I am an Electromechanical Engineer living in Panama City, 🇵🇦 who is passionate about electronics, embedded systems, artificial intelligence, data science, computer vision, control systems, automation... as you see i am refering to Robotics Engineering.
If you are here, you must know i like to build everything that i have in mind. I do not post so much in github frequently because i want to make quality work, not quantity, appart i have a comercial repo that i am maintaining (see below the project).
A little bit of a good project (comercial)
is a way for me to improve my knowledge and advances in Robotics, Embodied AI, Computer Vision, Self Driving Cars, Autonomous Systems, etc. and other related areas like Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning and Machine Learning, Artificial Ingelligence, Embedded Linux and Embedded Systems, but also to make it deployable using best practices in DevOps, DevSecOps, MLOps!
What I am doing now?
- 💻 Currently looking for opportunities and growing my skillset in artificial intelligence, ROS and Robotics and embedded systems.
- 🤝 Open for collaborations in some projects of embedded systems, robotics, deep learning and data science.
- 😊 Willing to contribute in opensource development projects.
- 💬 You can always ask me for any questions regarding any theme, i am here to help you.
- 📫 Know me in my social media links (see below at the end).
- 😄 Fun fact about me: my undergrad thesis was a bundle of two (2) tomes.
📱 Connect with me via social media or email (i have two linkedin profiles... Robotics/Embedded and Electrical)