There are currently 11650 Edited Entries and 290041 Entries in h2g2
Twenty Most Recently Created Entries
ID | Title | Status | Created |
A88065039 | Unusual Angle | - | 29 Minutes Ago |
A88065020 | Sweet Swans of Avon | - | 45 Minutes Ago |
A88065011 | Svinafellsjokull | - | 49 Minutes Ago |
A88065002 | Wisps | - | 54 Minutes Ago |
A88064995 | Luminescence | - | 58 Minutes Ago |
A88064986 | Lentil Face | - | 1 Hour Ago |
A88064977 | Felled | - | 1 Hour Ago |
A88064968 | Dragon Adventure | - | 1 Hour Ago |
A88064959 | There's Always One That Spoils It | - | 1 Hour Ago |
A88064940 | Catch Me If You Can | - | 1 Hour Ago |
A88064931 | Spring Is Coming, Like It or Not! | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064922 | Chicora | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064913 | What Do You Want Now? | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064904 | Politics, Jehu-Style: Part I of 6 | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064896 | Angelic Harmonies | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064887 | Incogniti | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064878 | Measuring the River | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064869 | Midnight Shopping | - | 2 Hours Ago |
A88064850 | Notes for a Declining Civilisation | - | 3 Hours Ago |
A88064841 | Picture Quiz: Ulysses S Grant | - | 3 Hours Ago |
Twenty Most Recently Updated Conversations
Info Page
Douglas Adams
"A collaborative guide, one that was written and kept up to date by the people who used it, in real time, might be a neat idea. I just didn't really realise that such a thing might be possible in my lifetime or how powerful such a thing might be."
A place to share knowledge and celebrate the things you love by writing about them
We have the first snowflake. Now let's build a blizzard
h2g2 founder Douglas Adams
Write an Entry
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."
The Foundation
Co-founded by the h2g2 community, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Foundation is an independent charity honouring Douglas Adams' memory by supporting people around the world trying to improve their communication skills, especially basic literacy skills.