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Those files need to be in ~/.config/alacritty/ or in one of the other places alacritty checks for its config file. Also make sure you change the path of the home directory within the alacritty config.


That will need to be placed in ~/.config/neofetch/


The fish config relies on Starship. Please install it before attempting to use that config file. I also use Figlet, which is likely in your repositories, just make sure you have that too and change the text it outputs, or if you don't want it at all; just get rid of it.


Run mkdir -p ~/.vim ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/backup ~/.vim/color ~/.vim/plugged in your terminal then run curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ which will give you my plugin manager. Then you can run :source .vimrc then run :PlugInstall within vim, which will install my plugins. You'll then want to follow the steps for the Dracula color scheme for vim, and do what it says. Now you're done!


To use my config with neovim, just create a symlink from .vimrc to init.vim with sudo ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim and copy plugged from vim to neovim with cp ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim and you should be good to go!


It uses Zapped for plugin management.

Most of my configs use the Catppuccin color scheme. Please check them out!