- 🔭 @cbaker6 is the director of the Network Reconnaissance Lab (NetReconLab) at the University of Southern California
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on medical based research applications that operate when the Internet is availabe, limited, or non-existant (check out ParseCareKit for more info)
- 📫 How to reach Corey: c.baker@usc.edu
Network Reconnaissance Lab
- United States of America
- https://netrecon.usc.edu/
- @drcoreybaker
- c.baker@usc.edu
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- parse-hipaa Public template
HIPAA & GDPR compliant ready parse-server with postgres/mongo, parse-hipaa-dashboard. Compatible with ParseCareKit
netreconlab/parse-hipaa’s past year of commit activity - Parse-Swift Public Forked from parse-community/Parse-Swift
The original (OG) Swift SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS, Linux, Android, Windows). This repo is maintained by Parse-Swift's original developer and all new features and bug fixes will occur here.
netreconlab/Parse-Swift’s past year of commit activity - CareKitSample-ParseCareKit Public template
An example SwiftUI CareKit app that auto synchronizes iOS/watchOS to the cloud via ParseCareKit and parse-hipaa
netreconlab/CareKitSample-ParseCareKit’s past year of commit activity - CareKitEssentials Public
Provides essential cards, views, models, protocols, and extensions to expedite building CareKit based applications.
netreconlab/CareKitEssentials’s past year of commit activity - ResearchKit Public Forked from ResearchKit/ResearchKit
ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
netreconlab/ResearchKit’s past year of commit activity