in the pantheon of holy-grail retrocomputers, but that’s exactly what makes it a good candidate for practicing such tricky repair work, and the result is a readable LCD screen on an otherwise broken old laptop, so that counts as a win in our book.

If you want to see an even more adventurous repair effort that ended in glorious failure, check out [Jan Mrázek]’s hack where he tries to convert a color LCD screen to monochrome, inclusive of scraping off the liquid crystals! You learn a lot by taking things apart, of course, but you learn even more by building it up from first principles. If you haven’t seen [Ben Krasnow]’s series on a completely DIY LCD screen, ITO-sputtering and all, then you’ve got some quality video time ahead of you.