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An opensource photo booth kiosk application created with Flutter


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MomentoBooth is a cross-platform open source photo booth software. Capture your events in an easy and fun way!

Download from GitHub

Check the online documentation at


  • Single capture
  • Multi-capture
    Shoot 4 photos and then select the ones you like to for a collage of 1, 2, 3, or 4 photos
  • User friendly touch-centered interface
  • Photo printing
    Lots of settings included to size and position your print well
  • Photo sharing using ffsend QR code
  • Theming with collage template images (background and foreground)
  • Webcam live view and capture support
    • Use HDMI capture dongles that act as a webcam
    • Use any cameras that support live view over USB through libgphoto2
  • Camera capture support
    • With Sony Imaging Edge Remote using AutoIt
    • Capture using a camera that supports capture over USB through libgphoto2
  • Statistics
  • Clear settings panel
  • Gallery with created images
    • Re-print or -share
  • Manual collage creation for untethered handheld shooting
  • Beautiful animations


  • Linux Flatpak distribution (x86_64 and arm64)
  • Windows arm64 distribution (waiting for public GitHub Actions runners)




On Windows:
  • Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools

    • Optional: A full Visual Studio 2022 install
    • Make sure to select "Desktop development with C++" on the Workloads tab when installing
  • Rust

    • Install using rustup is recommended, to keep all components up to date
    • Make sure to install/configure with default options (MSVC host, target and toolchain)
  • MSYS2

    • Install using the instructions on the MSYS2 website
    • Install the following packages: mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-pkgconf mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-libgphoto2 mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-gexiv2 mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-curl-winssl mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-nghttp2 mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-nghttp3
    • Make sure {MSYS_INSTALL_PATH}\clang64\bin is in your PATH (before other folders that also provide pkg-config/pkgconf)
    • As of now MSVC is not able to find the lib[name].dll.a libraries for linking, as such we have to make copies of the lib[name].dll.a files and rename them to [name].lib:
      cd $MSYS_INSTALL_PATH\clang64\lib
      cp libgexiv2.dll.a gexiv2.lib
      cp libexiv2.dll.a exiv2.lib
      cp libgio-2.0.dll.a gio-2.0.lib
      cp libglib-2.0.dll.a glib-2.0.lib
      cp libgobject-2.0.dll.a gobject-2.0.lib
      cp libgphoto2.dll.a gphoto2.lib
      cp libgphoto2_port.dll.a gphoto2_port.lib
      cp libintl.dll.a intl.lib
On macOS:
  • Xcode
    • Install using App Store is recommended, to keep it up to date
  • Rust (aarch64-apple-darwin and x86_64-apple-darwin targets)
    • Install using rustup is recommended, to keep all components up to date
On Linux:
  • This list of packages from the Flutter website
    • The install command provided by the Flutter website may only work on Ubuntu, please check your distro website for the corresponding package names
  • Additional packages: llvm, libssl-dev, libdigest-sha-perl, libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • Rust (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu or aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu depending on your architecture)
    • Install using rustup is recommended, to keep all components up to date
All platforms:
  • flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
    • Install using Cargo: cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen --version 2.9.0
  • Flutter SDK 3.29.0+
    • Be sure that the flutter command is available globally as flutter_rust_bridge_codegen needs it
      This is especially important when using Flutter SDK managers like asdf or fvm
  • Optional: For building the documentation mdBook and some extensions for mdBook are needed
    • Install using Cargo: cargo install mdbook mdbook-mermaid mdbook-admonish
  • Be sure to read the docs for troubleshooting and workarounds

For all languages, frameworks and tools, we support the latest versions.

Build steps

Using just (recommended)

Please note: This method expects global fvm to be available and just.

  1. Run just from the root folder of the repository
  2. Run flutter run or use your IDE to run the application



Please note: Run all commands from the root folder of the repository, unless mentioned otherwise.

  1. Run flutter gen-l10n
  2. Run flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate:
    • Note: Make sure to re-run this command if you changed anything in the Rust subproject
  3. Run flutter run or use your IDE to run the application
    • Note: This will automatically build the Rust subproject before building the Flutter project, so no need to worry about that!

Some additional notes

  • If you have changed any code in the Dart or Rust project that could change the generated bridging code, you should re-run the flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate or just gen-bridge command
    • You can also run flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate --watch or just watch-bridge to automatically regenerate the bridging code when you save a file
  • If you have changed any code related to JSON or TOML serialization, or MobX, you should re-run the dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs or just gen-code command
    • You can also run dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs or just watch-code to automatically regenerate the code when you save a file
  • If you have changed any code related to the localization, you should re-run the flutter gen-l10n of just gen-l10n command
Adding a new screen using the VS Code extension Template:
  1. Make sure to have the Template extension installed
  2. Right click the views folder in VS Code Explorer
  3. Click Template: Create New (with rename), pick the view template
  4. Pick a name, enter it in {snake_case}_screen format (e.g. settings_screen or email_photo_screen), press Enter
  5. Your new view should be available!