- I am an undergraduate student majoring in psychology at Beijing Normal University
- He/Him, LGBT🌈
- I'm passionate about programming and work as a full-stack developer. I mostly work with
. You can find more on my Github. - My life motto is Unity of Knowledge and Action.
- I love reading manga. My favorite art styles are from the Japanese manga artist Kii Kanna and the Chinese manga artist Liang A Zha!
- I enjoy drawing. You can check out my works in my gallery.
- I collect BJD (Ball-Jointed Dolls). You can also see my dolls in my gallery.
- I enjoy spontaneous trips without over-planning. I dislike crowded places and strongly reject the idea of "military-style tourism."
- I like traditional Chinese-style and electronic music. Some of my favorite musicians or projects are Wangchuan Fenghua Lu, ChiliChill, Xiao Ye Dao, among others.
- Though I'm neither socially anxious nor shy, I'm an introverted person who dislikes attending large social events.
- My dream is to become an excellent psychotherapist and help more people!
- My favorite foods include: strawberries, matcha, squid, boneless chicken feet, and snowflake crisp.
- Foods I dislike: fennel (scarred by the terrible fennel dumplings at school).
- I'm a light Hanfu enthusiast but prefer "Han elements" clothing that can be worn daily.
- Politically, I lean towards social liberalism and aspire to make the world a better place~
- 就读于北京师范大学心理学部
- 性别男(生理+心理性别), 性取向男
- 喜欢看漫画, 画风最喜欢的日本漫画家是
Kii Kanna
! - 喜欢画画, 可以在我的相册里看到我的作品~
- 玩BJD, 可以在我的相册里看到我的娃们~
- 喜欢说走就走的旅行, 不喜欢过度计划的行程, 讨厌人太多的地方, 同时坚决拒绝"特种兵式旅行"
- 喜欢国风/电子音乐, 最喜欢的音乐人/音乐企划有
等 - 爱好编程, 从事全栈开发, 日常使用
语言, 详见我的Github - 人生信条是知行合一
- 虽然不社恐也不怕生, 但是一个内向的人, 不喜欢去一些很多人的社交活动
- 梦想是成为一个优秀的心理咨询师, 帮到更多的人!
- 喜欢吃的东西有:
- 不喜欢吃的东西有:
(被学校的茴香饺子难吃到了) - 轻度的汉服爱好者, 但是更喜欢那种可以日常穿的"汉元素"服装
- 政治观点上偏向
JavaScript | TypeScript | Go | Python | SQL | HTML5 | CSS3 |
React | Solid | Electron | Wails | Tauri | Next.js | Hono.js | Hexo |
Vite.js | Ant Design | Tailwind CSS |
Node.js | Deno | Bun | Cloudflare Workers | Vercel |
Git | Docker | MongoDB | Puppeteer | Supabase | Playwright |