Nintendo’s new 3DS title, Tomodachi Life, is a tough game to explain. It’s not so much a game as it is a charmingly odd, personal experience. It’s essentially Animal Crossing meets The Sims with a dash of WarioWare to keep things interesting. In TL, players populate their personalized island with Miis, which they create from scratch, or transfer from Mii Maker. Much like The Sims, players are encouraged to make Miis of their friends and loved ones to make the experience far more personal and engaging.
Before a Mii can roam the island, players must determine their name, nickname, birthday, designation as a “Grown-Up or Kid”, and voice, but good luck getting them to sound like anything other than Microsoft Sam. Next comes the most critical factor determining how a Mii will get along with the other islanders: personality. There are four basic personality types, each with 4 sub-types, making sixteen unique personalities in all. How you rate the Mii in five simple categories (Movement, Speech, Expressiveness, Attitude, and Overall) determines they’re personality. The only problem with this simplified system is it can very easily misrepresent reality, potentially dubbing the Mii of your most dimwitted friend as a “Brainiac”! But have no fear, fellow perfectionists! By following this trusty guide, you’ll be sure to get the personality you’re looking for.
While the following responses will yield the personalities indicated, there is a bit of wiggle room. If, in your heart of hearts, you know you’re friend Bob is only “pretty quirky” and not “extremely quirky”, relax. You’ll still probably get the personality you are looking for. If not, you can always go back and change your answers at any time.
Easygoing Dreamer

Easygoing Optimist

Easygoing Buddy

Easygoing Softie

Outgoing Trendsetter

Outgoing Entertainer

Outgoing Charmer

Outgoing Leader

Independent Free Spirit

Independent Artist

Independent Lone Wolf

Independent Thinker

Confident Designer

Confident Braniac

Confident Adventurer

Confident Go-Getter

Here’s to living the Tomodachi Life!
Tell us: What kind of Tomodachi life are YOU going to live? Sound off in the comments below!
[…] determine how the game goes therefore you have to be careful when creating them. Here are the Tomodachi life guides for creating a perfect […]
This saved me, I’m tired of being called an extrovert with social anxiety :’)
This helped me alot. My mii was a designer and now it’s an artist!
Haha awesome! Happy we could help. You really like Tomodachi?
awesome this helped me a lot in getting the personalities i want 5/5 stars
I am an Outgoing Charmer ingame
I love Tomodachi life mainly because I can make charecters from other games. This helps ALOT!!!!
[…] (If you’re a Tomodachi Life fan, make sure to check out our Personality Guide!) […]