Full-Stack Developer
Information Systems student at UTFPR 👨💻
- ⚛️ I'm a Software Engineer at Whitespectre
- 🔭 I’m currently working on RevisApp and other personal projects with React, Node and React Native!
- 🌱 I’m currently deepening my studies in React, React Native, Flutter and Node
- 🧠 I'm creator of RevisApp, an educational app with more than 2.000.000 downloads,
- 🔤 react-native-auto-size-text, a React Native component that provides several ways to resize text within a certain dimension/parent.
- 👨💻 Codict, An app to help you in your tech interview
- 😉 Interview Bro, Practice for your interview with AI.
- 💡 You can see other personal projects in my repositories
- ⚡ Technologies: React, NextJS, React Native, Node, GraphQL, React, Ionic, Flutter, Unity3D