This is a habit tracking app inspired by the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. The goal of the project is to help users form, track, and maintain good habits by providing a system for regular monitoring and analysis of their progress.
Inspired by Clear's philosophy that small changes can lead to remarkable results, I decided to build this app to practically implement his advice and help others do the same.
- Track daily habits and view progress over time
- Visualize habit streaks with a calendar heatmap
- Add, edit, and delete habits
- Set up reminders for habits
- View habit statistics, such as streaks and completion rates
- Choose themes
- Flutter SDK: 3.22.0 or higher.
- Dart SDK: 3.4.3 or higher.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd habits_app
- Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
- Run the app:
flutter run
This project utilizes the following Flutter packages and technologies:
- Provider: State management for managing app state.
- SQFLite: SQLite database integration for local persistent storage.
- GetIt: Simple service locator for dependency injection.
- Flutter Heatmap Calendar: Heatmap calendar widget to visualize habit streaks.
- Fl Chart: A chart library for drawing habit statistics.
- Flutter Local Notifications: Handling local notifications and reminders.
- Lottie TGS: Rendering animations with Telegram stickers.
For the full list of dependencies, refer to the pubspec.yaml