Tags: stackql/stackql
test-contains-both-streams (#516) Summary: - Added new robot testing keyword `Should Stackql Exec Inline Contain Both Streams`. - Updated selected positive and negative scenarios to use new keyword. - Robot test `Registry Pull Google Provider Implicit Latest Version` uses new keyword for positive scenario. - Robot test `Select Star of EC2 Instances Returns Expected Result` uses new keyword for positive scenario. - Robot test `Faulty Auth Azure Authenticated VM Sizes` uses new keyword for negative scenario.
sqlite-mathematics-returns (#511) Summary: - Improved CICD doco. - Migrated duplicate functionality to `any-sdk`. - Restore `sqlite3` mathematical functions. - Added robot test `Google Buckets List With Date Logic Exemplifies Use of SQLite Math Functions`.
readwrite-walkthrough Summary: - Webserver VM create walkthrough.
scenario-testing-evolution (#502) Summary: - Supporting different testing patterns: - `readonly`; read ops only. - `readwrite`; read and mutate with `stackql`. - `deploy`; lifecycle management with `stackql-deploy`. - CI improvments to elide needless builds.
scenario-testing-evolution Summary: - Supporting different testing patterns: - `readonly`; read ops only. - `readwrite`; read and mutate with `stackql`. - `deploy`; lifecycle management with `stackql-deploy`. - CI improvments to elide needless builds.
improvement-of-scenarios Summary: - Change to walkthrough user input delimiters. - Added `aws` walkthrough. - Tabulation of results. - Return code nonzero if **any** test fails.
demo-md-walkthrough-testing Summary: - Support for simple testing of walkthroughs written in markdown, with annotations. - Whole table match scenario. - Nonempty table match scenario. - Skip testing on files named `README.md`. - Runnable from CI, with tag of form: `scenario-<stackql_build_run_number>-<anything>`.