Ahmet Alp Balkan is a senior staff software engineer at the Compute Infrastructure team at LinkedIn, working on moving LinkedIn's large compute footprint to a Kubernetes based infrastructure on-premises.
Prior to LinkedIn, Ahmet has spent nearly 10 years working at Twitter, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure primarily on container-based open source technologies and services such as Kubernetes, GKE, Knative. He pioneered the work to port Docker to Windows and bringing Docker into the Azure ecosystem. He created and maintains developer tools like kubectx.dev and krew.dev.
You can find him as @ahmetb on Twitter and GitHub.
Building kubectl plugins like a pro — Cloud-Native Rejekts 2024 — Salt Lake City, UT
Scaling Kubernetes Controllers - Seattle Kubernetes Meetup
Go ile Kendinize Kariyer İnşa Etmek - GopherCon Turkey 2021 - Turkish Track (Virtual)
Securing serverless applications with Identity-Aware Proxy - Google Serverless Day (Virtual)
Serverless Containers on Fully Managed Infrastructure - Container Camp 2020 (Virtual)
Introduction to Google Cloud Buildpacks – GDG Cloud Ankara Meetup (Virtual)
Serverless containers with Google Cloud Run and Knative – Serverless Turkey @ Online Meetup (Virtual)
Using Kubernetes to Build Better Kubernetes Networking and Autoscaling – KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2020 EU @ Amsterdam, Netherlands
- (Upcoming, currently postponed to August 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak)
- Description
Using Serverless on Kubernetes with Cloud Run @ Google Cloud Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey (Webinar)
Making kubectl
plugins mainstream – KubeCon 2019 @ San Diego, CA, USA
Modernizing Kubernetes microservices stack with Cloud Run for Anthos – Anthos Day @ KubeCon’19 @ San Diego, CA, USA
Serverless Containers: Cloud Run – Serverless in Seattle Meetup @ Seattle, WA, USA
Serverless "AND" Containers: Is it possible? – ServerlessConf NYC 2019 @ New York, USA
Engineering GKE Clusters for Reliability – Google Cloud Day Istanbul 2019 @ Istanbul, Turkey
Keynote: Empowering your developers & Serverless Google Cloud Day Istanbul 2019 – Istanbul, Turkey
Writing kubectl Plugins: Develop, Package and Distribute – KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2019 EU @ Barcelona, Spain
Knative Hands-on Workshop – KubeCon 2018 @ Seattle, WA.
Knative: Building serverless platforms on top of Kubernetes – ServerlessDays SEA @ Seattle, WA.
Multi-Tenancy Best Practices for Google Kubernetes Engine – Google Cloud Next’18 @ San Francisco, CA.
Monitoring Microservices with Minimal Effort – Google DevFest @ Ankara,Turkey.
Introduction to Kubernetes multi-tenancy – CNCF Turkey Meetup @ online.
- Interview: "Krew, the kubectl plugin manager" – with @sethvargo on Google Cloud Platform YouTube channel
- Presentation: Krew: package manager for kubectl plugins – Kubernetes SIG CLI bi-weekly meeting.
Securing Clusters with Kubernetes Network Policies – KubeCon 2017 – Austin, TX.
Anatomy of a Cloud-Native Application – DevOpsDays IST 2017 @ Istanbul, Turkey
Using TLS with Let’s Encrypt in Kubernetes – Seattle Kubernetes Meetup
go-linq Go Library – Seattle Go Meetup
DNS Service Discovery for Docker clusters – DockerCon EU 2015 @ Barcelona, Spain
Writing Container-Friendly Applications – LinuxCon North America 2015 @ Seattle, WA.
wagl: DNS Service Discovery for Docker Swarm – Docker Seattle Meetup
- 📹 Recording (skip to 22:00)
- Docker 101 with Scott Hanselman – Azure Friday, Microsoft Channel 9
- Docker Visual Studio Extension with Scott Hanselman – Azure Friday, Microsoft Channel 9
- Increasing Density of VMs with Docker – Microsoft Channel 9
- Blog: https://ahmet.im/blog
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ahmetb
- GitHub: https://github.com/ahmetb