“Most awesome guy who ever lived.”
“His name is Henry.”
“The only person who could match up with me in video games.”
“Pretty gay person.”
Henry's awesomeness is superior!
He made up Captain Randomness! =D Puure ownage.
ItsHenryYay's Contributions to[edit | edit source]
Contributed to the article The Game of Life
“I've already beaten it”
“It's life!”
“I hate this game.”
“We're taking over it!”
“It's easy brainwashing these n00bs here!”
“It's on sale here! Only $1199.99!”
The Score Card
- Being a fucktard - Minus 934819 points
- Making an Alternate account - Are you the admin? +100 points
- PMing the admin - -1 point for every pointless message, +0.000000001 point for every pointful message, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 if you make him go ROFL!
- Playing Guitar Hero 3 and actually beating every song - You have no life... -99999999999 points
- Killing the GMs BEFORE they shoot you - Minus 1000000 points
- Killing the GMs AFTER they shot you and you got hit - HACKER (if your not, then 89525415618451 points for you!)
- Breathing - -1 point for every second you breath
- Not Breathing - 100 points for every minute! 0.0005 points for every second.
- If you are AAA - YOU BEAT THE FUCKING GAME! +9999999999 * 4827123908573489578920^4 + 234918e+18
- If you use Windows - -900,000 points + BSoD
- If you enjoy - 3p1c ph417 n00bzz
- Using instead of wikipedia for all your research - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bajillion points + 20 majilion more points for everytime you visit it.
His intelligence in contributing to the article Death is superior! This wasn't created by him...
“98% of people die in their lifetime.”
But Henry followed up with...
“And the other 2 percent, people stop living in their lifetime”
Don't forget his follow up in windows
This was before
“Keyboard not detected. Press any key to continue.”
This was the amazing follow up!
“Mouse not detected. Click OK to continue.”
Please don't forget...
“I beat this article, it was WAAAAYYYY too easy.”
For the AAA
- ) This is how awesome he is.