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lkpatcher is a comprehensive Python tool and module designed for modifying and patching LK (Little Kernel) bootloader images. The utility offers flexibility along with an intuitive API for maximum control.

To use the library, Python 3.8 or higher is required. An alternative method is available via the web version, which is not open-source but offers the same functionality with a GUI.


sudo apt install python3-pip # If you don't have pip installed.
pip3 install --upgrade pip   # If pip hasn't been updated yet.
pip3 install --upgrade git+


Windows users should omit the first two command(s) and install Python manually from here.

Basic Usage

python3 -m lkpatcher [-h] [options] bootloader_image

Command-line Options

Main Options:

-o, --output FILE           Path to the output patched image
-c, --config FILE           Path to configuration file (JSON)
-j, --json-patches FILE     Path to JSON file with custom patches

Operational Modes:

-l, --list-partitions       List all partitions in the bootloader image
-d, --dump-partition NAME   Dump partition with NAME to a file
-i, --partition-info NAME   Display detailed information about partition NAME
--dry-run                   Perform a dry run without writing changes
--export-config FILE        Export default configuration to FILE and exit

Patch Control:

--category CATEGORY         Patch category to apply (can be used multiple times)
--exclude CATEGORY          Patch category to exclude (can be used multiple times)

Backup Options:

--backup                    Create a backup before patching
--backup-dir DIR            Directory to store backups

Logging Options:

--log-level LEVEL           Set logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
--log-file FILE             Log to specified file in addition to console


-v, --version               Show version information and exit
-h, --help                  Show help message and exit


# Basic patching with default settings
python3 -m lkpatcher lk.img

# Specify output file
python3 -m lkpatcher lk.img -o patched.img

# Use custom configuration and patches
python3 -m lkpatcher lk.img -c config.json -j patches.json

# List partitions in an image
python3 -m lkpatcher lk.img --list-partitions

# Dump a specific partition
python3 -m lkpatcher lk.img -d lk

# Apply only specific patch categories
python3 -m lkpatcher lk.img --category fastboot --category dm_verity

# Export default configuration
python3 -m lkpatcher --export-config config.json

Using as a Library

You can use lkpatcher in your own projects:

from lkpatcher.patcher import LkPatcher
from lkpatcher.config import PatcherConfig

# Create a custom configuration (optional)
config = PatcherConfig()
config.log_level = "DEBUG"
config.backup = True
config.patch_categories = {"fastboot", "dm_verity"}  # Only apply these categories

# Create the patcher object
patcher = LkPatcher(

# List available partitions
partitions = patcher.image.get_partition_list()
print(f"Available partitions: {partitions}")

# Apply patches and save the result
output_path = patcher.patch(output='lk-patched.bin')

# Extract all partitions to a directory

# Analyze the image
analysis = patcher.analyze_image()

Patch Files

Patch files are JSON files containing categories of binary patches to apply. Each patch consists of a "needle" (bytes to find) and a "patch" (replacement bytes).

Example patch file:

    "mode": "update",
    "fastboot": {
        "2de9f04fadf5ac5d": "00207047"
    "dm_verity": {
        "30b583b002ab0022": "00207047"

The mode can be:

  • update: Add/update patches while keeping defaults (default)
  • replace: Replace all default patches with only those in the file


You can customize behavior through a JSON configuration file:

    "log_level": "INFO",
    "backup": true,
    "backup_dir": "./backups",
    "verify_patch": true,
    "allow_incomplete": true,
    "dry_run": false,
    "patch_categories": ["fastboot", "dm_verity"],
    "exclude_categories": []

Important Notes

  • To successfully boot patched images, unlock seccfg using mtkclient.
  • Create backups of your existing images before patching. You are responsible for any damage to your device.
  • If your device doesn't boot after unlocking with mtkclient, it likely uses SBC and is not supported.
  • For debugging issues, dump the expdb partition with mtkclient and open a new issue with the dump attached.
  • For device-specific patch requests, open a new issue with your LK image and the generated image.txt file.
  • To learn how these patches work and create your own, see the guide.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Streamline tool and module to patch bootloader (LK) images of MTK device(s).








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