Gone on a date during this Valentines, but oh no? Where's your partner? You tried sending texts, or even calling your mate but there's a lot of crowd on the street, restaurants & you can't really see or hear your near ones 😢 We know it feels disgusting, & that's why we made something for you 😌
What it does
Our project "Near You" is your personal internet-less compass which helps you find your close ones easily! 💕. It rocks ESP8266 NodeMCU modules where we setup specific Access Points for every UID's and create a network mesh that mimics a Master-Slave communication concept between 2 or more MCU's. For the power supply, the MCU can be operated via both smartphones as well as Mobile banks. In this way, we get a scope to scan our near one's position as well as direction without the need of Web or specifically, GPS 📍
How we built it
Our project is crafted with ❤️. This time we have gone beyond our thoughts & thus we gave a shot on a hardware-specific hack. Our project is powered by ESP8266 NodeMCU module(s). For the power source, the MCU can be operated via both smartphones as well as Mobile banks. Moreover, it's integrated with other user-specific features like, added ds18b20 sensor where we also get to know about the temperature status of the person staying on the other end. The whole setup is done on a breadboard with a buzzer embedded in it. Red LED lights are used for the signal strength status.
Challenges we ran into
Our biggest challenge was the unavailability of parts. Not to mention, it was also a tad difficult for us to collaborate in a virtual setting, mainly because it's a hardware-based hack, but we somehow managed to finish the project on time.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We are proud of finishing the project on time which seemed like a tough task initially but happily were also able to add most of the features that we envisioned for the app during ideation.
What we learned
A lot of things, both summed up in technical & non-technical sides. This was our 1st Hardware Specific Hack, so we're quite happy about finishing the project on time. Also not to mention, we enhanced our googling and Stackoverflow searching skill during the hackathon 😆
What's next for Near You
Although this project is made for fun, we targetted a real issue that is prominent in various parts of not only the country but also the world. We just really want this project to have a positive impact on people's lives! Still, we would love to include many more features like adding Lora module to it, increasing security etc. so that the user experience improves & hence the interaction increases to a great extent :)
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