- Remote, Kerala 🌴
- maskybizz@gmail.com
- @thedvlpr
- https://Kiranfolio.vercel.app
Admin Dashboard Starter with Nextjs15 and shadcn ui
next-resume-ai Public
A resume generator with Nextjs and React Pdf
react-shadcn-dashboard-starter Public template
Admin Dashboard Starter with React + Vite and Shadcn Ui
Thalaforareason Public
This app is made with love, dedicated to India's legendary captain, Ms. Dhoni.
Next-auth-custom-backend Public
Next.js app setup when you've got a separate backend server and Next.js as your frontend!
lenster Public
Forked from heyverse/heyLenster is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol 🌿
turbo-ecom Public
A Turbo monorepo e-commerce project with admin and user apps, sharing a common database, Prisma schema, and Shadcn UI components across apps.
codeFlow Public
Animate your code snippet easily
ente Public
Forked from ente-io/enteFully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos
job-board Public
Develop a CRUD application for a job listing board as a part of an assessment using React with TypeScript, incorporating a mock API and styling with Tailwind CSS.
chat-with-pdf Public
ChatWithPDF is a cutting-edge platform that enhances PDF functionality. Users can upload PDFs, extract summaries, and get answers to questions. It features an attractive UI with shadcn and Tailwind…
commerce Public
Forked from vercel/commerceNext.js Commerce
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2023 -
board Public
This project is a dashboard application built using React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and NextAuth.js for authentication. It provides a pixel-perfect replica of the design provided, with responsive UI …
cal.com Public
Forked from calcom/cal.comScheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
Taiyo-ts Public
This is a contact management app built with ReactJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React Router v6, and React Query. It includes features such as adding new contacts, displaying a list of contacts, edit…
project_shareme_social_media Public
Forked from adrianhajdin/project_shareme_social_mediaImage Sharing Social Media App
night-watchers-vscode-theme Public
🌌 NIGHT WATCHERS: A VS Code dark theme for contrast for night and daytime coding, 🎃