R package for analyzing polyA tails after dorado basecalling. Dorado allows polyA estimation.
The command to perform basecalling for TAILcaller to work correctly.
~/dorado-0.8.1-linux-x64/bin/dorado basecaller sup --reference transcriptome.fasta --estimate-poly-a pod5s/ > CONTROL.bam
To use all features of the program, you will need several libraries.
The get_polyA() function is the main function of the package, which extracts polyA tail information from a BAM file.
bamfile1 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile2 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile3 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile4 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile5 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile6 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile7 <- "path/to/bam"
bamfile8 <- "path/to/bam"
samples_table <- data.frame(bam_path = c(bamfile1,bamfile2,bamfile3,bamfile4,bamfile5,bamfile6,bamfile7,bamfile8),
sample_name = c("condition1.1","condition1.2","condition1.3","condition1.4","condition2.1","condition2.2","condition2.3","condition2.4"),
group = c("condition1","condition1","condition1","condition1","condition2","condition2","condition2","condition2"))
TAILcaller::get_polyA(samples_table = samples_table)
The get_gene_id function links transcripts to genes, which is useful for performing significance analysis at the transcript or gene level.
Please ensure the uniqueness of the transcript_id names to avoid duplicating results, and make sure to retain two columns: one with gene_id and the other with transcript_id.
gtf <- import.gff("path/to/gtf/file")
gtf <- as.data.frame(gtf)
TAILcaller::get_gene_id(polyA_table=tabela,gtf_file = gtf,transcript_column_gtf = "transcript_id",gene_column_gtf = "gene_id")
The count_molecules function allows counting the number of molecules (at the transcript level, which_level = column with transcripts, or at the gene level, which_level = column with genes) in groups (grouping_factor = "group").
TAILcaller::count_molecules(polyA_table = get_gene_id_out,grouping_factor="group",which_level="transcript_id")
The calculate_statistics function performs the Wilcoxon test, p-value adjustment (FDR), Cohen's d test, and log2 fold change calculation. The function requires a table with polyA tail values. It is possible to calculate statistics for genes if you define polyA_table as the output table from the get_gene_id function. The grouping factor is the column that distinguishes the samples. The which_level argument should be assigned to the column containing transcript or gene identifiers. control_group and treated_group are the names of the groups in "" that correspond to those in the grouping_factor column (defined earlier).
TAILcaller::calculate_statistics(polyA_table = get_gene_id_out,grouping_factor = "group",which_level = "gene_id",control_group = "condition1",treated_group = "condition2")
For n > 2, the calculate_kruskal_polyA() function has been prepared.
TAILcaller::calculate_kruskal_polyA(polyA_table = get_gene_id_out,grouping_factor = "sample_name",which_level = "gene_id")
TAILcaller allows the user to create a volcano plot.
TAILcaller::volcano_polyA(calculate_statistics_out = calculate_statistics_out)
TAILcaller allows the user to create a MA plot.
TAILcaller::maplot_polyA(calculate_statistics_out = calculate_statistics_out)
TAILcaller allows the user to create a density plot. The user can choose whether to display the median (stats = "median") or the mean (stats = "mean"). The density_plot function executes a global Wilcoxon statistical test for n = 2 and a Kruskal-Wallis test for n > 2.
TAILcaller::plot_density(polyA_table = polyA_table,stats = "mean",grouping_column = "group")
The user can create a matrix based on the table from the count_molecules function. The statistics can be "count" (expression), "avg_polyA_length" (mean), or "median_polyA_length" (median). If the user wants to count values for transcripts (which_level="transcript_id"), they should specify this. If counting for genes, they should use which_level="gene_id".
count_molecules_out <- TAILcaller::count_molecules(polyA_table = get_gene_id_out,grouping_factor="sample_name",which_level="gene_id")
TAILcaller::get_matrix(count_molecules_out = count_molecules_out,grouping_factor = "sample_name",which_level = "gene_id",statistic = "median_polyA_length")
The user can perform PCA based on the output from the get_matrix() function.
TAILcaller::PCA_polyA(get_matrix_out = get_matrix_out,samples_table = samples_table,grouping_factor = "group")
The user can generate a heatmap based on an interval matrix (select = "base") or a normalized matrix (based on percentages, select = "normalized"), which are created within the polyA_heatmap function. Additionally, it is possible to perform clustering (phylogenetic tree) based on the heatmap.
res <- TAILcaller::polyA_heatmap(polyA_table = polyA_table,grouping_factor = "sample_name",frame = 10,select="base")