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The Viruses Portal

The capsid of SV40, an icosahedral virus
The capsid of SV40, an icosahedral virus

Viruses are small infectious agents that can replicate only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all forms of life, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and archaea. They are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and are the most abundant type of biological entity, with millions of different types, although only about 6,000 viruses have been described in detail. Some viruses cause disease in humans, and others are responsible for economically important diseases of livestock and crops.

Virus particles (known as virions) consist of genetic material, which can be either DNA or RNA, wrapped in a protein coat called the capsid; some viruses also have an outer lipid envelope. The capsid can take simple helical or icosahedral forms, or more complex structures. The average virus is about 1/100 the size of the average bacterium, and most are too small to be seen directly with an optical microscope.

The origins of viruses are unclear: some may have evolved from plasmids, others from bacteria. Viruses are sometimes considered to be a life form, because they carry genetic material, reproduce and evolve through natural selection. However they lack key characteristics (such as cell structure) that are generally considered necessary to count as life. Because they possess some but not all such qualities, viruses have been described as "organisms at the edge of life".

Selected disease

Tonsil biopsy in vCJD, with immunostaining showing prion protein

Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, or vCJD, is a rare type of central nervous system disease within the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy family, caused by a prion. First identified in 1996, vCJD is now distinguished from classic CJD. The incubation period is believed to be years, possibly over 50 years. Prion protein can be detected in appendix and lymphoid tissue (pictured) up to two years before the onset of neurological symptoms, which include psychiatric problems, behavioural changes and painful sensations. Abnormal prion proteins build up as amyloid deposits in the brain, which acquires a characteristic spongiform appearance, with many round vacuoles in the cerebellum and cerebrum. The average life expectancy after symptoms start is 13 months.

About 170 cases have been recorded in the UK, and 50 cases in the rest of the world. The estimated prevalence in the UK is about 1 in 2000, higher than the reported cases. Transmission is believed to be mainly from consuming beef contaminated with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy prion, but may potentially also occur via blood products or contaminated surgical equipment. Infection is also believed to require a specific genetic susceptibility in the PRNP-encoding gene. Human PRNP protein can have either methionine or valine at position 129; nearly all of those affected had two copies of the methionine-containing form, found in 40% of Caucasians.

Selected image

Ribbon diagram showing the stalk of influenza C haemagglutinin

Haemagglutinin, a glycoprotein trimer on the influenza virus envelope, binds to the sialic acid-containing receptor on the host cell. After the virus has been engulfed into an endosome, it changes configuration, causing the viral and endosomal membranes to fuse, releasing the viral genome into the cytoplasm.

Credit: Jawahar Swaminathan (EBI) (16 November 2008)

In the news

Map showing the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 cases; black: highest prevalence; dark red to pink: decreasing prevalence; grey: no recorded cases or no data
Map showing the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 cases; black: highest prevalence; dark red to pink: decreasing prevalence; grey: no recorded cases or no data

26 February: In the ongoing pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), more than 110 million confirmed cases, including 2.5 million deaths, have been documented globally since the outbreak began in December 2019. WHO

18 February: Seven asymptomatic cases of avian influenza A subtype H5N8, the first documented H5N8 cases in humans, are reported in Astrakhan Oblast, Russia, after more than 100,0000 hens died on a poultry farm in December. WHO

14 February: Seven cases of Ebola virus disease are reported in Gouécké, south-east Guinea. WHO

7 February: A case of Ebola virus disease is detected in North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. WHO

4 February: An outbreak of Rift Valley fever is ongoing in Kenya, with 32 human cases, including 11 deaths, since the outbreak started in November. WHO

21 November: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives emergency-use authorisation to casirivimab/imdevimab, a combination monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy for non-hospitalised people twelve years and over with mild-to-moderate COVID-19, after granting emergency-use authorisation to the single mAb bamlanivimab earlier in the month. FDA 1, 2

18 November: The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Équateur Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, which started in June, has been declared over; a total of 130 cases were recorded, with 55 deaths. UN

Selected article

Child receiving oral polio vaccine in India
Child receiving oral polio vaccine in India

Vaccination or immunisation is the administration of immunogenic material (a vaccine) to stimulate an individual's immune system to develop adaptive immunity to a virus or other pathogen, and so develop protection against an infectious disease. The active agent of a vaccine may be intact but inactivated or weakened forms of the pathogen, or purified highly immunogenic components, such as viral envelope proteins. Smallpox was the first disease for which a vaccine was produced, by Edward Jenner in 1796.

Vaccination is the most effective method of preventing infectious diseases and can also ameliorate the symptoms of infection. When a sufficiently high proportion of a population has been vaccinated, herd immunity results. Widespread immunity due to mass vaccination is largely responsible for the worldwide eradication of smallpox and the elimination of diseases such as polio from much of the world. Since their inception, vaccination efforts have met with objections on scientific, ethical, political, medical safety and religious grounds, and the World Health Organization considers vaccine hesitancy an important threat to global health.

Selected outbreak

Notice prohibiting access to the North Yorkshire moors during the outbreak

The 2001 foot-and-mouth outbreak included 2,000 cases of the disease in cattle and sheep across the UK. The source was a Northumberland farm where pigs had been fed infected meat that had not been adequately sterilised. The initial cases were reported in February. The disease was concentrated in western and northern England, southern Scotland and Wales, with Cumbria being the worst-affected area. A small outbreak occurred in the Netherlands, and there were a few cases elsewhere in Europe.

The UK outbreak was controlled by the beginning of October. Control measures included stopping livestock movement and slaughtering over 6 million cows and sheep. Public access to farmland and moorland was also restricted (pictured), greatly reducing tourism in affected areas, particularly in the Lake District. Vaccination was used in the Netherlands, but not in the UK due to concerns that vaccinated livestock could not be exported. The outbreak cost an estimated £8 billion in the UK.

Selected quotation

Viruses & Subviral agents: bat virome • elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus • HIV • introduction to viruses • Playa de Oro virus • poliovirus • prion • rotavirus • virus

Diseases: colony collapse disorder • common cold • croup • dengue fever • gastroenteritis • Guillain–Barré syndrome • hepatitis B • hepatitis C • hepatitis E • herpes simplex • HIV/AIDS • influenza • meningitis • myxomatosis • polio • pneumonia • shingles • smallpox

Epidemiology & Interventions: 2007 Bernard Matthews H5N1 outbreak • Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations • Disease X • 2009 flu pandemic • HIV/AIDS in Malawi • polio vaccine • Spanish flu • West African Ebola virus epidemic

Virus–Host interactions: antibody • host • immune system • parasitism • RNA interference

Methodology: metagenomics

Social & Media: And the Band Played On • Contagion • "Flu Season" • Frank's Cock • Race Against Time: Searching for Hope in AIDS-Ravaged Africa • social history of viruses • "Steve Burdick" • "The Time Is Now" • "What Lies Below"

People: Brownie Mary • Macfarlane Burnet • Bobbi Campbell • Aniru Conteh • people with hepatitis C • HIV-positive people • Bette Korber • Henrietta Lacks • Linda Laubenstein • Barbara McClintock • poliomyelitis survivors • Joseph Sonnabend • Eli Todd • Ryan White

Selected virus

Structure of adeno-associated virus serotype 2

Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are two small DNA viruses in the Dependoparvovirus genus of the Parvoviridae family. They cannot complete their lytic replication cycle without a helper virus, which include adenoviruses, herpesviruses and vaccinia. In the absence of the helper, AAVs can integrate into the host genome at a specific site on human chromosome 19, or persist as an episome. The 20 nm icosahedral capsid lacks an envelope, and contains a single-stranded DNA genome of around 4.7 kb. AAVs infect humans and some other primates without causing disease. They generate only a mild immune response, including neutralising antibodies. The best-studied of the 11 serotypes, AAV-2, infects nerve cells, liver cells, skeletal muscle and vascular smooth muscle, using heparan sulphate proteoglycan as its primary receptor.

Its low pathogenicity makes AAV an attractive basis for viral vectors for gene therapy. Alipogene tiparvovec to treat lipoprotein lipase deficiency was the first gene therapy to be licensed, but was later withdrawn. Promising results have been obtained in early clinical trials with AAV-based gene therapy in haemophilia, congestive heart failure, spinal muscular atrophy, Parkinson's disease and the rare eye disease Leber congenital amaurosis.

Did you know?

Ribosome (green) translating mRNA into a polypeptide

Selected biography

Rosalind Elsie Franklin (25 July 1920 – 16 April 1958) was a British biophysicist and X-ray crystallographer who made critical contributions to the understanding of the fine molecular structures of DNA, RNA and viruses.

Franklin led pioneering research on the structure of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), a rod-like RNA virus, using X-ray crystallography. She first showed that, contrary to contemporary opinion, TMV virus particles were all of the same length. With Kenneth Holmes, she showed the virus's coat is composed of protein molecules arranged in helices. She designed and built a model of the virus to be exhibited at the 1958 World's Fair. She speculated that the virus is hollow, and correctly hypothesized that the RNA of TMV is single-stranded. Her work, together with that of Donald Caspar, revealed that the viral RNA is wound along the inner surface of the hollow virus. Her laboratory, which also included Aaron Klug, studied other plant viruses, including turnip yellow mosaic virus and viruses infecting potato, tomato and pea. Franklin also worked on icosahedral animal viruses, including poliovirus.

Franklin is commemorated in the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

In this month

Diagram of the human rhinovirus capsid

1 September 1910: Peyton Rous shows that a sarcoma of chickens, subsequently associated with Rous sarcoma virus, is transmissible

3 September 1917: Discovery of bacteriophage of Shigella by Félix d'Herelle

8 September 1976: Death of Mabalo Lokela, the first known case of Ebola virus

8 September 2015: Discovery of giant virus Mollivirus sibericum in Siberian permafrost

11 September 1978: Janet Parker was the last person to die of smallpox

12 September 1957: Interferon discovered by Alick Isaacs and Jean Lindenmann

12 September 1985: Structure of human rhinovirus 14 (pictured) solved by Michael Rossmann and colleagues, the first atomic-level structure of an animal virus

17 September 1999: Jesse Gelsinger died in a clinical trial of gene therapy using an adenovirus vector, the first known death due to gene therapy

20 September 2015: Wild poliovirus type 2 declared eradicated

26 September 1997: Combivir (zidovudine/lamivudine) approved; first combination antiretroviral

27 September 1985: Structure of poliovirus solved by Jim Hogle and colleagues

28 September 2007: First World Rabies Day is held

Selected intervention

Ball-and-stick model of aciclovir

Aciclovir (also acyclovir and sold as Zovirax) is a nucleoside analogue that mimics the nucleoside guanosine. It is active against most viruses in the herpesvirus family, and is mainly used to treat herpes simplex virus infections, chickenpox and shingles. After phosphorylation by viral thymidine kinase and cellular enzymes, the drug inhibits the viral DNA polymerase. Extremely selective and low in cytotoxicity, it was seen as the start of a new era in antiviral therapy. Aciclovir was discovered by Howard Schaeffer and colleagues, and developed by Schaeffer and Gertrude Elion, who was awarded the 1988 Nobel Prize in Medicine in part for its development. Nucleosides isolated from a Caribbean sponge, Cryptotethya crypta, formed the basis for its synthesis. Aciclovir differs from earlier nucleoside analogues in containing only a partial nucleoside structure: the sugar ring is replaced with an open chain. Resistance to the drug is rare in people with a normal immune system.



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