My username is simomosi and I'm a Software Engineer.
I'm a fan of order and simplicity, so I will help you navigate and discover my projects:
- ⚡ dynamic forms
- it's a client library to automate progressive filtering and initialisation of dynamic fields in an easy and fast way
- written in TypeScript and Node.js with some Webpack magic ✨
- 🏁 advent of code
- my partecipation on the advent of code hackaton in 2022 and 2023
- solved using Python
- 🎨 react portfolio
- my personal portfolio with some technologies listed
- written in TypeScript with Next.js, a React framework
- implemented a Continuous Delivery workflow with Github Actions to automatically deploy on github pages everytime I make a change
- 📊 simple budget tracker
- it's an app for budget tracking
- it shows my love for Personal Finance ❤️
- built in excel
- 📸 computer vision algorithms
- Software for simple use of low-level Computer Vision Algorithms to clean and optimize photos
- 🧠 machine learning MNIST
- a Neural Network to recognise images with hand-written digits stored in the MNIST database
- 🔎 treasure hunt
- online multiplayer treasure hunt game
- written client-server communication from scratch using C
- 👾 pokedex-vue
- it's a digital pokédex to get info about Pokémon!
- it's just a fun project to play with Vue.js
- 💾 see other projects in my profile (if you've read this far ask me about private ones 🔒)
I've been a contributor of the following open source projects:
- 📌 italia/bootstrap-italia - the frontend framework for italian public administration
- 📌 1hanzla100/developer-portfolio - a portfolio template for engineers