I am working as a postdoctoral scientist and teaching assistant at the ETH Zürich, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry in the group of Geosensors and Engineering Geodesy led by Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser.
- Homepage is available here 🔗.
- CV is available here 🔗.
- All personal links (linktree) are available here 🔗.
Interested in academic or industry collaboration?
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You wish to assist in making lists more useful, complete and accurate? Please send me an e-mail 📧.
- Job opportunities in geosciences and geospatial industry 🔗
- Geospatial events (conferences, workshops) 🔗
- Geospatial sciences journals, mostly focused on geodetic, geomatics, geoinformatics, and geophysics 🔗
- Geospatial and geomatics industry blogs, magazines and websites 🔗
- Photogrammetry and LiDAR datasets (close-range images, aerial images, satellite images) to learn and master reality capture and 3D modelling 🔗
- Terrestrial, airborne and handheld laser scanners and software 🔗