Comparative evaluation of computational methods for reconstruction of human viral genomes
Cooperative Pipeline for human viral genome reconstruction
TRACESPipeDeNovo: de-novo assembly and classification of viral genomes from FASTQ reads
TRACESPipeLite: ultra-fast assembly of viral genomes from FASTQ reads
Reconstruction and analysis of viral and host genomes at multi-organ level
How compressible is a Cassava genome sequence?
AltaiR: a C toolkit for alignment-free and temporal analysis of multi-FASTA data
Alignment-free simulation, computation, and visualization of Low-compexity regions in biological data
Nucleotide Archival Format - Compressed file format for DNA/RNA/protein sequences
cobilab / smashpp
Forked from smortezah/smashppFind and visualize rearrangements in DNA sequences
An efficient amino acid sequence compressor using Neural Networks
A tool to find and visualize rearrangements in DNA sequences
An ultra-fast tool to find relative absent words in genomic data
An efficient DNA sequence compressor using Neural Networks