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Samoa alemá

Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.
Mapa de Samoa contra 1890.

A Samoa alemá (en alemán Deutsch-Samoa) foi un protectorado do Imperio alemán no océano Pacífico entre 1900 e 1914, formado polas illas de Upolu, Savaii, Apolima e Manono.

Samoa foi a última adquisición colonial alemá no Pacífico, recibida tras a Convención Tripartita asinada en Washington o 2 de decembro de 1899 co intercambio de ratificacións o 16 de febreiro de 1900.[1]

Foi a única colonia alemá no Pacífico, á parte da concesión de Kiau Chau na China, e que se administrou por separado da Nova Guinea alemá.

Despois de estar baixo dominio británico emancipouse finalmente co nome de Samoa Occidental.

  1. Ryden, George Herbert (1975): The Foreign Policy of the United States in Relation to Samoa. Nueva York: Octagon Books. (Reimpresión por acordo especial coa Yale University Press. Publicado orixinalmente en New Haven: Yale University Press, 1928), p. 574: the Tripartite Convention (United States, Germany, Great Britain) was signed at Washington on 2 December 1899 with ratifications exchanged on 16 February 1900

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  • Davidson, J. W. Samoa mo Samoa [Samoa for the Samoans], The Emergence of the Independent State of Western Samoa. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 1967. OCLC 222445762
  • Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Kleiner Deutscher Kolonialatlas. Berlin: Verlag Dietrich Reimer. 1899. OCLC 37420819
  • Gerlach, Hans-Henning & Birken, Andreas. Die Südsee und die deutsche Seepost, deutsche Kolonien und deutsche Kolonialpolitik. Volume 4. Königsbronn. 2001. ISBN 3-931753-26-3 OCLC 49909546
  • Graudenz, Karlheinz & Schindler, Hanns-Michael. Die deutschen Kolonien. Augsburg: Weltbildverlag. 1994. ISBN 3-89350-701-9
  • Lewthwaite, Gordon R. “Life, Land and Agriculture to Mid-Century,” in Western Samoa. Editado por James W. Fox e Kenneth Brailey Cumberland. Christchurch, New Zealand: Whitcomb & Tombs Ltd. 1962. OCLC 512636
  • McKay, Cyril Gilbert Reeves. Samoana, A Personal Story of the Samoan Islands. Wellington e Auckland: A.H. & A.W. Reed. 1968. OCLC 32790
  • Schultz-Naumann, Joachim. Unter Kaisers Flagge, Deutschlands Schutzgebiete im Pazifik und in China einst und heute [Under the Kaiser’s Flag, Germany’s Protectorates in the Pacific and in China then and today]. Múnic: Universitas Verlag. 1985. ISBN 3-8004-1094-X OCLC 14130501
  • Ryden, George Herbert. The Foreign Policy of the United States in Relation to Samoa. Nova York: Octagon Books, 1975. (Reprint, originally published at New Haven: Yale University Press, 1928.) OCLC 185595285
  • Spoehr, Florence Mann. White Falcon, The House of J.C. Godeffroy and its Commercial and Scientific Role in the Pacific. Palo Alto: Pacific Books. 1963. OCLC 3149438

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